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Douglas Kirby

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Everything posted by Douglas Kirby

  1. Thanks Bjorn - I appreciate your ears.
  2. Hi Nigel - yeah, I'll see what I can do with the rhythm guitars - thanks for listening.
  3. Thanks for your crits Starise.
  4. Hi Daryl - thanks for listening. I used a MXL 3000 mic for this one - I picked it up used for $50 bucks - it sounds pretty decent for that price?
  5. Thanks for your comments - I used TH-U as the guitar vst - I enjoy using it.
  6. Hey Tom - thanks for listening.
  7. As I've mentioned before, your mixes are excellent. Well done - I enjoyed the listen. By the way, that bass solo section was wild.
  8. I liked the video Bjorn - and the music I thought fit quite nicely.
  9. Douglas Kirby


    Hi Everybody, This is another track off of the album I'm working on called "The Westerly Sessions Vol. VI". As always, any comments or critiques are welcome, and thanks for listening. Here it is: https://www.soundclick.com/music/songInfo.cfm?songID=14174219
  10. Wookiee the synth master - I thought you did some impressive playing on the keys for this one - nicely done.
  11. Hi guys - nice job on this collab - I thought it was a good song and I enjoyed the listen. The mix sounds quite good to my ears - the lead vocal was just right mix-wise. I liked that lead guitar tone - nicely done there.
  12. The dark side of Bjorn - I liked it - I always enjoy your stuff - well done. By the way, that Heavyocity Vocalise is cool.
  13. Nicely done Nigel - this sounds radio-ready. I really liked the lead vocal - she has a top-notch voice. No crits on the mix - sounded excellent to me. Cool video as well.
  14. Impressive production - I enjoyed the listen and I thought the mix was excellent - well done.
  15. Thanks for listening and for commenting.
  16. Hi Nigel - thanks for listening.
  17. Thanks for the kind comment Bjorn.
  18. Thanks Lynn - yeah I like TH-U. I picked up Positive Grid's Bias FX recently on sale, and that sounds pretty good as well, but in this one I used TH-U.
  19. Thanks Kev - I'm glad you noticed the snare - I've put more concentration into the snare lately in my mixes. I keep learning as I go along.
  20. Thanks for commenting on my song and giving it a listen.
  21. Thanks Tom - I've never played a PRS - I'll have to stop by Guitar Center one of these days to try one out. Thanks for commenting on my other song as well.
  22. Thanks for taking the time to give my song a listen.
  23. Thanks Kurt - it's probably the organ that gives the song a 60s or 70s vibe.
  24. Thanks Gary - I put the Abbey Road Saturator on the main drum buss, and I had the Abbey Road Vinyl plug on the main stereo mix - perhaps that adds up to a bit too much saturation overall - thanks for your ears.
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