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Tony Carpenter

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Everything posted by Tony Carpenter

  1. I want to go back to stand alone digital recorders that you can hook a mouse and keyboard up to it, and a monitor, get rid of Mac or PC out of the equation. Roland VS series recorders were fantastic, hell a few hit records were recorded exclusively on a VS880 !. The trouble is, the more options you have, the less you do, ask me how I know... :=/. The company that makes a stand alone device with great preamps built in effects.. oh wait... Wing?... LOL..
  2. I guess with being less strapped for money than most music makers I just jumped on SD3 when I saw the improvements. That is odd behaviour though ( re upgrade policy). I’ll grant you that. Anyhow after 3 hours of download I have the new German studio drums. I also got the orchestra SDX, it’s excellent.
  3. @cclarry Totally agree, never been a bum product from Toontrack, that I have used. I'm currently downloading the 121GB expansion, after listening to some of those acrylic kits and rotos alone. Add my TD17 KVX Roland kit, and VOILA!!! :).
  4. No brainer addition to SD3 imho. Sounds spectacular as always!. And the price is fine for the work involved.
  5. I can see it in your eyes.....
  6. My wifes work has meant for 32 years I have been dragged around the world 8 times and to 55 locations. It's meant very little time to really settle and find others to work with. Being alone in my music has meant spasms of creativity. I am lucky enough to have found someone to work with again, and not planning any major international or national move anytime soon. Motivation.. oh yes.... it's a hard commodity on MANY occasions.
  7. 199 euros here... but I already have so many... NONONOoooooooooo....LOL. No seriously, not going to give in.
  8. 2.01 just came out today for this, latency compensation fix.
  9. I do have 32c, used it a couple of times, found it clunky and not friendly with my X-touch for example. Time to just remove it from my system I guess :).
  10. First midi gear I bought was a Korg Poly 800. I still have an original firmware ver 1 TX81z Yamaha, about to upgrade to 1.6. How the times are a changing, always exciting :).
  11. I want a new Roland VS recorder :). All hardware no pc or Mac.
  12. Yup.. 7.48 gbp, nice price for an upgrade.
  13. I have version 5... not seeing anything different in that video, unless I'm blind. Time to look on the site I guess :). It didn't impress me so far.
  14. I have Blackhole, different beast. I used to own a real Eventide piece of Hardware, the DSP4000b+. It was a monster with so many algorithms. Eventide are just scratching the surface of their beasts. It's worth it not to have to program that stuff in, trust me :). Tony
  15. Added this to my small Eventide collection, with VC money on Plugin boutique I ended up paying £22 nice price for a very nice plugin... like I needed more... STOP showing me... LOL.
  16. https://youtu.be/Oat1of0Z2iE Had to do it, my son used to sing it :).
  17. Vegans the new religion with flat earthers ..... look out here come the PC crowd.... Seriously, to each their own, but don't coming proselytising to me!! Happy New Year all !
  18. I bit, install instructions are non existent. I did, sort of getting it working. It sounds great, but, I suspect the author ment for the install to be a little different, path issues point, again I suspect, to his personal install :).
  19. So, to end the saga... at 4 hours there was no sign of SSL still. I sent an e-mail, initial response was almost a canned response, and was clearly from someone too busy to note I had already bought it, and said so. After my second (response to first), no e-mail response, but, suddenly my SSL license is there :). HaPPY HAPPY.. LOL.
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