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Everything posted by sadicus

  1. RAW and tedious, great album name and story of my life Haha! thanks!
  2. I really know nothing about it but what I'm asking seems like a "EQ" filter technique. Also I thought Melodyne just allows for moving the notes up and down in pitch, not eq? At this point in life the answer is "yes" it can be done, but there is always a price. DeMIX Essentials $179.00
  3. Curious if there are already tools in Cbb to do this before falling into the internet. the mix consists of 2 guitars, bass, 2 vox and standard rock drums. ...well looky here: https://www.audiosourcere.com/products/
  4. This is not specific to one kind of synth. (in this case it happens to be NI Absynth 5) The synth played back when the project was saved and closed. Opening the project and the synth is silent. Open a new instance of the synth and it works as expected. all the routing is the same. Now 3 instances are in the project, the original two that are useless, and the new instance that works as expected.
  5. how exactly to remove the warning? WarnSilentBus=0
  6. Thank you for the information. Do I need a "directory junction" app to fix this? Do or Don't edit the reg path? I'm looking for a way to fix this duplicate issue, is it an issue? Haha, no idea!
  7. There might be unnecessary duplicates, search found several locations that DP has a list of sample libraries. Which are safe to delete? How to get Dimension to find the custom Lib path: E:\Dimension Pro Library\Multisamples C:\ProgramData\Cakewalk\Dimension Pro\Programs C:\Program Files\Cakewalk\Dimension Pro\Multisamples E:\Dimension Pro Library\Multisamples I must be confusing the Lib structure and the Multisamples. example, The '11th Dimension.prog" references the "Dimension Pro Library\Multisamples"
  8. DimPro is not listing all the libraries. How to set custom DimPro Library? E:\Dimension Pro Library\Multisamples
  9. Most apps have new ways of using them, that's kinda the point of upgrading. Unless Cbb wants to make a list indicating 4 year old tutorials "still work" . Would you want to do a random search and watch a 30 min tutorial only to find out the info is dated and does not apply? Thanks for letting us know that it works the same.
  10. Thank you. Melodyne usually sends an update email. It is now updated to Melodyne Version: I though Cbb used a different app for audio stretching and editing, similar to Melodyne. Tutorial search "Cakewalk Melodyne audio to MIDI" are 4-6 years old!
  11. First test of the day: 2019.07 simple 3 note audio clip *D/D to MIDI track, is not converting to midi. A message warning it may take a long time depending on, pops up but nothing happens. tried with combined instrument track and plain old midi track, same result. *(Drag, Dropped)
  12. Appreciate the animated mini-tutorials, very helpful! An in depth "Cakewalk Workflow" video series showing the differences would also be helpful. Good Job!
  13. +1 on the above requests Vid tutorials showing the "why" of workflow for changes would be very helpful. ~ thanks!
  14. scook you are a wealth of Cakewalk info, you might even be part of the matrix.
  15. Drum Maps WTF BEFORE I dive in the the glorious world of DMM, I'd like to work on music not type. is this really the only way to do this, No maps already exist for these patches? GPO5 chart shows B1 = 35 the DMM shows B2=35, how exactly does this work?
  16. when a search is made Sonarx 3 is the result. Any updates or tutorials on how to use Track Manager tutorial efficiently?
  17. same goes for any tiny window with scroll bars.
  18. When Bouncing a track. Is there a way to setup parameters to: set I/O + bus? currently every-time this has to be set.
  19. "send from the trk you wan to record" THAT's the part I was missing, Haha thanks! I was creating Aux track and routing the the outs.
  20. Trying to get Vocalizer Pro, to 'record what you hear' The VST is working as expected but yet to figure out how to record just the effect. track 1 Simple Instrument Drums + Vocalizer + midi pattern (this track makes the combined sound) track 2 MIDI (controlling Vocalizer internal keyboard acting as a trigger) track 3 How to rout I/O to Record the Vocalizer effect only
  21. Trying to get Vocalizer Pro, to 'record what you hear' The VST is working as expected but yet to figure out how to record just the effect.
  22. Today I'm seeking ways to be more organized and efficient at creating Tracks using Soft Synths. example: Create single instance of Kontakt with one patch, then freeze track or Bounce the audio to a track label it and select a different patch in kontakt and repeat.
  23. its the most simple instrument to use when troubleshooting or experimenting with new VST routing. is there a better one to use without loading kontakt?
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