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  1. When clicking the Cakewalk by BandLab ▼ tab above in Chrome browser, the dropdown menu frequently disappears before I can select any links. Eventually it does work.
  2. Is there a way to delete our own posts in the forum? If not, can we please have a way to do so? I know we can edit our post title to show the content is deleted but I think being able to delete an entire post would be much better so as to free up the forum of invalid posts just saying 'Deleted' if we'd rather delete the post entirely. Also, a dark mode setting would be great!
  4. ... in the Message Formatting header. Including BLACK.
  5. i notice I am not getting any alerts here but people are responding to my threads, and yes I have notifications enabled. Just started maybe in the past week or two:
  6. I was wondering if I should make this post or not, but it has run its course. There are some issues with the notification system that make it unusable and getting more in your way than anything: - When you click on the bell to see which notifications you have, clicking on any of them automatically marks all the others as read. That makes notifications semi useless, as now you have to remember which notifications are new and which are not simply because you chose to see one. - If you click on the bottom toast to see a notification you just received, it's not marked as read on the bell. While that might be a desirable feature, it may lead to user annoyance after they either went away for a while or weren't paying attention, see a notification on the bell and it's from a message they've already looked at or responded to.
  7. Nevermind, I didn't realise I had to press the record button on the top right and not just on the track
  8. I installed Cakewalk just yesterday, and I came up with an issue I dont know how to solve! So opened a preset in tyrelln6 in cakewalk then set some notes for it in piano roll, but then i decided to change my preset after i changed it, I went ahead to see how that sounds but it has not updated the sound at all I am hearing previous preset only. What should I do???
  9. This post has nothing to do with the software; it's about the forum notifications. When I click on the notification bell, I have a number of bolded notification that are unread. I'd like to read all of them but after I read the first one I clicked on and go back to the bell, all the other notifications are unbolded so I don't know which one I've already read and which ones I've not read yet. Am I doing something wrong? Again. Is there a setting to fix this?
  10. Hello, I just started using cakewalk with my Jamstik+ midi guitar and I was wondering if it was possible to mute certain notes (strings) with, preferably, some sort of midi pedal? For example, if you were to hold down a chord where you would usually mute a string or two in the fret hand, the Jamstik doesn’t process some of the strings as muted. The Jamstik does have 6 individual channels for each string, so I figure there has to be a way to do this, probably pretty easily. In theory, I’d hit a pedal to mute whatever strings I wanted. Thanks a lot for your help.
  11. Do you want perfect sound from your mic that’s as close to natural as it gets? If you own an SM57, AT4050, or MXL V67G, the following are EQs that will create a perfectly flat response. Note that you will need the LP EQ (a.k.a L-Phase Equalizer) as this equalizer has enough nodes for the task, has a non-linear setting, and has a high quality, transparent sound (esp., compared to the ProChannel EQ). First, place the LP EQ on an audio track FX rack (open the plug-in window for the LP EQ and click the Expert button, select Non Linear under Precision and Slow under Analyser for low latency recording); next, create a new aux track from the output of the first track; set input on the first track to your mic input and turn Input Echo ‘on’ (also 48V phantom power—only if you’re using a condenser mic, otherwise leave it off). Now, arm the aux track for recording. Recording with this input channel setup will produce some input latency, so go to Preferences and view your Input latency under Driver Settings. Write down how many samples are shown. After recording, set your Snap tool to Samples and enter this amount. Set Snap to ‘snap by’ and zoom in to the front of your recorded clip. Drag the clip left until it snaps by that many samples—this fixes your recorded latency entirely. You can use this method for any input channel FX in the future, such as compressors and so forth. Also, you can use these on tracks already recorded with the above mentioned mics by placing the EQ on the track’s FX rack. Here are the EQs both written (for those not using the LP EQ) and uploaded (for those using the LP EQ). Enjoy! Sincerely, Maximus, Rock Mojo Studios. I recommend using these on vocals when the most natural sound is needed or on tambourines, snaps, claps, etc.; try it on your guitar rig and you'll notice that the sound you get is exactly what was playing through the speaker(s) (perfect for when you don't want to change a thing about your settings!) SM57 Flat Input EQ (set each to Peak/Dip) 50 Hz, +10dB, Q 9.16 100 Hz, +5dB, Q 6.76 250 Hz, +2dB, Q 2.49 3,000 Hz, -2dB, Q 10.00 4,000 Hz, -4dB, Q 10.00 6,000 Hz, -7dB, Q 10.00 7,500 Hz, -3dB, Q 10.00 9,500 Hz, -4dB, Q 10.00 13,000 Hz, -1.5dB, Q 10.00 15,000 Hz, -2.5dB, Q 10.00 AT4050 (set each to Peak/Dip) 30 Hz, -1.75dB, Q 3.08 1,375 Hz, -0.8dB, Q 10.00 1,725 Hz, -0.8dB, Q 10.00 2,750 Hz, -0.8dB, Q 10.00 4,000 Hz, -0.8dB, Q 10.00 6,000 Hz, -2.4dB, Q 10.00 9000 Hz, -3.75dB, Q 10.00 10,000 Hz, -4.5dB, Q 10.00 13,000 Hz, -2dB, Q 10.00 15,000 Hz, -2.25dB, Q 10.00 20,000 Hz, +10dB, Q 10.00 MXL V67G (set each to Peak/Dip) 20 Hz, +11dB, Q 10.00 30 Hz, +3dB, Q 10.00 38 Hz, +2.13dB, Q 10.00 50 Hz, +2dB, Q 10.00 60 Hz, +2dB, Q 10.00 70 Hz, +2.13dB, Q 10.00 85 Hz, +2.13dB, Q 10.00 100 Hz, +2.06dB, Q 10.00 150 Hz, +2dB, Q 3.45 375 Hz, +3dB, Q 10.00 400 Hz, +3dB, Q 10.00 500 Hz,+2dB, Q 2.03 1000 Hz, +2dB, Q 10.00 1,500 Hz, +2dB, Q 10.00 2,000 Hz, +0.38dB Q 10.00 3,500 Hz, -1.25dB, Q 10.00 4,250 Hz, +2dB, Q 10.00 20,000 Hz, +1.5dB, Q 5.55 AT4050Flat MXLV67GFlat SM57Flat
  12. So maybe I'm missing something, but the search seems broken on the legacy forum. Enter a search term in the search bar, there are no suggestions, if you hit enter you get zero or very limited results. E.g. a search for midi returns 2 results... surely there's a lot more results than that? No much point in having the old forum available if it's not searchable.. Anyone else have this issue? Windows 10, tried both Chrome and Edge browsers..
  13. 1. Make BIGGER or bolder the orange button text. (white on orange is hard to see especially using Chrome. 2. Make bigger and/or darker the gray and orange text. 3. Add a floating arrow button to expedite returning to the top of the page. 4. Add "Contributed to" to the SORT BY list so threads I contributed to move to the top of the list. (this can already be done using one's account Profile link at the top right) 5. Make a forum access link from our BL account login page so the (broken for IE) login can be avoided.
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