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  1. So, as always this is a FREE update. Please grab the latest from the website and let us know if you see any issues: https://www.stagecraftsoftware.com/products/simplestems/
  2. https://www.pluginboutique.com/product/2-Effects/13-Drum-FX/11891-Beat-ReBuilder
  3. Just until tomorrow, you can get Simple Stems by Stagecraft Software for only $20 (normally $50). https://audioplugin.deals/product/simple-stems-by-stagecraft-software/
  4. This bundle will be offered for $39.99 instead of the normal $100 from today until Feb 25th, 2024. https://audioplugin.deals/product/simple-stems-infinity-synth-by-stagecraft-sofware/
  5. https://www.stagecraftsoftware.com/products/beatrebuilder/ Stagecraft have released Beat ReBuilder, available at the intro price if $40.00, increasing to $120.00 after the promotion. Grab beats out of thin air! This plugin deciphers a beat and adds layers of sound on it. You can use this to replace or augment parts of a beat, or as inspiration for new midi patterns and audio loops. Using audio classification, Beat ReBuilder detects various beat hits like the snare, kick, or high hat. With this data, you can layer on your own samples on top of the beat or replace it entirely. Alternatively, you can drag-and-drop the MIDI data for use in your own drum machine.
  6. https://www.stagecraftsoftware.com/products/InfinitySynth/ Stagecraft offers the Infinity Synth virtual instrument as a FREE download to everyone registering a user account on the website. https://bedroomproducersblog.com/2023/11/02/stagecraft-infinity-synth/ Infinity Synth is available for Windows and Mac computers.
  7. Prices from $12.50 https://www.pluginboutique.com/deals/show?sale_id=14583
  8. Just got this email...I havent gotten it yet.. Hey all - Quick note to let you know, compatibility and usability issues have been sorted out for Simple Stems. The new version is on the website. It's a free update, and creates crystal clear stems. We've also added a queue, so while your checking out the stems from one tune, a whole list of others can be processing. A tutorial video is coming soon, and (I'm sure) a few more little bug fixes and new features. Anyway, as usual, grab it here: www.stagecraftsoftware.com/products/simplestems Thanks for your support, Aaron Stagecraft Software Founder
  9. https://www.pluginboutique.com/product/2-Effects/17-Reverb/3031-EchoThief
  10. Infinity Synth https://www.stagecraftsoftware.com/products/InfinitySynth/ Addiction Synth https://www.stagecraftsoftware.com/products/addictionsynth/
  11. Prices from $25 https://www.pluginboutique.com/deals/show?sale_id=14159
  12. Download here https://www.stagecraftsoftware.com/products/infinitysynth/
  13. Prices from $12.50 https://www.pluginboutique.com/deals/show?sale_id=13646
  14. In case you hadn't noticed, you have some credit you can spend to get any of our plugins! When this account was created, it was automatically credited with $50. You can spend that cash on presets, audio clips, packs and other content for our synths and drum machine plugins or to get a serial for any of our plugins. To do so, simply log in to your account and select a plugin. https://www.stagecraftsoftware.com/
  15. No extra discount https://www.jrrshop.com/stagecraft-software-glitch-machine
  16. Check out all the new stuff on our products page, and get a 50% discount with code '50 OFF'! https://www.stagecraftsoftware.com/products/
  17. For more forum posts about Stagecraft, here's a link to a search,
  18. Not a fan of Stagecraft. Not a fan.
  19. Just a very quick note to let you know that there have been some major updates to many of our plugins in the last couple weeks. This includes, especially: Infinity Synth Disarray Universal Plug Addiction Synth and all VST3s on Windows https://www.stagecraftsoftware.com/
  20. $20 - no extra discount https://www.jrrshop.com/stagecraft-software-echothief
  21. (1) I am not sure where we disagree and where we agree. That said, I stand by what I said and am willing to leave it as it stands with a clarification of where I was coming from. (2) I feel strongly that your red flags post in both style and content and your critical judgments based upon the website as you experienced it might inadvertently cause readers to dismiss from consideration some plug-ins that might work for them if they tried them out. (3) I guess we are disagreeing about the value and validity of making judgments based on personal experiences. Not 100% sure, though. I have no issues with your using your personal experiences to make decisions for yourself. Oh--as for advising me that it would make more sense for me to download some of his plug-ins and share my thoughts [presumably about specific plug-ins], thank for the suggestion. I know I downloaded and tried a couple; not sure which ones. As a fan of delay / echoes, I probably downloaded and test drove a delay plug-in. I know I had a very cordial discussion with an independent developer about a plug-in I tried out. Not sure if it was one from Stagecraft or from someone else. I did indeed look for the correspondence yesterday but didn't find it. So I am not sure it was a Stagecraft plug or what. If I find out it was from Stagecraft, I will do another test drive and share my impressions in hope that it helps someone here. Just so you know, just because I don't use specific plug-ins, that doesn't mean others wouldn't find value in them. PS: I just looked at the SC plug-ins I have installed on my PC. I have Armory, AutoFilter, Bitcrusher, and Delay; so I was probably correct in recalling my experiences with SC Delay. FWIW, as a fan of echo/delays I have sometimes used multiple ones from different manufacturers. I accept that some people might choose never to do anything like this. That's OK with me. Peace.
  22. "Disarray" from Stagecraft Software is brand new and FREE for "a couple of weeks" (as of March 27). It's a multi-effects plugin that emulates the control of the old Korg KAOSS pads with a big X/Y controller that works both up/down and radially, and lets you control up to 8 parameters on 4 effects at once. Numerous built-in effects (including some pretty complex ones, like Glitch Machine) and can host third-party plugins as well. Even if the X/Y stuff doesn't send you, you should grab it while it's free - I'm guessing this will be fairly expensive when it's at normal price, since it includes a dozen of Stagecraft's other effects which regularly run $30-$60 apiece. You can kind of ignore the modulation stuff and just use this as a shell with a bunch of useful effects in it. I downloaded this and had a play, and it's pretty cool. Fair warning - it caused several crashes, and third-party plugin control doesn't seem to work (this was in Studio One 5 on Windows, for what it's worth). It could also definitely stand to include a manual. But it's a new 1.0 so hopefully it'll get better - and if you register it now you'll get the updates free too! Note: It's a free download, but you do need to install it and launch it in your DAW to get it registered. The first time you start it, it'll prompt you for an email address and then there's a button to click that says "Free License". https://www.stagecraftsoftware.com/products/disarray/
  23. Simple Stems is a quick and easy way to decompose any audio into it’s constituent parts. The plugin uses the well established Spleeter algorithm by Deezer to deconstruct songs into 2, 4 or 5 stems. The results are stunning, though more complicated mixes and live recordings are not always perfectly decomposed. 49$, but free for a limited time https://www.stagecraftsoftware.com/products/simplestems/
  24. Check out all the new stuff on our products page, and get a 50% discount with code '50 OFF'! https://www.stagecraftsoftware.com/products/
  25. $15 at Plugin Boutique https://www.pluginboutique.com/product/2-Effects/53-Multi-Effect-/2349-Glitch-Machine
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