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craigb last won the day on December 30 2024

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9,756 Excellent


About craigb

  • Birthday December 22

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  1. Q - "What's the difference between ignorance and apathy?" A - "I don't know, and I don't care!"
  2. This was brought to my attention earlier today and, I must say, I was impressed!
  3. I went to my friend's funeral last week and asked his wife if I could say a word. She said "Sure!" "Plethora." I said. "Thanks," she replied. "That means a lot!"
  4. AI is using a lot of the internet bandwidth lately. Probably playing 3D chess against themselves? 🤔
  5. I see that with other things too. Usually means that the internet isn't quick enough at the moment.
  6. Ah! Ok, that finally makes sense (sort of).
  7. Never heard of that (and it didn't come up on my searches)! In my world, SME means Subject Matter Expert.
  8. So versatile! He even makes Queen Charles laugh! 😁
  9. Anyone know what Nigel's up to? (Wibbles.) 🤔
  10. Not sure what Sme means in this context, but I posted what I see when I look at your video.
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