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Posts posted by craigb

  1. 1 hour ago, Rain said:

    According to Ann Rice, vampires are often quite fond of crucifixes.

    I've always been told I looked like a vampire. I fought against it for years and did all I could to get rid of the image. I'd be at work and someone would tell me the ladies across the hall referred to me as Dracula. So I figured it was easier to just embrace it. It makes people happy to be able to put a label on you, it reassures them. They've figured you out.

    As a result, they start believing that you have social skills so you don't really need to pay attention anymore. 

    Whatever you say Vlad! ?

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  2. That was nice!  But find the other 3/4 reel to reel so we can hear the whole thing! ?

    Definitely reminds me of those wonderful high-school garage band days though (think late-70's)... ?

    • Thanks 1
  3. 2 minutes ago, Wookiee said:

    @craigb as promised the free version of VCV Rack that will work as a VST plugin is called Cardinal. Just do an internet search for Cardinal modular synth for link's.

    Apologies for the delay been busy with other stuff.

    No problem Wookiee!  I'm sure I'll need delay (and reverb!) too... ?

    • Haha 1
  4. Nice!  Another famous one from there is Cheap Trick's Live At Budokan.

    That's my kind of piano in the beginning too.  If you like that as well, check out Keiko Matsui!  I've been playing her discography a lot lately.

    Here are two example albums from her:



    • Like 1
  5. 1 hour ago, mettelus said:

    This is an excellent point. Amazon Warehouse is where returns go, and a good chunk of them are "like new" and rated by condition.  I know for PreSonus specifically, they want a picture of the hardware S/N upon registration, which also entitles you to any included software associated with the gear (you need to research that to see what gear comes with when buying from the Warehouse... often it is a fair amount).

    My business partner and I had a third-party store on Amazon for a while.  Yes, they are as evil as people make them out to be!  VERY carnivorous!  Want something nice without having to pay for it?  (For those with no morals or ethics only...)  Just buy it, then take something newish that's laying around the house that you don't want and return that to Amazon saying "What the heck is this??? It's not what I ordered!" for a prompt and completely illegal refund.  Only the third-party sellers get screwed.  Apart from that scenario happening to us, Amazon stole $16,000 worth of product and left us holding the bill.  That was the last straw.  Lots more horror stories where that came from! ?

  6. 42 minutes ago, hockeyjx said:

    I think if you can find inspirational sounds in the box, why is it any different than outside?

    If you(and by you I mean anyone) are going to constantly compare to "what you had" or "what you're used to", the only one "in the box" is you IMO. 


    I'm not comparing, I literally haven't been able to do anything except play my guitar through an amp (without any pedals or anything else).  Plus, with the rest of "life" I haven't had much time or desire for even that.

    Joining the livestreams has been giving me the itch to play around with virtual synths, so I'm just seeing what I can do without buying much.

    In addition to my guitar, I have a fast PC, Reason, Cakewalk and other stuff, but nothing is currently installed...  I know I need an interface and a software amp sim at the very least.

    I'm mainly trying to come up with a wish list that I can start getting once I get paid next month.

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    • Great Idea 1
  7. I still remember the days where I was always up-to-date on all my software versions and the current tech.  However, after 2009, I haven't been able (and hadn't cared) to stay on top of things but, knowing how fast things can change, I thought I'd start by asking here instead of killing many hours searching and watching videos!

    I still don't have either the time or the money for anything serious, but watching Andy's (Synkrotron's) modular livestreams has been giving me the itch to play around. ?

  8. 1 hour ago, Jimbo 88 said:

    Hey wait!!!   ....it's not in Am.    Just sayin'.


    Very Cool anyway...

    Well, one can get in trouble for abusing Am?

    • Thanks 1
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