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Everything posted by bluzdog

  1. There's a free version to try it out: https://stevenslatedrums.com/ssd-free/ Rocky
  2. I wish they had a V4 in AT4. I have one I bought new in '78. Awesome amp but it weighs a ton. 😁 Rocky
  3. It comes up at $249 for me minus Jam Points puts it at $175. The page still states that it comes with AT4 Deluxe. If it comes with A5 that's a pretty good deal. Rocky
  4. That answers one big question. If you have enough Jam points you can get the A5 upgrade for $100. Rocky
  5. F.w.i.w.....I've never wupped. I've never had a reason to. Rocky
  6. I can upgrade from Diamond, Vocal Rider and Bass Rider to Horizon + Restoration + Saphire and NLS for $139.99. That's way less than WUP and I'll gain: CLA Guitars CLA-2A Compressor / Limiter CLA-3A Compressor / Limiter CLA-76 Compressor / Limiter DeBreath Kramer HLS Channel Kramer Master Tape Kramer PIE Compressor L3-16 Multimaximizer Maserati DRM PuigChild Compressor UM225 / UM226 Seems like a good deal to me. Rocky
  7. Mobius Filter came up for $20.58 with code GROUP for me. Rocky
  8. Their new release biggest sale of the year should be coming up soon. Last year is was at the end of November. Rocky
  9. That's awesome! I'm sold. He's right about some cool gear that came cheap back in the day. I remember bringing an original Pignose amp to an audition because I didn't want to haul my V4 head and 4x12. I plugged it into the p.a. and was completely blown away. Rocky
  10. Welcome back!!! 😎 Rocky
  11. Let me check it out and make sure it works. If it does I'm in no hurry, I'll let you know. Rocky
  12. T&S is also $20 cheaper that Best Service on EZkeys midi. So $16.50 per, like Bapu said, still a great deal! Rocky
  13. Turns out that I have two. One is an original Rockman that I bought in the 80's and the other is a Rockman Guitar Ace I aquired sometime along the way. I also found a Sansamp GT2 that I bought a in the early '90s. I haven't used any of this stuff in years. I'm going to test them Friday. I'm cleaning house to save funds for a Mesa Boogie Mark V:35. It looks like the original Rockman and GT2 have value. I'm going to check them out and put them up on Ebay. Rocky
  14. Sounds great! The video also reminded me that I have a Tom Sholz Rockman laying around somewhere. 😎 Rocky
  15. EZkeys generic six pack is $119 now, so 20ish per. I've paid about half that five times in the past. Not bitchin' just greedy. πŸ˜† Larry would be proud! Rocky
  16. Right.....they used to be 1/2 the price of what they are now. Rocky
  17. The Fire TV Recast works well with the Firestick for local channels and dvr. I've been a cable cutter for years and this is the best all in one solution so far. Rocky
  18. I bought Sonar 1 when Mars was going out of business around y2k for $300. I only bought it because Logic wasn't playing nice with windows, shortly after Logic went Mac only. Rocky
  19. From Izotope: Something big is coming on Friday. We’re happy to announce the latest version of Music Production Suite will be available on October 2! Music Production Suite 4 will offer brand new plug-ins, including the new RX 8 Standard, that give you revolutionary ways to bring your music to life, and new AI-powered technology that will streamline your mixing workflow to help you release your music faster. Stay tuned for more updates on features and special loyalty pricing for Music Production Suite 3 owners. Rocky
  20. Imo, it's already epic! One more would make it epicer. πŸ˜† Rocky
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