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Posts posted by Bapu

  1. Nice vid but my 69.5 year old damaged ears really could not hear much difference between the A/B tests, however she stressed that you/I/we might not hear the diff on HPs and that it would be better on a setup like "this" (hers). Her setup looks to me to cost multi $10Ks. 🙂 

  2. The closest brush with disaster I ever had is when my Mom decided to clean my room and went to pick up my EB-3 (in it's case) but when was unaware that the none of the latches were engaged the bass fell out onto the hardwood floor. The bass survived but it got a 2" indention along the edge of the body (where my right arm crossed it).

    About 3 years later I traded it up for a Rick bass.

  3. 45 minutes ago, Sidney Earl Goodroe said:

    Have checked the vst3 box and installed but the vst2 dll disappeared!!! Tried installing both 2 and 3 and it only installed one or the other! Anybody else seeing this?

    vst3 installed and vst2 updated here (i.e. new vst2 dll)

  4. On 5/29/2022 at 9:16 PM, bjornpdx said:

    You guys are gonna make me like metal.
    IDK the vocal seems a little low at the beginning, but okay after that.
    1:52 something dropped out?


    Thanks Bjorn, we're gladly give your member card at the next show. 😉 

  5. If you were given a plane ticket to anywhere and $25,000.00 where would you go and what would you do?

    Let's keep it music related.

    I'll start.

    London and book as many 8 hour sessions I could at Abbey Road Studios for Citizen Regen. 

    • Great Idea 1
  6. I bought it (cuz I like to keep all my DAWs up to date, except Samplitude and Mixcraft: I've abandoned those two). I somehow missed/overlooked the update announcement 9 months ago. I'm not going to register it until 13 comes out (and then hopefully get the upgrade to 13 for free).


  7. Ao, until I get the "freebies" in the Fall, I really only got three new PA plugins as part of the Brainworx Creative Mixing Set:

    Cleansweep Pro
    Delay 2500
    Saturator V2

    Effectively $60 value (at the approx going price on the "new" PA perpetual sales prices).  But since I did not have my eye on these: meh I say, meh! 🙂 

    But since I've spent $60 on those three PA Plugins, I'll be getting the 2 free flagship updates for $107.16.


  8. Just now, abacab said:

    MPS 4 to MPS 4.1 included this: 

    • RX 9 Standard (upgrade from RX 8 Standard)
    • Melodyne 5 essential
    • Groove 3 (1 Year pass)
    • NIMBUS (extra license #)
    • R4 (extra license #)


    Since I got RX9 Advanced (in a PPS6 free upgrade form PPS5) and I have full top drawer Melodyne the only thing I would have gained is Groove3 for a year. No wonder I passed. Most Groove 3 does not interest me.


  9. Slightly OT but I've yet to understand what the difference was between MPS4 and MPS4.1, it seemed to me that back when I compared the MPS4.1 component list to what I owned at the time I already had all those MPS4.1 components installed. I probably just missed some (maybe insignificant) detail.

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