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Brian Cadoret

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Everything posted by Brian Cadoret

  1. Personally I would stick with the UltraPAK 2021 upgrade, getting the Ultra+ you only gain the BIAB Song/Lesson pack. The huge jump in price up to the Audiophile pack is because all the RealTracks are uncompressed WAV files and a few more RealTracks. Have you thought to asked your question up on the BIAB forum, some good experienced buyers on the forum. Brian
  2. Free access to the December Sound on Sound magazine. https://www.soundonsound.com/digital-magazine
  3. Thanks Marco done and dusted, thanks for the heads up.
  4. Is the English version available any where as yet.
  5. They do have a 'Easy Payment Plan' on checkout if that helps your decision, the purchase cost is split evenly over 4 months with the first payment a month after purchase. Again it's a difficult one which package to buy (or can afford) but the MegaPak is a good step up from Pro. December is the time they bring out the new release, and most often than not have good discounts.
  6. Hi, On my Cakewalk setup the Export to Bandlab is top right.
  7. I stand corrected the VST plugins are now showing, I've got two folders one 'VSTPlugins' the other 'VST Plugins' (notice the space) Now I've added a link to both folders in plugin manager all VST's have been recognized. Scott is this maybe why Bias Amp 2 is not showing.?
  8. Hi, I didn't realize that Bias Amp 2 wasn't available in Cakewalk until your thread. I've just done a scan and yes the Bias Amp 2 VST is not showing in the plugin manager, in fact no VST plugins are showing in the manager. I've pointed the scan to all my system VST folders and re scanned but nothing shows. The only plugins showing are the VST 3 plugins. Can other users please check if VST plugins are scanning. Using Cakewalk 2020.09
  9. Odd that both Musiciansfriend and Guitarcenter put up the same price or are they the same company.
  10. I got the email from Magix which includes the Roli serial number and link to Roli for download. Not sure if it's my cup of tea, more for dance four on the floor stuff so probably won't use it. Brian
  11. I find the Ashampoo Snap is useful and easy for quick capture, and it's free. https://www.ashampoo.com/en/gbp/lpa/gift
  12. The free July edition of Sound on Sound is out. Main article is a full review of Melodyne 5 https://www.soundonsound.com/ Brian
  13. Sent a ticket to Kaussa asking same question about no reverb on their (Fender) Matchlock. Maybe if any Kaussa users here send multiple requests it might 'spring' them into adding it.
  14. Nice to have another "Computer Music" style of magazine to read with the download goodies thanks Mr Beat.
  15. Wow looks very interesting as I do own Vermillion and MatchLock plus a few Kaussa pedals. Like the look of using different skins, plus I wondered why they did not have reverb on MatchLock they want you to use their pedals. Downloading and will install today.
  16. Thanks very much Canopus for your Carbon theme. I also use Samplitude Pro X as my DAW which has a Carbon "skin" maybe a touch darker than yours. Anyway I find it really nice to have the two DAWS in the similar colour, a good work flow for me. Brian
  17. Cakewalk by Bandlab rises again well done and thanks zillions.
  18. Be careful with this update it makes standalone loading time a lot longer on my computer plus seems to use more cpu in my daw. I'm sticking with 2.1.8 till they sort things out.
  19. Thanks to Drums On Demand. I downloaded the very nice Nothin' But Brushes set.
  20. I guess they all need the Full Kontakt player anyone. ?
  21. Is the iZotope Ozone Elements locked to Sound Forge or a separate installer to use in other DAW's ?
  22. Worth a download for those who want to delve. https://www.positivegrid.com/biasfx2le-2020/?utm_source=desktop-app&utm_medium=PA&utm_campaign=20200122FX2LEGiveaway&utm_content=1 Brian
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