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Everything posted by Wookiee

  1. I found the Hi hat a little to forward when the vocal started Tim, perhaps a little to much reverb on that vocal too. Some nice playing in there look forward to the remix?
  2. Nice to see you here Lynn, I agree vocals up a tad, less busy drums something a little more driving as suggested by James, a little remix in the offing the furry ears are telling. good start though.
  3. You can get into trouble for feeling the young ya know . I like this it has nice vibe.
  4. Cool and colourful SG, nice bit of blues to wash those pills down with.
  5. Thank you Rebel, yeah I suppose there is an element of those hazy days of the 70's ? Thanks Pete appreciate your ears. Hi Skyline if you look in the control bar of the forum there is a Bandlad Logo after the text formatting this will allow you to embed a Bandlab track I also think just pasting an embedding link from other sites will just do it.
  6. Hi everyone nice to see so many familiar names.
  7. Tricky to get a real feel for something with only a 30 sec burst, personally I think it is better to share complete track on eithe Bandlab or Soundcloud etc, but your choice. The tiny little bit I did hear sounded OK.
  8. Nice David, like the sound on the piano Rain in Florence, it has a gentle rounded sound, cool stuff.
  9. You have a nice jazz groove to Jingle Bells Arlen, mix comes across nicely here.
  10. Sounds OK here Blades, not one to comment on vocal, not being a singer but what has been said above looks like good advice.
  11. Thank you Arlen, I appreciate your time and ears. Thank you Bob, you are most kind I try but the furry paws get tangled up in the strings sometimes.
  12. Err thanks Ed, how come you already have 85,977 posts?
  13. Hum seems the embedding is not quite up to scratch yet https://www.bandlab.com/the_wookiee/lost-soul-572fc?revId=591d8ed5-51c2-e811-af11-00155d60cb1b
  14. Well John you need to test the supply first ? ?
  15. Hi Jesse thanks for the information looking like a good start.
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