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Everything posted by Mesh

  1. Sadly, PG doesn't have an "All in One" package and have split the amps (Bias Amp 2) with the FX 2. Although I have both, I like using Fx2 as there's plenty of amps and I love fx's. FX2: https://www.positivegrid.com/bias-fx2-compare/?_ga=2.246039108.1327986578.1573135296-733113619.1562766536 Amp 2: https://help.positivegrid.com/hc/en-us/articles/360029883551-BIAS-Amp-2-Product-Comparison-Chart
  2. Mesh

    Output 25% Off Sale

    While you were posting that, I was actually at Output's site looking at the full suite ($638)....I'll definitely be homeless if I went that route , but me thinks it might be worth it lol. For the moment though, I'll see if I can get both (and just live temporarily in a tent outside). Output does give you a discount depending on the number of products you have, so at another time I can possibly get the others.
  3. Mesh

    Output 25% Off Sale

    I've been waiting for a sale on Output's stuff and it's here!! I'm a bit torn between Exhale and Signal. Exhale is such a good vocal engine, but Signal is more useful. What to do, what to do, I want both!! Sweetwater also has them for $149 each: https://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/EXHALE--output-exhale-modern-vocal-engine
  4. Those are some very nice prices and I paid a bit more for my upgrade to Elite. Go for it boys, it's worth it!
  5. I'm also in a similar mindset and don't really want and amp unless it brings something different, fun to play, and useful. I like the simplicity of Caliburn and MRH810 where a really good sound can be had very quickly. Will demo Spark and see if there's something compelling (other than GAS) to get it.
  6. True....true....true....only my ears can truly decide.
  7. How does this compare to Nembrini's MRH810?
  8. Mesh

    Skin Tight

    Very cool rocking track guys!! Enjoyed listening 2x and everything translated nicely on H-phones. Not sure if it's listening through my phone/headphones, but the drums seemed less brighter (snare) during the guitar solo. Will listen again at home on a better system and see. Good job on the performances and a very clean/clear mix/production.
  9. Apparently, it was a sold out performance....all the fishes in the deep blue sea loved it. Been watching/listening to all his stuff this Am, and they all seem to be live performances....bookmarked his stuff.
  10. Like this one a lot.... This is very cool playing the Laser Harp
  11. Those hi-Z inputs should make a huge difference for guitarists/bassists and should be a standard in all interfaces. Nice to see more options are available now.
  12. That's definitely on the menu this Am and need some coffee as well......morning has broken.
  13. When I initially bought Synthmaster (5-6 years ago), it came with some of Nori's packs.....that's about all I have.
  14. I haven't bought any of these expansions(yet), what are some of the better ones you guys can recommend (besides Big Tone)?
  15. These guys are pretty good and looks like they've been around for awhile.
  16. The last song I heard this morning (in the Van Pool), was "Walk like an Egyptian" Since then, I've listened to: 1) Walk this way 2) Walk don't run 3) Walk on the wild side 4) Walk of life 5) (last but not least) Walking Shoes
  17. Mesh

    APD $20 bonus

    Yeah I got it in my email too, but the site seems to be getting hit hard. Takes a long time for the pages update and I keep getting an "504 ERROR" when trying to log in.
  18. Haven't heard "Reconsider Baby" before, but very good stuff from the King and his band (the Sax solo was excellent).
  19. Ooooo this is tempting......I'm looking at you Riff Generation.
  20. Agreed!! Really like their style and been listening to whatever YT has on them. The vocals (especially the lower parts) remind me of Rammstein.
  21. Some very talented musicians...she's very good.
  22. Mesh

    Soundspot Union

    (going to the FSF...)
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