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Michael Fogarty

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Everything posted by Michael Fogarty

  1. You do record your tracks with a metronome right? That should put you in the ballpark, and then using the default settings should work fine. Swing should be 50. If you want it to be a shuffle move towards 60 - 64.
  2. I have noticed this as well, that it "often happens" at this time. But it is usually if I have a pretty CPU intensive song loaded with heavy VST activity. I did take off the "autosave" and one time when I desperately needed it, it wasn't there and I lost work. I do it by minutes, not by changes. It seems to work better I assume because less calculations. I set it for 15 minutes.
  3. hi Mark. I just checked this out. Is it a bass synth only or has the 808 drums?
  4. this works great. And has a decay, tuning, pitch function. There is a paid version but the free one works fine.
  5. yes, originals. A friend of mine does house renovations, moving, and a chap was leaving Japan and gave them to him. Being a millennial, he was used to boom boxes and powered units and asked if I wanted them. To my surprise, they were in mint condition. On the engineers side of my room I have lots of speakers (see signature), but like to sit on a couch and listen to the mixes when I'm "done". I recently purchased a new amp and some Wharfedale Diamond 10.1 which sound great. Decided to try the amp with the ES11's and bam. I'm in love. Could have saved that money on the Wharfedale's. I have heard amazing things about the 14's. We are blessed.
  6. hi Steve. We have similar tastes. Can do one for you if you like. It's a Korg CX3 through a Leslie mic'ed with two AKG CE300/CK91's (what a long name).
  7. very creative. So many nice sounds. I have Epos 11 hi fi speakers in my studio "Livingroom" (other side of the same room but for guests) for chilling and listening to the mix. Sounding really nice. Keep ' em comin. Sounds good on my subs as well.
  8. good all around including mix. Did you receive all the instruments and mix and master them? Were the drums multi-track and you processed and mixed? Very nice.
  9. Michael Fogarty


    rhythm section I work with here in Tokyo. I'm playing keys, mix, master.
  10. very nice. I see you have have been filming in my town. Do you live in Tokyo? Whatever, very well done. I think the horns could fit better in the mix, but its not "distracting." I usually go back and a forth about 50 times on these types of decisions. The mix I just did I mixed the organ so many times. Very good stuff.
  11. here was my final process. There were 5 takes of the song beginning to end times 10 tracks. I made a composite of the best takes of each section, and exported at 44/16. (I saw no reason to change the 16 to 24.) Thanks everyone. I’ll post the first song in the song forum soon.
  12. David does that work? I thought of that and almost tried it but wasn’t sure it would work. With all the cuts, punch ins, and 5 takes x 10 tracks of drums (for 5 songs) I was a bit timid and treading lightly. My question being, how do I know it will line up to the right track when dragging to the target project (kick in, kick out, hat, sn top, sn bot, oh L, Oh R, tom 1,2,3). It will just automatically find its place?
  13. hi there. Tried this and said the project audio doesn't match the sample rate.
  14. ok, great. Thank you. Question 2. If received as .bun files, is there a shorter way to get them to 44.1/24 than opening the .bun and exporting them as 44.1/24 raw .wav?
  15. So yes, what is the best way to go about this? Do I need to import into Sound Forge and change them all. Its 5 songs and a lot of 9 channel drum takes. Or, do I import just the drum files into a separate song file and render them all as 44.1/24. (or can I use them as is mixed with the other files 44.1/24?) The drummer was in a new location, his ADAT had problems and he must have accident switched it. I was actually there for most of the takes but it was his computer/interface as I came late. We are talking 100's of .wavs. Thank you.
  16. hello and thanks. Anyway you could post some samples of what you have done with the instrument other than picking? I have used it to strengthen a guitar performance by a client but would like to hear what others have done.
  17. nice. Very nice feeling. I understand the sentiments about the kick but I much prefer this undefined sound to an over articulated one, especially with a choir. More orchestral feeling this way. I feel it needs an instrument to drive it. Could be an acoustic guitar or a chugging muted electric. The piano is well placed and I love sparse, but maybe nice if it had something to fall back on. Also some type of inner rhythm or different things to come in and out of the sonic spectrum. Could be perc. Could be a comp type keyboard or rhodes. I could picture putting it through an imager to make it a wee bit wider. But hey, its so nice with the young singers and overall feel. Kudos.
  18. I'm with you Jimbo 88. I actually have a drum session next Tuesday and considering replacing them, but lots of other material to do so it may not happen. The thing I've never liked is using VST/module drums (even high end ones) in place of acoustic drums. You know, with fills and the whole bit. But this song actually started out as a loop because I liked the loop so much. So it just makes it. Nice hearing from you.
  19. ok, you think so? Is that the overall bass or just the sub sonic hits? Much appreciated. I have a tendency to overdo on warm tones.
  20. yes, I can see that. Thanks. It is a loop so no option for reverb as it will go on the kick and everything. Actually, the whole song got started because I like the loop. If I am to release it with real drums I will do what you said.
  21. actually, maybe you noticed, but its different angles of the same trees, different seasons. Thanks for the listen.
  22. hello Wookiee. Bass hang/bloom. I need an explanation for that if you don’t mind. I do mix with multiple sets of speakers and a sub. Is it possible the “hang/bloom” is intentional or is it annoying? Is it an occasional hit, or an overall feeling of too many bass frequencies? I have definitely been guilty of that. There are different layers of booms and basses, (some arpeggiated, some subsonic) aimed at people with big systems. But I miss things. The kick is from an MODX7 (chill kit). It is actually a preset loop.
  23. a walk in the snow nearby my house.
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