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Posts posted by KSband

  1. There's lot's of kits out there that you should be able to plug in to your drum software.  Building drum tracks is not my strength for sure.  I've been using Jamstix which uses an AI to play your parts. Its super easy to make basic track but not easy to make a complicated one like yours.  I like the Natural rock kit sounds it has. I've been thinking of trying a different program,  addictive drums or easy drummer for more control over the parts.  My brother used to play drums for me but I can't get him to do it anymore. 

  2. 49 minutes ago, mark skinner said:

     Hey , I know I said I wouldn't bump this back up , but I got an e-mail from Mike Enjo this morning and wants to use the song on this Thursdays  Creative Sauce  "Featured Artist" .  The top link now reflects the original mix without the flute.  I'm happy ..   mark

    Hey, that's really cool!

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  3. I just listened again and am even more impressed with your song. It must have been a lot of work with all those changes.  It may be more the sound of the kit, I think I like an old school natural sound.  Not a fan of clicky kick drums and percussive compressed snare. This a very popular sound now. That is totally a personal preference thing, don't pay any attention to me you did a great job.

  4. I don't know if the flute added anything.  It sounds like a keyboard, needs to be more organic sounding and maybe playing off the melody.  Great track, still loving it.

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  5. I'm listening on my phone with ear buds so not ideal. The guitar sounds made me want to turn it off, very thin and hard on the ears.  Good song and great playing. 

  6. Wow, really enjoyed listening to this! With my headphones on the guitars seem to dance around the top of my head.  Very clean sounding recording and great playing.  I think it's pretty perfect as is.  If I were to add anything to it I think a flute solo would wound sound nice in there. Outstanding man.

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