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Posts posted by craigb

  1. Ok, after downloading the correct samples, here's my initial assessment.  Sample A is nice and clear, samples C and D are a tiny bit brighter but pretty much the same and B has a good bit more presence and brightness (a tad too much for my preference).


    Not sure if that helps but, if it doesn't then, here, have some becan! ?



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  2. 13 hours ago, Gswitz said:






    I recorded a ribbon mic and a small diaphragm condenser. I used the identical guitar passage re-amped. I used the identical analog to digital converter. The only difference was the preamps. On both preamps, I used the high-pass filter set around the same place. I didn't move the mics between the two; I only unplugged the mics from one pre and plugged them into the other.

    Then I normalized the tracks to -3 dB.

    The ldc was recorded at high impedance on the Audient ASP 880 which is 2800 Ohms.

    The ribbon on the Audient was recorded at low impedance or 220 Ohms.

    On the Neve, both had an input impedance of 9600 or so.

    What do you think?

    I think they all sound the same since every link goes to the same sample (A).  I've changing the URL and saving each to take a listen, but thought I should point that out! ?

    • Like 1
  3. 8 hours ago, JohnG said:

    Mark you it's quite a bit of work to dismantle it all and reassemble it. But well within the bounds of a moderately skilled screwdriver twiddler.

    Ohhh, yeah!  You've gotta love having to pull rubber feet and sometimes stickers off to get to hidden screws!  I find it best to have a YouTube video going that shows all the many places you have to look while I'm working.  It cuts down on the damage! ?

  4. Ok, to be fair, I read the article (it was good and I understood it).  I also listened to all of your "tunes" which are actually more like brief intros.  I liked most of them as such, but I would suggest taking basic lessons so you can continue them and turn them into actual songs.

    Most babies make all sorts of sounds and noises that make them happy but, other than convey the baby's general mood, they lack the alphabet, words, spelling, sentence structure and grammar to be adequately shared with others which would communicate far more.  Hence the suggestion to go learn music's alphabet, words, spelling, sentence structure and grammar.

    • Like 1
  5. Balanced cables used on unbalanced electronics might not only be a waste of money, it can also lead to some bizarre results (of the "not so good" variety).  You can probably guess how I learned this... LOL!


    One other tip which I rarely see due to the tediousness of using it or, for some, just the looks is this:

    Put all audio cables into aluminum conduits (aluminium for you Brits?) then wrap the power cables softly around the OUTSIDE of the conduit.  I did this with a living room where I had a really nice surround-sound system and over-head lights.  I had the conduit going up the corners of the walls and ceiling (both horizontally as well as vertically) and then I covered them with a nice crown-molding.  Although using the 90-degree rule works most of the time, it's almost impossible to do in a normal room setup.

    When I can finally have a nice studio again, I will definitely be incorporating the above!

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  6. Too many "professionals" and "experts" tend to out-think themselves.  IMO, if it sounds good, it IS good!  (This includes music reviews too.)

    Now, that said, just be sure you try the results with multiple output media.  Most of us have all created a mix that sounds great while wearing headphones only to be sorely disappointed when we play it on decent speakers or in the car! ?

  7. 6 hours ago, Gswitz said:

    I looked closely at making my own cables but decided that for me it was ultimately cheaper to buy what i need.

    I use cables that don't crackle. I use the shortest cables reasonable for the task. I try not to walk on cables.

    I do have favorites.

    Regarding cabling, the best thing I've bought is a patch bay.  This gives me easy access to everything. I love it. I plug mics into pres but most of the cabling into my interface always stays the same.

    Heh, I used to have a patch bay in every rack (along with a Furman power conditioner)!


    Oh yeah, and my entire setup was balanced.

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