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Everything posted by whoisp

  1. I will write music for anything, does matter what it is and im sure your the same. Done a couple of little things but Rome wasn't built in a day
  2. This is a area i would like to get back into. I lost all my contacts at ITV when the crossover from analogue to digital in UK happened. I changed my work, my mother became ill and i like lost 10yrs before i blinked... I like the causal way you say "just 448 plugins" haha that tickled me but i understand many are instrument and sound plugs not just fx
  3. Exactly, gold is gold and no amount of plugs will polish a turd. I spent one evening with my friend showing him some fundermentlay basics and a massive improvement in a week. He heard so much shit about cakewalk, he couldn't believe i used cakewalk and mainly stock. He bought a mac setup because everyone told him logic lol All my EQ, SAT, Comp, FX Verb and Delay is stock 90%. The only extras i use is a old Boss Studio, with built in pre amp sims and FX so i don't have latency issues for tracking vocal or guitar. i bought Ozone 9 which is simple bus or mastering, Melodyne that i don't always use for corrections and some conversions , old vintage 76 drawer i like the sound of, got great air on it. Yes id like to get RX10, Nectar, Soothe and Fabfilter etc but i only can justify silly money if i had money to burn.
  4. Every Fender strat sounds different, nothing in reality is identical. In the box gives you constancy and all of this talk about the best digital compressors, preamps and FX etc is more about marketing and sales. Ego love sound bites of a famous Neve or Comp CLA 2A or 1176 etc even though like you said they all sound different and often repaired with different valves and transformers etc My point was more about people mixing into some crazy mix bus combination which often does take the life out of those sounds they are trying to emulate and the tracks going into the mix bus or buses going into the mix bus. Like you said, to then claim the plugin not sounding like the real thing. I checked my friend mixing out who was having some issues. A template he download for logic, which i don't use but obviously i know what a chin is to look at what he was doing. He always had comp on the track, then the instrument bus, then his mix bus. So its gone through 3 comps before he does anything and wonder why things were pumping and he was buying silly priced plugins to get this neve sound lol People get bogged down in so much bullshit
  5. whoisp

    Speak Your Mind

    Haha Cheers Paul, the 30 second music clip I first was a couple hours jamming and I was not going to do anymore until people said carry on. To be fair it was a struggle and in total four weeks in evenings including some extra hours at the weekends. That is long for me because I like banging stuff out in couple of weeks. I was messing with lots of sampling which was very time consuming with my voice, the side chaining and gating with quite a bit going on round it was tricky, like some people say vocal maybe bit lounder. I was trying loads of things out and got carried away so had to stop. In between breaks (ears a rest) I animated the heart with headphones as I seen it on a tshirt lol, so I started in illustrator in vectors export to animation program to make movement tweaks (I know some basic animation) I did work in video and Sounds engineer for ITV. Was very time consuming so I cut corners and managed all animation with lip syncing in one evening. Did not take that long because I looped little movements and “cut them up and stuck them back together” to make them look different from one 30 second dance sequence, so saved me many hours. I can do good animation but so time consuming. You could spend all year doing a 10 min skilful sequence. Key frames within the video edit was pretty quick layering the animation over the top of my desktop was one evening job. The whole project one month but cut mega corners on the video. I try to set myself time limits with work flow so I always know how long a project will take if someone asks me to mix or master. So I don’t get entrenched doing one thing and getting ***** with tweaks and changes but commit. I could take months doing one song without a video. Sorry long reply
  6. Yes, I worked for ITV and you learn backwards even though I did a degree in production and technology. You still have to start off with formats before anything, 24bit 48Khz for studio and broadcast quality to further understand latency for pre, post and live broadcasts. When you understand what the master, then you understand what you want from your mix. When you dubbing, doing scores, and mixing your own music production to broadcasts or dramas etc you understand all the process but you started in reverse for that specific reason.
  7. whoisp

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    Cheers Mark. Week off from music now
  8. whoisp


    Best Monday in a longtime lol
  9. whoisp

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    Cheers John, i tried to keep it entertaining so at least i don't waste people time haha
  10. YouTube is terrible for trashing videos and the audio you got to use twice the video res. Facebook is a bit better but both can trash audio, ive notice they prefer 192 kbps audio rate, if you us 320 its converts it to its death Nice emotional track,
  11. whoisp


    Beautifully written, this is a song for woman with a big range. Adele did this it be number one
  12. whoisp

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    Im going to start mixing through my crap headphones lol I was so entrenched with creating samples with the bass and drums on my monitors with sub it appears i neglected the vocals. Maybe because i sing along in my head and know the words it affected my judgement on the vocal level. This is so funny because i don't like pushing my vocals to much but my friend said the same at BBQ, that's 3 of you so im doing Instrumental next in protest lol
  13. whoisp

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    i noticed at a friends BBQ on his Bluetooth speakers how it pushers mid to top end so i did a few tests with my own Bluetooth and PC speakers, phones and phone with headphone's to get a average. Iv'e notice my crappy test headphones are the best mix judgment with vocal's (best average). Seems most people these days listen to music through phone headphones or Bluetooth and PC speakers which really does effect bass, mid and top end, bit of a minefield really finding a average when you do something a bit Dancy which i finding out.
  14. whoisp

    All of Your Heart

    Nice, sounds a bit like a Spanish guitar which i always love. Iv'e actually got a Fender Spanish that i never play and today will play it lol
  15. whoisp

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    Ive just notice "Fundamental Bass" gone on sale for £4 that's it lol, when i first bought this it was over £100 i think. Iv'e always used it for my all in one Bass chain balancing mostly on its own due to the built in simple Multiband Compressor, hi/low filter, tube pre amp Saturation and Split-stereo Imaging for less than 5 quid its a no brainer. I use it on any bass guitar and some of the sound engineering when creating samples or synth bottom end. I would say the main concept is in the way it splits audio into high and low modules for independent processing. https://www.waproduction.com/plugins/view/fundamental-bass
  16. I like the vocal, gets me thinking of war of the worlds for some reason...
  17. whoisp

    Tom's Diner

    Interesting combo Mark with style's. Iv'e always liked guitars and vocals but iv'e strayed away and maybe should go back haha
  18. whoisp

    Run to the Moon

    Nice and slick, love it and had a second listen
  19. Soundtracks are my favourite maybe because of my TV background in production. This is very well done and hits the spot for certain sound scores on a variety of programs to add that emotional vibe, which i call proper music lol You could haev just filmed yourself walking across a field with different headshot pontificating and it would haev worked to this lol well done Ross
  20. whoisp

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    I didn't know what to do for a video, so i always wanted to learn the free OBS software so had a play
  21. whoisp

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    Its the words which related to the ladybugs, in house joke haha
  22. whoisp

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    Finished the 30 second demo at the request from many on here, i extended it. So i decided to take the track on a cakewalk stock journey and a few other plugins thrown in for good measure with my own created vocal, drum, bass and guitar samples which are time consuming. So I had some fun with the little animated heart showing cakewalk some love with the little fella dancing in the daw. Hope you enjoy, what you think?
  23. Yes i have extended it. Will have it finished tonight and bang a quick video together. Had a few family issues which been slowing me up
  24. Yes i have this problem with OBS it will record my mic in OBS and video or MP3 etc i play from desktop but will not record Cakewalk output thats going to my desktop audio interface. My interface as SPIDF and 12 outputs but no loop back lol
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