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Everything posted by whoisp

  1. whoisp

    The Day Will Come

    Its funny you say that, i did go into a solo at 2:08 which is like the part at 3:10 but i didn't like it, it didn't sort of fit my theme. I then just wanted to then finish the song and move on to something else instead of leaving it unfished but it helped me finish my templates and updates
  2. whoisp

    The Day Will Come

    Finished one of my little project ideas, i was messing with sound designs FX whish is pretty much consent all way through in the layers
  3. whoisp

    Just be this LOVE!

    Cheers Larry much apprenticed, just finishing a slightly mellower artist peace at the moment lol
  4. whoisp

    Just be this LOVE!

    Thanx freddy i just go with i whatever mojo is happening, ive stepped back from writing the traditional sense of verse chorus etc i love experimenting with telling a story with sounds at the moment, less vocals
  5. Yes i really enjoyed it, I got the backing vocal ideas in two places and was screaming out to me lol Really adds to chouse and those two emphasis lines i was saying. I do think you need some sort of break so it gives the listener chance to recalibrate the ears. Its like you race for start to finish, its not a big deal but i believe it needed it.
  6. whoisp

    Just be this LOVE!

    Glad you liked it... im chilling out for the next track
  7. With my production head on, here's my ten bobs worth.... im singing a harmony "I’m a survivor, rrr rr yeh!" to that chorus up a octave 😁 it works.... I believe it makes the rest of the vocal better as makes the vocal more dynamic, its like having 3 backing singers doing a harmony is what i would attempt in parts, gives it the big band feeling ,i love the reggae ska vibe, its got my juices flowing . In the parts where you sing "misunderstood" i sort of sing/shout a backing misunderstood straight after it and then you say "its never good" i do the same... its a voice repeat for the expression and works well, again breaks the song up. This you or anyone can do in areas to bring the production out. Honestly i was just messing with it and works real well. Its one of those where you bounce of the vocal and reinforce the message, you wrote it well. i probably go bigger with the snare honk on it with some verb, especially in the intro.. That's more to do with production and getting ***** as it sound bit to processed when you start, even bit of noise could work. I maybe would try a engineered synth string full sound in parts in the back very low too push it along and gel it together so it swishes in parts with some ambiance, i only would try in sections which gives the retro vibe more impact in areas when you then take it out... like you did with the trumpets etc, maybe that's where the synth string full sound would sit. Maybe something to try... There's some nice character in your voice with the melody, however you never stop singing and this does not give the listener a break and time to breathe. In parts for just 1 bar or more take the drums out "percussion break" maybe and just you and the bass or instruments for a few split seconds, so you got some unsuspected element to break it up and bang, back in with everything or the kick is maybe something i would try. I can hear 1 or 2 little separation places adding a little silence to an abruptly bang back in... a In keeping that in mind, i would put a 4 or 8 bar break after the chorus with just the bass and drums or start it off with "percussion break" brign everything in with maybe with the horns building up. Personally it always helps the listener to refresh the ears and brain why the majority of people need a lyrical break, its the illusion and space that adds more when there's less, its just how we work. We tend to like structures which are often based around 4 8 12 bar We all do things different and like you say, we over listen to our own creations, we get so entrenched in our work we can easy start missing the big picture. I loved it, gave me lots of ideas... big thumbs up P
  8. whoisp

    Just be this LOVE!

    Thanx man, been updating so much stuff, was a pain to mix
  9. whoisp

    Just be this LOVE!

    Thanx T glad you liked it...
  10. whoisp

    Just be this LOVE!

    Was using this track for updating my templates and admin on my machine after updates, been a long slog which put me off doing anymore to the track. Not sure whats next as ive been helping a couple of people which sort of interrupted my workflow.
  11. whoisp

    Just be this LOVE!

    Yes and she loved it 🤣
  12. man i will be sending you tacks over to stick guitar on lol
  13. So you have "SELECT ALL" all the tracks from zero seconds to however long your track is, i then use "EXPORT" to "Bounce" export to wav as a 24 bit 48khz track so i don't loose all that work if i need to change something, then drag and drop to a track or import in....
  14. Had real fun with this one 😁 builds up all way through, a combination of vocals and rap with samples i created in the layers. Was such a beast to mix the low end with the guitar feedback coming in which was tricky when it hits the guitar section and a cheeky little solo. Had a bit of a cold and i think i could have done the vocals better and let go a bit more... The video does get a bit naughty as the track builds up..... but i have these ideas
  15. Do these free plugins come with a plugin that costs £15 a month 🤣
  16. I wanted more Aliens and less Demons 🤣
  17. So its £25 a month for a £29 plugin haha That the only plugin i was interested in testing lol
  18. Waves Scheps Omni Channel was £29 but now of you want to buy it £15 a month is the reality 😂 All this creative access nonsense, we just want to get on a create music not play with a million plugins
  19. You can create pretty much ANYTHING with the cakewalk stock plugins and some very good free plugins. What is actually worth buying apart from Instruments like synth etc? Maybe Mastering like Ozone, correction like Melodyne and maybe some type of filter like FabFilter (fancy multiband and comp) even though you can do that in cakewalk stock like most of the FX. Waves Scheps Omni Channel was £30 now you got to pay £15 or £25 a month is bloody robbery. Solid Sate Logic do the same £15 a month and i can see more following but they will suffer the wrath of the customers and plugin warehouses like plugin boutique that sold their products fore years making them popular.
  20. Thanx T, iv'e got something in the pipeline now, mojo is back for this one P
  21. Yes i been updating my templates and learning some tricks i wanted to try out. I do love a good experiment
  22. FOUND THE ANNOY ING F**K !!!! 😂 Sorry for the language but its been a thorn in my ***** So i had a "reference track" in my project template which i also use in the mastering template! After deleting all the common plugins in my project template and mastering template, still no change hmmmm So, i opened a new project and had no issues. So to make sure, i open couple of old projects and still no issues. So hmmm the only different was my latest project and latest mastering project, what was different ha ha harrrrrr "reference track" i was using for mixing and mastering. The strangest issue ever! The reference track must have been 44khz but properties wouldn't tell me if it was 44khz and it had some sort of bug because it kept forcing my projects to 44Khz, my UMC Control Panel whats defaults at 48Khz and my project templates at 48Khz would switch to 44khz on first opening the project and crash or hang. I could hear the click in headphones and opened windows setting and then could see the switch in real time on sound properties switching. Then on 2nd open i notice the project be only working at 44khz and windows sound properties be on 44Khz. Delete refence track and fixed! So for whatever reason the "reference track" had a issue when i dragged and dropped it in given i did not add the track.
  23. I have my own 50 track template with 12 buses and patch's. All my tracks and buses also have pro channel templates with plugins. I best check the latest plugin updates and the latest installed plugins within the time it started (last couple of months). Last thing i want to be doing is starting a new project template. One guy had same problem and he can't remember how he fixed it, sods law
  24. Hi guys, anyone know if this is a known problem to easy fix? Please don't guess with telling me to reinstall or a audio driver issue or install NASA mainframe, unless you know what the issues is with all due respect i don't want to be wasting everyone's time with guessing. THE ISSUE: When i am opening a new project it either hangs on Creating Ui........ which is the last stage of opening project or just disappears so i have to open project a second time. HOWEVER, the second time i open the project, it always works without fail and then the system runs very well, maybe very rare dropout or crash which is not related to this problem but normally me running a million plugins and tracks/buses. I run windows 11 which runs better than win 10 on my system, faster anyway. My system is a beast, its not the CPU or 32gb ram or my ADATA TB drives and fully up to date. It could be something to do with a shortcut filing somewhere and finds it on the next load? The only difference since it started is a CW update, not sure if that caused it or maybe 1 of the 3 plugins i installed in that time or my Novation controller but i would suspect a bug somewhere. Its all happened within the last month or two and because mums been in hospital and ive not been using CW much I'm a bit unclear when it started because my head been stressed with mum hospital etc. Before i start going looking into this myself i was just wanted to know if anyone actually knew what it was so i am not wasting hrs myself or anyone's time kind regards P
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