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David Sprouse

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Everything posted by David Sprouse

  1. Brilliant song! This genre was apropos of your footage, c. 1970, Brought back memories.
  2. You're right, sounds great on headphones. It has a nice folksy feel to it. Well done, sir!
  3. So true critical chameleon (your lyrics) It's always somethin-else aint it. Loved your song.
  4. I loved the parodies of bill clinton, they were pretty harmless and really funny.
  5. You sound exactly like the guy who used to play bass in my band.. I like your words as always. wont be long till your rich...
  6. David Sprouse

    Red Rocks

    You're excellent at reverse engineering these various genres. Didn't know you did ambient! You're a very resourceful songwriter.
  7. anders, I love your voice, so emotionally true. Do you perform anywhere?
  8. Starise, good point about the left panning. I'm not sure how it got so far to the left. NOt atonal, but the harmony is really unconventional and all mine! Here's another one with similar harmonies, Lullaby Thanks for listening and commenting.
  9. I don't know what to say anymore. Too many superlatives.
  10. Starise! Glad you're *being honest* haha. No, seriously this is good. Hope you had fun making it. @ 2:52 when you go into the two part playing,the samples sounded kind of strange. What orchestral library are you using? I think what it is is that the samples are getting cut off somehow, so it sound electronic. Best, David
  11. Thanks wookie and tom for listening. Did you feel like you were in the clouds?
  12. Sound a little like TOM JOHNSTON (doobie brothers). I like this version alot.
  13. thanks for listening bjorn!
  14. Time isn't money because people aren't assets (anymore) I love your frisky sense of humor.
  15. Don't know if this is kosher, but I'll hijack my old post for a memorial day post: https://davidsprouse.bandcamp.com/track/soldiers-h
  16. Beautiful melody. And, you kept it interesting and novel till the end.
  17. David Sprouse


    This must be the cosmic brain having s?x, no?
  18. just what I needed today. Thanks,
  19. I think I've mentioned this before, but it feels like your voice is too far forward. Might just be different tastes, but a little reverb would make it recede a bit. Beautiful song. You're good at setting the mood.
  20. I think Jesse gets scared of his own genius sometimes.
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