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Everything posted by rfssongs

  1. It is looking very much like the joint would have been in stress not compression as the cars pulled away in the video. It may have been in compression as the car approached but the track was literally pulling away as it passed the column in the video I saw. It looks as if the welds might have failed at that point. That is if it was a welded and not a one piece unit at the top of the column. Looks welded to me though. I think I read someplace that some rides have sensors that detect this kind of thing.
  2. First - Huh, there are other buildings made with this stuff ? Second - Puts a whole new spin on the phrase getting high. (12 stories high anyway)
  3. But there is no rhyme or reason, last I heard.
  4. If all else fails make sure the cable & connections are good. Actually that is so easy I'd eliminate that first.
  5. Kid: Dad what's a rock crusher ? Dad: Disco.
  6. I still remember a Mad Magazine cartoon: A big guy standing front of a paper towel dispenser in a restroom. The sign says pull down, tear up. So the guy pulls down the dispenser & tears it up. (the carton of course was better)
  7. This is a life long thing so changes in supplements couldn't be it. But that's not to say something hasn't always been missing.
  8. My understanding is that there is really nothing you can do. Does anybody here know something else ?
  9. My comment is: No comment
  10. To me anyway I thought the theme editor was a waste of time. Both to use & to create. This is about music not graphics. I read about it, even downloaded it. I don't even think I ever used it. I figured why bother. If it does not help with the music then why ? IMO.
  11. I want to say it out loud, I am not interested in a subscription.
  12. Can't you just tag as spam & it goes there ?
  13. Hey don't mess with me, I'm a musician, I know how to count to 4.
  14. Some people (like me) write through improvisation not as much through pre-planning. Check out Paul McCartney's "The Lyrics". This is I think, part of what McCartney is saying.
  15. Hey - I must be brilliant: CNN Article: "Why swearing is a sign of intelligence, helps manage pain and more"
  16. It's the truly paranoid people who know what's really going on.
  17. Yes, An actual headline: Semrush Unveils America's Burning Questions: Is Weed Legal?
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