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Everything posted by Amicus717

  1. I completely forgot about this program, but I am positive I bought it back when I was still using Soundfonts and a SoundBlaster Audigy2...I recall it was pretty decent...
  2. The price is much nicer to look at in Euros. I sometimes forget the exchange rate to Cdn is a lot less appealing...
  3. Info here: https://www.strezov-sampling.com/bundles/view/ESSENTIALS Bundle.html
  4. At the other end of the spectrum, Connor McDavid is basically a human cheat code. Dude's playing the game in god mode.
  5. And that was Thomas Chabot he stole the puck from and then out-dueled for possesion and position. Chabot's no lightweight - a great defender. And yeah, you can do a lot with hustle, alertness and a modest skill set
  6. Helluva game, and you totally have my sympathies, hockeyjx. I’m a Leafs fan - I understand heartbreak.
  7. Yeah, it is the Leafs. Sigh. I have no idea if they can do it, this year. They should have been able to every year for the last five.
  8. Yeah, that I totally understand. If the Leafs aren't leading by a mininum 6 goals with 3 mins left, I can't relax.
  9. I played a lot of hockey, including for my town and high school, and managed to keep my teeth. They are all originals! Got stitches a few times, separated my shoulder twice - that was fun - and ended my career courtesy of an epic ankle injury I sustained in the summer break on a trampoline. My skating never really recovered from that, and between my ruined ankle and all the damage I did to my knee joints over the years, I had to find a better way to channel my energy. These days, when the weather is cold and damp, I limp up and down the stairs like someone twice my age. I loved guys like Clarke, O'Reilly and Neely but I never wanted to play like them. Didn't like high traffic or the corners all that much, and I really didn't like getting hit. Nowadays I watch hockey obsessively, and wait for the Leafs to win something, anything, in the playoffs. Not a Devils fan? As for the big game: I'll be watching, and I suppose I'm rooting for KC -- although in truth I'd be happy if it was simply good, competitive game.
  10. I just noticed this while going through the Presonus site: the Universal Control driver was updated on Dec 6, 2022 to v4.0.0.90879 The release notes: https://pae-web.presonusmusic.com/downloads/products/release_notes/UC_4.0_Milestone_Release_Notes1.pdf
  11. The String Ostinatos Chapter II library has some nice bits in it, including the "measured" articulation -- which sounds kind of like a measured tremolo, to my ears. That's useful, for $25
  12. Thanks, Jim. Appreciate it a lot. I don't run my audio latency quite that low, but I use all VST libraries (and a lot of them at once) so that last thing I need is my graphics card getting in the way.
  13. Thanks for the info, folks. Appreciated.
  14. Thanks! By any chance, would you happen to know the model or GPU version? I have been looking at models like the Radeon RX 550, etc. But it's hard to get any kind of performance reviews that include productivity / non-3D application use. Everything is gaming benchmarks and little else, these days. Or so it seems, anyway...
  15. Hi everyone, I'm curious what graphics card folks are using with 4K displays and Cakewalk. I've got a 4K Samsung TV and two 1440p monitors flanking it, and while it all looks great, I've noticed recently that my graphics card is beginning to chug, especially when I have multiple Kontakt 7 instances open. I've got a GeForce GT 710 with multiple HDMI outputs, and it's performed just fine for about a year (full-screen 4K video was choppy, but other than that I had no problems running Cakewalk and Cubase in 4K and using multiple monitors). I guess new software and various updates have made the 710 no longer up to the task, so I was thinking of upgrading. Some card/GPU suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks, Rob
  16. Yeah, did that already. I was just surprised at how little it would cost to add some of the pieces I'd like. Seemed to good to be true, and I tend to think that means I'm missing some qualifying detail somewhere.
  17. Yeah, I took a look at the current deals, and it seems I can get Total Studio Max 3.5 for $99. Add in my JamPoints and it's $69! I already have MOST of what IK has to offer, but I'm missing a few select pieces I'd like -- the Tascam Tape Collection, and a couple of the newer reverbs. Seems like I can get them all for less than the individual sale price for one of them...am I reading that correctly?
  18. Yeah, my wife has worked as a pro -- singer and theatre work -- and she's very good (although I may have a bias). She's also smoking hot. And that's not bias -- everyone else thinks so too, and when they look at her and then me, they go: "dude...seriously, how...?" At which point she says: "we worked together for years as musicians, and he's awesome to play with." And then folks nod slowly: "ah...ok"
  19. Van Halen and Hank Williams. Epic...
  20. I rarely get involved in threads like that one, mainly because it's a waste of energy. What actually happened is a total unknown -- I don't know any of the people directly involved, and neither does 99.999% of the commentators -- and so drawing conclusions is pointless. And honestly, maybe I'm just getting old and tired, but the drama of it just wears me out. It kind of dovetails with my own mild distaste for VI Control, generally. I have never enjoyed it much, and rarely go there unless on a search for specific info that is hard to find elsewhere. I personally have not had a bad experience on the forum, but it's always had a chaotic schoolyard vibe that I found a bit off-putting. That's just my own sense of things, and I can understand others finding it a very useful community to participate in. I'm perfectly content with the Cakewalk forum. This is a good group.
  21. This sounds like a nice little library, and right in my wheel-house...
  22. This is a great value (I think they ran the same deal a few months ago?) Of all the 8Dio libraries I own, this one gets the most use by far. It's not perfect, but I think you can do a lot with it, and for $50 its a great way for folks to venture into orchestral stuff without breaking the bank. I use the Legatos (mainly Legato I), as those patches are super-schmaltzy and in your face. The legato transitions are big and bold, and just outrageous to my ears. When I need an over-the-top string line they are my goto, and so they remain in my template even though I have a ton of other string libraries. I've never had any problems blending them with my other libraries, although it can take some eq work and careful mic adjustment. I don't like the shorts, as they just don't sound natural to my ears. The trems and pizz are useable, although I have better options that I'd turn to first before I fired up the Anthology versions. The chamber patches have never really interested me, and the solo string patches are way less playable than my other solo string libs, so I never use them. But if all you had is Anthology, all of the above could be made to work pretty well. It's a lot of library for $50, regardless of its rough areas and age spots. Just my two cents. As always, workflow and library preferences are pretty personal thing and so YMMV. Rob
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