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[SOLVED-sort of] Bounce To Clips Bug


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All of a sudden when I bounce 2 mono clips together they become stereo. This was not happening before.

Please, how do I stop this nonsense???

We need a dialog window for Bounce To Clips like Bounce To Tracks has.

Edited by sjoens
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Spoke too soon. 4 clips bounced to 1 (purple track).

So far only this one track is doing this. No FX and Interleave button tried both ways.

The green track above it bounced as expected - with FX and stereo interleave button.

Odd thing is, undoing & repeating the bounce will sometimes produce a mono track. :S



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No. I've been re bouncing them several times trying different scenarios.

I noticed when right clicking the selected clips, the option to Convert to Mono is there when it normally wouldn't be.

So when I decided to convert the "mono" clips to mono and then bounced them together, they bounced mono.

For some reason CbB thinks there's "stereo" data in these clips?

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If you look at my screen cap above it shows both Stereo and Mono options. ???

This only when they are all selected to be bounced. Individually they each only show the Stereo option.

This is why I tried converting the clip group to Mono first. Don't know why you'd need to convert mono clips to mono to prevent them from bouncing to stereo, but that's what seems to be happening here. Again, Only This Track behaved this way.

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