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  1. Here is the URL of the latest version of my Visual Guide to creating Cakewalk Themes. (The title is a reference to Neal Stephenson's excellent SCI-FI Novel "The Diamond Age".) The document is a work-in-progress, and will contain areas where incomplete information is provided. If you identify an area that could use additional content to help your Theme creation, please let me know and I'll look at enhancing those sections. Have at it! A Young Lady's Illustrated Primer to Theming Cakewalk.pdf
  2. hi, i was wondering if there was any cute themes out there. more colorful and less black is what i mean.
  3. I know this has been requested before, but I think it was in the UI Themes section of the Forum and I think the Feedback Loop section might be a better place to ask. Please separate more colors for theming, far too many colors affect other areas making it difficult when using lighter or darker backgrounds for different areas, for example, Console View: Control Text and Values sets the color for not just the Pan and Gain Values, it also affects the console view button text which makes it difficult, if not impossible to use lighter buttons and a darker strip or vice versa, it also affects the 'Inspector', 'Multidock' and 'Browser' Text in track view. A single color for each single area would be far more desirable and would allow many more options for theme creation, I find the current way very limiting and often find many of my theme ideas thwarted by incompatibility due to one color affecting more than one area, more separation would open up so many more possibilities, Please do this! ❤️
  4. Jonathan Mama


    Is there a way to add a glow effect in the theme editor?
  5. i grabbed and old sonar theme i stumbled across that want compatible and with one of Mathews m themes i came up with this one. l platnum rose red theme.sth
  6. The first picture is the Tungsten theme as is. The second is my mod making the background lighter so the decibel numbers show up better. I'd rather change the text color, Any suggestions which parameter this is? TIA
  7. When lock centering or justifying the Control Bar, the Custom Module Medium Background is used to fill in the Control Bar's empty spaces. This can have some "mixed" results when repainting the background to accommodate some themes: - YLIP pg 120 I would like to request using the Background Fill graphic (currently unused?) to fill in the Control Bar's empty spaces instead.
  8. When creating a new theme based on Mercury, the Console View background and the Browser Help Module Learn More button turn white. Double clicking without changing the color Console View | Background #2 in Theme Editor restores the default colors. This also happens with Sonar Platinum's Theme Editor. Maybe a long standing issue?
  9. I made 2 themes to celebrate my 400 subs on youtube they are free to download the link is in the video description. I made a light and dark theme... The dark theme has some elements from Grand Vista Black and Blue by @Canopus . Thanks for making yours so that I can make mine.. I change a few things like the console has blue in the mixer the knobs and meters have been changed but I keep the glossy look.. The light has most of the same elements as the dark I explain in the video.. Free to download and use. I also give some instructions on how to install in the video... Hope this helps and thanks for the support.
  10. Hello guys. I would like to ask , where can I edit the Browser background, including the plugin area? I am not sure if this is possible but I hope this can be editable soon. Thanks.
  11. Hello guys. Does cakewalk allow users to edit the entire UI elements? I am planning to make a complete flat UI. Thanks.
  12. hello, I'm from Brazil, does anyone know how to make this line of the editor on the Piano Rool darker, it is very clear help me
  13. Hello guys. I would like to propose a feature that would allow the user to easily navigate the theme editor by including an actual reference of the theme UI. Currently the only possible way is to browse around the editor to find the element you want to edit. This is a great workflow already but this new feature would probably make it easier especially to those users who want to quickly select and edit a specific UI element. I am not to familiar with theme editor in cakewalk but I was planning to make my own flat theme. I am not sure if that is currently possible but it would be nice to have all the bevels, emboss, and shadows to be override/removed to have a flat UI. I am also currently having a hard time identifying if those UI element I have selected are the right ones. I hope it would be added soon if possible. Thanks cakewalk dev team.
  14. How do we tell what version of Cakewalk Theme Editor we have, and/or update it accordingly? I'm going to presume that at some point the program will be updated. I don't know what the "current" version is, or if I am running it. How do I find out?
  15. Here you can post your requests for Cakewalk Theme Editor in a more ordered way::. (Hoping the Dev Team someday read them🙏)
  16. Can I install TE on a 2nd computer that has no internet capability? Since I already have TE installed on one system, BL Assistant has it grayed out when I log in. If there's an installation file on that system I can't find it. Thanks!
  17. Hello. I would like to ask if it is possible to edit the color picker button. Gradient is fine with me but is it possible to disable it with the theme editor and just make it with just a regular color.I am using the free cakewalk by bandlab. Thanks.
  18. A request to include it. This is the horizontal line between each module. The wide Console strip separator is the only one currently available. A workaround can be done outside T.E. with a resource editor, but that would affect all themes with one change. ☹️
  19. I would like to see the Import file size constraint either removed or replaced with a warning window that let's you decide if it's OK. When a user already has a set of files ready to go, the Import function is the quickest way to create a theme in TE. Simply right-click a file in TE, select Import, and pick the new file... as long as it's the same height & width. If it's not, TE won't let you import it. While you need to be aware of size constraints, in most cases you can change a graphic file's size by a few pixels either way without incident. You can get around this by opening a graphic from within TE, change it's size, save it, click OK in TE and it will accept the new size. Only then can you import another one of a different size.
  20. Hi, While looking through the forum I noticed the UI Themes section and read a few of the messages. The sample images shows the forum has some very talented graphic artists that are not afraid to dig "under the hood, or bonnet," to create some beautiful looking graphic themes for the Cakewalk by BandLab user interface. However, as new users flock to download, install and use CbB and visit this forum to learn more about the product the UI Themes forum section may raise more questions than it answers. Perhaps it would be wise for someone to create a post that answers the questions that newcomers might ask. Another possibility is one or more video tutorial(s) showing the default storage location for themes as well as what steps to take to make sure the program will list a newly added theme. Here is a list of some questions I think might be asked. I'm sure other forum members can think of additional questions. 1) Where are theme files stored so they will be listed and available for access by the program? 2) Do the files need to be stored in a specific format? For example files for each theme contained in a sub folder, files for all themes contained in one sub folder, files for each theme compiled into a single file with a specific file suffix and so on. 3) Does theme installation require an installer utility? 4) Can default and optional themes be renamed? 5) What is the Theme Editor? How to obtain the Theme Editor? Is there user instructions or a help file?
  21. When I set the 'Global > Zoom Fader' color to orange, it also changed the CV Assignable Controls sliders to orange. Then at one point after closing and reopening CbB the sliders reverted to default gray and I can't change them back. (Assignable Controls are displayed in the CV 'Options > FX' menu) Anyone else have similar issues?
  22. Anyone find this in TE yet? Text can be changed but I don't see the background listed.
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