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Everything posted by craigb

  1. The nerd (and lighting enthusiast!) that I am thought this video was awesome! ?
  2. Everyone who has heard of the "27 Club" wants to stay at 26 in the music industry. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/27_Club
  3. Figured it out. The original image had the words "Monitors" followed by "ExWife" and all the censor bot saw was the last letter of the first word and the first two of the second word! SMH...
  4. Had to change the name of the image! What the heck??? ?
  5. Well, I quoted Dave, then added an image and... it's been hidden for 23 hours "pending approval!" Now, I don't even see the hidden version, so I assume that it was simply deleted? No idea what triggered the censor bot either! I'll try posting the image by itself next and see if it's my image link (or maybe I'm not allowed to quote a moderator? LOL! ?).
  6. Why is Greg making so many duplicate posts? ?
  7. When I did IT consulting I remember doing the same thing (except for the bowl)! Eliminating every possible option only to finally get to the point that the CAT6 cable had gone bad. It's actually a good exercise for n00bs to help them really learn all the signal paths and how things work though! ?
  8. Paulo expands nonsense into science!
  9. The real reason you can't spell out co caine (?) is so the anti-spam bots can stop those trying to sell it.
  10. I just typed in four asterisks and the forum turned it into **** whaaa??! ? ?
  11. I'm shocked that "bloopers" isn't being censored!!! ? ?
  12. It was at a Guitar Center demonstration that I first saw Cakewalk v1.0 waaaaaaay back in the mid-1980's!
  13. But, what is the sound of one Mooch flapping? ? (And, yes, I know my joke is based on Chinese philosophy, not Hindu! ???)
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