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Everything posted by OddSox

  1. correction: it is not the whole recording being rendered. instead about 2 hours of silence was rendered after the actual section. that is why it was taking so long
  2. I created 4 sections within an hour long live recording and tried to export them as individual files. Not only did the process took about 20 mins for each 4 min long section but after each the exported file was deleted and another was created in its place. That is definitely not what you want. It seems that the whole recording is rendered every time instead of a single section and no suffix is added to the name of the file. What a waste of time. Normally you would spend about 2 mins or less exporting a 4 min song. Also, when you export in mp3 you have to set MP3 options for each and every file. Why not do it once for all?
  3. Thank you Bandlab development team for adding this as an option! I was nicely surprised when I found it in the latest release.
  4. Very good CALL! I wonder why isn't the obsolete CAL yet replaced with some more reliable and modern solution anyway?!
  5. I noticed an unpleasant digital crackle while recording with 'Remove DC Offset During Record' option on. It completely ruins the recording. Recorded with Behringer UMC1820 using ports 1 and 2 in mono mode. Strangely enough there is no crackle while recording the two ports as a stereo track.
  6. Oh yeah. I didn't think about that. Thanks man.
  7. In the track menu there is an option to convert stereo into mono (or the other way around) but the result is only the mixdown of both channels. You can't choose which channel (right or left) you want to be the result mono track. But how about adding an option to convert a stereo track into two mono tracks, separate for left and right channel? I personally found myself in a situation where that would be a solution for a recording problem I had. I was only able to record stereo tracks combined of two different instruments on either channel. Now in order to split them I have to export the tracks into an external audio editor and then back to Cakewalk. Very long way to do a simple thing.
  8. Arranger is a great feature and, IMHO, the best addition to Cakewalk in the last few years but what I miss the most about about it is that you cannot export sections of an arrangement as separate audio files. I often record live performances into Cakewalk and I need to export individual songs in mp3 format. You can of course export sections one by one or use an external audio editor to cut the recording into sections but it just takes very long time to do.
  9. here is an idea: how do you merge two projects into one? or how do you export or move a complete track from one project to another.? there is 'save track template' but it doesnt include any clips only settings and plugins
  10. I recently reinstalled Cakewalk on a new SDD and I noticed that wrong bitrate is reported in the Transport module. All my projects and audio files are always in 24bit. Cakewalk shows 16bit. I even tried to reinstall but nothing changed. As long as audio is processed in 24bit that is not a big problem and doesn't affect my workflow or final results but how can I be sure?
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