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  1. I'm not as well-versed in this issue, as I only have a couple of outboard processors, so not in danger of running out of sends. But I've seen the plaintive cries over the years and sympathize with having "if they'd only fix this ONE DAMN FEATURE it would be the greatest thing ever" going around in my head. To the extent that the devs have replied, I think they mentioned that mucking about in that area would be opening a can of dusty spaghetti, and they'd likely also want to do it better this time. The current method seemed kind of kluge-y when I tried it. When I've done it in the hardware world, that kind of thing is well-integrated into the mixer itself, not as an add=om. From what I've seen, the devs really have their hands full trying to get the initial release of Sonar ready with the vector UI being the big new feature The silver lining with Sonar going payware is that the development will naturally shift in the direction of features. "Now with!" being a favorite marketing phrase. That could be "now with completely overhauled and expanded support for external rackmount signal processors!" Gotta have the word "rackmount" in there.😄 Payware license-driven software development can hit the pitfall of adding a new feature, then letting it dangle in the wind when the development team is then put on the task of working on the next big set of features before things are fully right with the new feature, and from what I've seen, SONAR, with its various changes in management, may have suffered from that one. At least for the nasty crashy bugs, the current team have been ferociously active about setting that right. There are older features that could get some love, like Matrix view and the Arpeggiator. My understanding is that those were grafted on from Project 5. The Matrix isn't as well-integrated as it could be (right click on clip, Send To Matrix cell, eh?), and there's no way to create and edit arpeggiator patterns. They're both features with more potential, especially for current music styles. The boom in use of external processors is not a thing to discount. People shell out a LOT of money for those little mono 500 rack gadgets. I hope that BandLab goes back to the NAMM Show someday, last time I was there it seemed like half of Hall D was taken up by people peddling 500 rack stuff. I know from personal experience with my boutique pedal company that musicians LOVE using stuff that not everyone can find/afford/figure out how to use. It's a segment of the market that doesn't mind opening their wallets. There's no reason not to treat them with the same importance that compatibility with software processors gets.
  2. BTP

    Reaper updated to 7.12

    They have released a new version every 4 years, so one license covers up to 8 years of updates. v7.0 - October 16, 2023 v6.0 - December 3, 2019 v5.0 - August 12, 2015 v4.0 - August 3, 2011
  3. It's WAY longer than 2 years. I had a v4-v5 license that I needed to replace when v6 was released. I bought my v6-v7 license in early December, 2019, over 4 years ago! And v7 is just getting going. I just hope they make enough money to stay in business. I'd be more than happy to pay that $60 every 2 years. That's about how often Studio One gets a major version update. I can't find a receipt, but I think I pay 2-3 times that to PreSonus every couple of years.
  4. I knew their "Wham! Bam! Thank you NAMM!" newsletter implied upcoming expenses!
  5. The groundhog smelled spring but not a lick of these folks. Loose lips sink ships, but after missing the holiday season and NAMM from a June announce, and dropping a prompt to go online and see that there's nothing to see about the new SONAR, I feel they should speak now or risk losing me and others to other DAWs where there is a healthy exchange between users and devs. Kinda like it used to be here...
  6. So-called “modern miracle” features a new modelled tonewheel engine and a new Leslie speaker emulation https://www.musicradar.com/news/hammond-xk4-b3-organ Hammond is calling the XK4 “a modern miracle” and, while that might be overstating it a bit, it does appear to be a keyboard that gigging B3 aficionados will want to take a close look at, particularly as it weighs just 20 pounds. Now we just need to find out how much it’s going to cost. https://youtu.be/KNKEV_3q7p8
  7. Hi is the link to the download the one at the beginning of this thread as that says posted in 2019?
  8. I don’t know about Synthesizer V, but if it requires ARA 2, SONAR Platinum won’t work. SONAR Platinum only supports ARA, not ARA 2. I think ARA 2 support was introduced in CbB 2019.5.
  9. The Wurly (original trademark spelling) AKA the Wurli AKA the Wurlitzer electric piano is coming back to life in 2024 according to Music Radar. I am surprised that Music Radar's writer couldn't find out if Gibson still owns Wurlitzer or not, especially if they found this news out at NAMM. In any event, it's pretty exciting news to find your favorite electric piano is soon going back into production. EDIT: If you read my later posts, you'll find that I'm longer confident that the party behind this Wurlitzer website is legitimate. https://www.musicradar.com/news/new-wurlitzer-electric-piano?utm_content=keyboard&utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook.com&utm_campaign=socialflow&fbclid=IwAR06lTzR7GJExVBLHWY9KTLYd76JSeiZPxI-cAKVUapIP6pS4PnrMc4GYlY
  10. No, and yes. Cubase 13 is more stable than 12, and they cleaned up the interface and allow much color customization. I'm hoping SONAR will look as fresh. btw, Steinberg was at NAMM...
  11. I'm surprised that I didn't address this a couple of years ago. In my varied career (I'm like @bitflipper in that regard 😊) I've worked for software companies both tiny and huge. Hardware/software integration, bundling deals, etc. were invariably the bailiwick of the marketing department. The marketing people would get together and schmooze, do lunch, hang out at NAMM, and either work out concrete deals, or just do what they could to convince their colleagues that mutual support would be beneficial to both companies. Anyone who's worked in "shrink wrap" (as we used to call it back when software shipped in boxes on CD or DVD ROM's, but it meant "consumer" rather than corporate developed-in-house software) can probably attest to this. Despite the many benefits of BandLab's stewardship of Cakewalk, this is one area that at least up to this point, doesn't seem to have been covered. Please correct me if I'm wrong, but CbB has always relied on the simple fact that it's free to do its marketing (along with the stalwart advocacy of many YouTubers). I recall one appearance by the team at the 2019 NAMM Show, but there was a long gap between NAMM Shows, and these days, fewer and fewer companies even participate. As it transitions to payware, along with the revenues I hope comes greater attention to marketing, in this and other areas. I, and probably anyone else who's worked in development for shrink-wrap, used to roll my eyes whenever a marketing person would approach, because they were known for sometimes having unrealistic ideas about what would be possible and desirable. In retrospect, though, I realize more of what value they actually did bring to the table. They are the "boots on the ground" out there researching what (they think) people want, what new features might be important to add, etc. What they say of course should always be....reviewed, but there's great value in having a dedicated person or staff to do that stuff. Even if the developers are all musicians or whatever, they may not be working in the latest genres, etc. There have recently on this forum been more requests for better controller integration. This may be due to more younger people adopting the software and wanting to use it with pad controllers and the like. I'm an older people and I want to get more into realtime control, don't have a pad controller yet but I will someday. I need to crack my knuckles and spend some time in the woodshed with Ableton Live and Matrix View. I have one control surface, a Korg nanoKONTROL 2, and it's been an absolute pain in the rear to get it working with Cakewalk, despite the fact that one of the developers uses one in his own studio. For any who might question whether "official" support by the hardware company is that important, it would be good to know that both Cakewalk and the other company have your back if you have issues. I don't worry about this with plug-ins, because the companies I spend money with either state CbB compatibility or are reputable and established enough that if anything goes wrong, either the Cakewalk engineers or the plug-in developer will fix it pronto.
  12. I've never been blown away at NAMM. But I don't go there for the *****. I'll be right there tomorrow at 5AM. I having brekkie with my mate @daryl1968 and driving him to LAX so he can get the 'ell out of this god forsaken country. 🙂
  13. So apparently they're showing this at NAMM and people who got to try it were blown away. It's a more intuitive, intelligent and tweakable Gullfoss, basically. Also, I second the notion this will easily be $180 if not higher.
  14. Great River makes a nice PWM compressor: https://vintageking.com/great-river-pwm-501?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiAqsitBhDlARIsAGMR1RgXLhPcO6TBqU4N1KjLZ5nksQIrWBDJd2ftpMciuxKJdJniPIqhwUAaAqqnEALw_wcB Dan Kennedy of Great River is a great guy (no pun intended), and he is also known for some really clean mic pres that were awesome for acoustic music. (The original Great River mic pres.) Buzz Audio makes amazing opto compressors that are also really nice on vocals and not intended to be mojo type compressors and very clean. Same with David Hill of blessed memory with his Titan compressor. David Hill at NAMM used his Titan compressor on grand piano and I was amazed at how well it did while still retaining all the grand piano detail - of which I am a fuss nut about. But as Craig indicated (I think), the cleanest is to adjust the envelopes. And I would add - to ride the faders. I am just not that good at it. And I just like equipment - perhaps too much!
  15. Hi I'm forced to rollback to a windows 7 version of calkwalk .. Does anyone have the rollback installer for version 2019.12 version build 26 .. all cakewalk gives me me is this>> All historic product release information can be found here https://discuss.cakewalk.com/index.php?/forum/33-product-release-info/ When I go here there are NO links to the proper rollback installer.. IF there are no rollback installer for 2019.12 version.. Is it possible to UNINSTALL the troublesome version AND INSTALL the previous version in its place?? Thanks Kris
  16. https://kazrog.com/collections/audio-plugins/products/true-iron Kazrog have reduced the price of True Iron for a limited time, now only £30.00, (usually £40.00). True Iron is a NAMM TEC Award nominated plugin made by Kazrog in conjunction with Devin Powers (Powers Music Company). It accurately emulates 6 classic line transformers, known for their use in many of the biggest names in vintage analog outboard sound processing. Models are based on the UTC 108 X, the Malotki E4M – 4001B, the Western Electric 111C, the Haufe V178, the Marinair LO1166/A , and the UTC O-12. True Iron is available to PC and Mac users (VST2, VST3, AU and AAX).
  17. Well the installers in the humble bundle are the kind that are small and then go grab the actually install info from servers from what I recall. I haven't run into issues yet with them (started buying ~2019) but who knows if they will eventually break the process even with your "off-line" installer that isn't really off-line. I personally would not be at all worried about a future build (assuming you do it in a year or so), but if you are thinking 10 years down the road, might be a pause for thought.
  18. I'm using an older machine on Windows 7, and had to stop updating Cakewalk back at version 2019.05. Had been reauthorizing roughly every 6 months, but now the program has reverted to DEMO mode with apparently no way to reauthorize. Have been a faithful Sonar/Cakewalk since Sonar 6, and am happy with the program as it was - understanding the current changes going on at Bandlab, is there a way to keep my version 2019.05 active on the old machine until I get a new Windows 10 machine? Much appreciated.
  19. In 2019 got the fastest processor then, the 3900X. It worked great, then later Cakewalk started messing up. For months I started changing everything else, upgraded to a 5950X. Same problems. Everything I tried worked for a day. The last couple of months, while playing back a song, it didn't matter if I had a recording of mixed Audio and Midi of 4 tracks or +20. The CPU threads would start spiking at 4:04 minutes of playback, slow down for a few seconds, making noise, or just stopping no matter where you started playback on a song. Every time I tried something new, remove a virus program, it worked for a day or two then act up again. Normally my CPU with maximum channels with 3-4 effects, audio and or Midi, the CPU use was at 3-11%, and 128GB of RAM memory at only 16% usage. Hard drives are a mixture of SSD and NMVe, showing no or little visual activity. A few days ago. I finally ran a latency audio tester. The final results were that my computer had no problems and could practically run anything. I then ran Cakewalk with it running and when it crapped out, it said the error was due to something not turning off fast enough. I could see the spikes in the CPU threads. It recommended, that update my motherboard Bios. There have been 8 updates since I last did one. I updated the Bios, and I noticed right away on Cakewalk the thread pattern of the CPU looked different. At the +4-minute mark when the Audio engine dropped out, it was the first time I had no CPU thread spiking. I use an MOTU 24AO as my audio interface. I went to their website to see if they had new hardware and software updates for Win 10, and they did not. But they had a new page telling you to remove Windows Cortana. I always had mine disabled, and Windows plans to get rid of it. I always disabled most background programs, and the modem which didn't help. I followed the steps to remove Cortana. Then I went to the Presonus (I have 4 DAW programs) knowledge base, it has a page to optimize the computer for audio. It had me disable, one protection protocol I had on. Before when I would reach that 4:04 mark, when playing back If it did not crash or slow down. I could still see the CPU thread indicators starting to increase double or triple, and after a while go back down to normal. After getting rid of Cortana, and doing what Personus recommenced, I feel like one or both of these two things, solved my problem. Why? Because now when I get to the 4 minute mark, my CPU thread activity, remains the same. Today will be day 3 since I made the changes. Keeping fingers crossed.
  20. Same. I know I do have the Google one because I see it in my apps but I don't think I ever had to use it after the initial setup. That may have been fro my previous job, where they used the Google suite. I also have the Microsoft one because it's mandatory at work and also because someone managed to steal my hotmail credentials in 2019. I remember the first time I looked at the log of failed login attempts. I was a little shocked, although I really shouldn't have been. I still see 20-some attempts on any given day. If tapping on a number to confirm my identity on my cell phone can make things a little safer, I don't mind.
  21. Last in-person GearFest at Sweetwater (prior to Covid), I was talking to Craig Anterton about this circuit. It was in some of the newer Les Paul guitars... the "Modern" version I believe (which had DIP switches) I really miss being about to meet/talk with folks like Craig, Roger Linn, etc. GearFest was similar to NAMM... but a lot closer. The All-Star concerts each night were also spectacular. You could watch the likes of Steve Vai, Jordan Rudess, Steve Stevens, Adrian Belew, Dweezil Zappa, Andy Timmons, etc.
  22. I wish it were that easy. The problem is that they can all make there own decisions, but then they vary from staying with national standards. 😀 Our customers expect the same experience at NAMM or CES.
  23. NAMM SALE Use coupon code: NAMM 2022 on checkout for 22% off! NAMM sale ends June 30th 2022 Order Instant Download Now https://www.quparts.com/
  24. Introduction The 2021.12 release introduces support for nested track folders, localization updates, various enhancements and optimizations, and over 50 bug fixes, all in keeping with our goal of making Cakewalk as reliable and enjoyable as possible. Please note that in order to automatically keep your activation status up to date, Cakewalk will renew your activation status whenever a new version of the application is installed and run for the first time, and when you sign in to BandLab from within Cakewalk. If you have never signed in to BandLab from within Cakewalk, you will be prompted once to sign in. The following highlights are intended to provide an overview of the more significant changes. Please also refer to the new features section of our documentation for more detailed information on the features. Please give us feedback on this release. We hope you like it! 2021.12 Highlights Support for nested track folders To improve track organization, Cakewalk now supports nested track folders. A nested folder is a subfolder that is contained within another parent folder. Nested subfolders allow you to organize tracks more logically. For example, you can have a "Guitar" parent folder that contains "Electric" and "Acoustic" subfolders. To only move tracks into another folder, drag one of the tracks or select Move To... from the context menu of one of the tracks. To move the entire folder, drag the folder itself onto another folder, or select Move To... from the context menu of the folder. If a track is in a folder, selecting Move To Folder >New Track Folder will create a new sub-folder at the same level of that track. Note: As with the top level folders, any empty folders (i.e. specifically, folders containing no tracks) will ALWAYS appear below those containing tracks. Tip: When changing the color of a track folder, hold down the CTRL key to apply the same color to all child tracks within the folder. New behavior when dragging tracks/folders Dragging a track to the left side moves it out of the folder. Dragging to the right side moves it to the bottom of the existing folder at the target location (i.e. same level as the track above). Tip: While dragging, look at the left edge of the drop indicator - it will be exactly at the folder depth the track will be placed at. Expand/collapse track folder modifiers SHIFT+click on folder +/- to expand/collapse entire folder hierarchy of the folder you clicked on. CTRL+SHIFT+click on folder +/- to expand/collapse all folders in project. This is convenient if you want to quickly expand the hierarchy to search for a track, but then want to collapse it all. A note about nested track folders and track templates: The Save as Track Template context menu is only available on tracks, not on folders. If you want to save a track template with subfolders, you must right-click on one of the tracks within the subfolder. A track template cannot contain empty folders. Localization update The French, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese, Japanese and Russian versions of Cakewalk have been updated. Misc. enhancements Upgrade to VST3 SDK 3.7.3 Upgrade to ELASTIQUE SDK 3.3.9 (contains fixes for ELASTIQUE stretching) Upgrade to latest ARA 2.0 SDK Behavior changes In order to accommodate screen readers, the TAB key is no longer bound to "Tab to transients" by default. You can re-enable this function again in Edit > Preferences > Customization - Keyboard Shortcuts; bind the TAB key to AudioSnap Go To Next Transient Marker and bind SHIFT+TAB to AudioSnap Go To Previous Transient Marker. The Archive button is now a tri-state button in order to indicate if a track folder contains a mixture of archived and unarchived tracks. Note: If you use a custom user theme, you must update the Archive button in Theme Editor (found under Tack View > Track Pane > Archive) in order for the Archive button to display correctly. In the meantime, switch to the factory Tungsten or Mercury theme. The previous Archive button image has 5 states and is 122 pixels wide. The new Archive button has 8 states and is 176 pixels wide. The button states are the same as the Mute Tri-State button (from left to right): Normal | Normal Down | Normal Hover | Selected | Selected Down | Selected Hover | Disabled | Tri-state. Latest release notes are here. See prior release notes. Check out all new features released to date. Previous release: 2021.11 Feature Overview 2021.09 Feature Overview 2021.06 Feature Overview 2021.04 Feature Overview 2021.01 Feature Overview 2020.11 Feature Overview 2020.09 Feature Overview 2020.08 Feature Overview 2020.05 Feature Overview 2020.04 Feature Overview 2020.01 Feature Overview 2019.11/12 Feature Overview 2019.09 Feature Overview 2019.07 Feature Overview
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