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Everything posted by jbraner

  1. jbraner

    SONG: Easing Up

    Hi Barry, Thanks a lot for listening and all your comments! I fixed the tuning problem (with Melodyne) so I'm glad you didn't hear anything else That 1:14 sound is a Mellotron Kontakt instrument (Wavesfactory Newmello collection) It's funny you mention the bass - I struggled with that. I was at a point where a tiny bit more was "too much" and a tiny bit less was "it needs a tiny bit more" and was having trouble finding the right place for it - and this is where I ended up
  2. jbraner

    SONG: Easing Up

    Hi Tom, Thanks for listening - and for your comments I like to lay off the verb myself
  3. jbraner

    SONG: Easing Up

    Thanks for listening Wookiee! And now it's a (more) in tune easy tune
  4. jbraner

    SONG: Easing Up

    Hi gary, Thanks for listening. It was the lead guitar @ 0:45 - 0:59. The bends weren't coming back down correctly (they were staying a little sharp). There were a couple of other small things too. The disappointing part is that I didn't pick it up from the beginning 😓 - oh well, I'll need to be more vigilant wrt tuning!
  5. jbraner

    SONG: Easing Up

    Gary, I've been made aware of a few tuning issues - and patched them up with Melodyne. If you can be bothered - could you let me know if you hear an improvement? https://soundclick.com/share.cfm?id=14103520 Rgds,
  6. jbraner

    SONG: Easing Up

    Hi Bjorn, Thanks a lot for listening - and for your comments The part you're talking about takes it into "different" territory - it's definitely not for everybody
  7. jbraner

    SONG: Easing Up

    Hi Gary - thanks a lot for listening. Which guitar is out of tune? (you know the story - I've listened a million times, so I won't hear it anymore)
  8. jbraner

    SONG: Easing Up

    Hi, I've got a new song called "Easing Up". you can hear it here: https://soundclick.com/share.cfm?id=14103520 It features: - plenty of guitar parts - MODO Bass - Superior Drums & Percussion - various little synth parts (and a Mellotron) - the usual suspects Please feel free to let me know what you think 😉
  9. jbraner

    SONG: Shedding

    Hi Bapu - thanks a lot for listening and for your comments. Drum reverb is a tricky one - I'm not a big fan of too much reverb - on anything
  10. jbraner

    SONG: Shedding

    Hi David, Thanks a lot for listening and for your comments. Maybe I'm slowly learning something ;)
  11. jbraner

    SONG: Shedding

    Hi Douglas, Thanks a lot for listening and for your comments
  12. jbraner

    SONG: Shedding

    Hi Tom, Thanks a lot for listening and for your comments. First of all, I made a major f*&% up - it's not MODO (that's the next somg) it's the Trilian Acoustic Bass! (I edited the original post). Drums are a DW kit from the Darkness SDX (my fav at the moment). I know nobody likes long songs - but I do. And this is supposed to be like coronavirus - so it sticks to you and won't go away
  13. jbraner

    SONG: Shedding

    Hi, Here's my first Coronavirus Lockdown output. It's called "Shedding" and you can here it here: https://soundclick.com/r/s8ddlt This one features FUZZ - as in real Fuzz pedals 😉 Played with my Strats and Tele (sometimes through a Leslie) Trilian Acoustic Bass Superior Drums The usual Suspects... Please let me know what you think... Don't forget - Download CDs (including my newest one "Pull the Other One") Are still available at https://www.cdbaby.com/Artist/JohnBraner and all the normal streaming services. CDBaby won't be selling physical CDs anymore - so just contact me if you want one - or look on Amazon or Apple etc.
  14. Hey Paul, Nice to meet you - and thanks a lot for listening and the kind words. (sorry about the lack of vocals - that's my "thing")
  15. Hi Tom, Thanks a lot for listening Old Timer isn't mocking you, or me for that matter - I got an old stratocaster and this was it's initial outing (for me) I use mostly S-Gear's Wayfarer or Mercuriall ReAxis for (software) amps, and then I bypass the speakers and use Torpedo Wall of Sound for my speaker sim. Lateley I've been using Celestion V30s for almost everything and occassionally a 2 x 12 cab with Celestion Blue Alnicos. I've beem using MODO bass for a little while now (replaced Trilian) and I really like it. "I still don't know" is really old. I updated it a little, but most of it is original including Superior 1 drums, and the bass was maybe the Spectrasonics one before Trilian (Trilogy?) But to be honest, I can't remember - it's all bounced, so I just kept it as it (redid eq, compressor, console emulator etc) re: SD3 drums - I guess I like beater click even more than you do Anyway - thanks again for taking the time to listen
  16. Hi, I've got a new song out. It's called "Old Timer" - you can check it out here: https://soundclick.com/r/s8c4ap Featuring: Strat guitar Amp/Speaker sims odds and ends noises Blue 3 Hammond MODO Bass Superior Drums All comments/ideas/critiques etc welcome! 😉 John B Don't forget - Download CDs (including my newest one "Pull the Other One") Are still available at https://www.cdbaby.com/Artist/JohnBraner and all the normal streaming services. CDBaby won't be selling physical CDs anymore - so just contact me if you want one - or look on Amazon or Apple etc.
  17. Thanks John - I fixed the original post to put the links in (I thought that would happen automatically)
  18. Hey John B - thanks a lot for listening and for the comments! (your fellow) John B
  19. Hi Tom, Thanks a lot for listening! 1) I always start with the MIDI grooves in SD3, but then I edit them a lot, to make them fit in. 2) All the amps are either Mercuriall reAxis or S-Gear (usually Wayfarer) 3) David Kolker is a singer/guitarist/song writer - the samples on this song are of him singing, and there's one short one from a guitar solo (and then I echo'd it)
  20. Hi, I've got a new song out. It's called "sitting Duck" - you can check it out here: https://soundclick.com/share.cfm?id=13944445 Featuring: Avenger and Pigments synths various odds and ends MODO Bass Superior 3 Drums and me playing Strats and a Tele Also, there's a remake of one I did from 2004 - featuring samples of David Kolker (great guitarist from NYC). It's called "I Still Don't Know" https://soundclick.com/share.cfm?id=13944449 Don't forget - CDs (including my newest one "Pull the Other One") are also available at https://www.cdbaby.com/Artist/JohnBraner and all the normal streaming services. As usual, let me know what you think.
  21. Hi Tom, What a cool way to put it! Thanks! Thanks a lot for listening and for your comments
  22. Hi Lynn! Thanks a lot for listening, and I'm glad to hear I helped inspire you!
  23. Hi Bjorn, Thanks a lot for listening and for your comments - I'll settle for looking at screen savers ;) The arps are all Avenger, and Serum is the nastier parts in between. I'm having a lot of fun playing with wavetables, and both the Avenger and Serum parts are sweeping through wavetables.
  24. Hi Joad - thanks a lot for listening!!
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