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Douglas Kirby

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Everything posted by Douglas Kirby

  1. Thanks for listening Lynn - I appreciate it.
  2. Hi Bjorn - I've never made a video of me performing - perhaps I should give it a try - good suggestion. You seem to have liked the prechorus sections - interesting. I tried to make the lyrics all about being an automaton.
  3. Yeah, I thought the bass was jumping out a bit from the rest of the instruments in the mix, but that might be what you were going for. Adding the bass did make it a bit jazzy - interesting.
  4. Douglas Kirby


    I thought it was a cool listen - it made me think of it being in a movie soundtrack - I was thinking a spy-thriller type of genre. Nicely done.
  5. That was quite a vocal performance - and it's a fine song as well. By the way, I liked the eagle at the end of the video.
  6. Douglas Kirby

    Warp 8

    I really liked the assortment of synths you used in this - a very pleasant listen. Nicely done.
  7. Hi Nigel - I played an Ibanez SR500 bass on this one - I picked it up about 15 years ago. It has a good variety of tones to it. I'll give the bass in the mix another listen - I used Amplitude on the bass track - it has a decent number of bass amp sims in it.
  8. Hi Wookiee - thanks for taking the time to listen.
  9. Thanks Jack - I'll give the bass track another listen. I thought it sounded alright when I mixed this version.
  10. Thanks Mark - yeah, I went with a synth on this one instead of an organ - it could have went either way I guess.
  11. Cool song and I really liked the mix - well done. This had an 80s vibe to me - I really liked that synth in the intro and following the chorus.
  12. Hey Everybody, Just finished this one up - this is a track for the new album I'm working on called "The Westerly Sessions Volume VIII". As always, any comments and critiques are welcome, and thanks for listening. Here it is: https://www.soundclick.com/music/songInfo.cfm?songID=14251470
  13. That was a lot of fun guys - I really enjoyed the listen - very cool intro to the song. I felt like I was at the bar listening to your band with a beer in my hand? I liked the message of the lyrics as well - nicely done.
  14. Douglas Kirby

    Warp 7

    I thought you did some fine work on the keys in this one - nicely done. You did some interesting panning in this as well.
  15. I thought it was a fine vocal performance - sounded like you put a lot into it. Your vocal reminded e a bit of B.J. Thomas on this one. Regarding the mix, it sounded good to me - you mentioned it wasn't ready for mix-down yet.
  16. I've never watched this before - that was interesting. I always wondered why Marijuana was vilified back then - I don't know the history. But then again, there was Prohibition as well.
  17. This one sounds psychedelic to me as well - almost something one would have heard at Woodstock or the Monterey Pop Festival back in the 60s. What did you use for the drum track? I'm just curious.
  18. Excellente - this one surprised me - it sounds like a pro performance and mix - nicely done. I really enjoyed your vocal - well done there.
  19. I had to look up what a cajon drum box is - this composition was a fun listen, and I enjoyed the mix - there was quite a bit going on in there, but it works. Nicely done - this was an interesting listen - a bit of an ethno jazz vibe to it.
  20. Douglas Kirby

    kissin up

    It's an unusual song yet it kept me interested throughout - it's quite catchy actually - the type of song you sing along to. I liked your vocal - I thought it was an excellent performance - well done.
  21. I like this one Nigel - it's a rocker - I like the up-tempo groove. Your mixes are always good, and this one is no exception. The backing vocal phrase "Sounds Like Heaven" during the verses was very cool - I liked the fx there - nicely done. Now all you need is a record deal? Keep up the good work.
  22. Hi Lynn - thanks for taking the time to listen to my song.
  23. Thanks for listening John - I appreciate it.
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