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Everything posted by mibby

  1. I'm thrilled with my bargain used Faderport v1 ($60!) and Studio One 5. 😉
  2. I used to watch him because he was kind of funny and interesting, but a usually had some good points. In this one, he makes an excellent point about how devs with subscriptions should be the first to have their software compatible with new hardware releases. He was wrong about Melda however, because they do offer a subscription - or rather, a rent-to-own option, which is 100% better and a more user-centric model than a subscription IMO. I hate subscriptions. Subscriptions are right behind the silliness that is WUP. I just got MPS4 this year after literally years of waiting for sales and buying different plugins to get a manageable upgrade cost - and I really like my Izotope plugins. However, if this is the future for Izotope, they have gotten their last penny from me. I love Studio One as well. But if they decide to go all subscription too, CW by Bandcamp or Reaper, here I come...
  3. This bears saying again too - if you own some Melda plugins already, log on to your account and check your bundle upgrade price. Melda is the best I've seen as far as giving you credit for plugins you own. PLUS, they give you 60% off THAT price too! ...
  4. If you want to pick up Melda stuff, this is a great time! The free bundle upgrade should be a discounted too. Check your Melda account for your upgrade price on a bundle based on the plugins you already own!
  5. They should be. That UC1 with accompanying plugins is one sexy piece of kit... 😋
  6. The VPRE-73 is pretty great. BUT, I seem to recall $29 being its retail price! I got it for $15 a while ago... I've got a few of their other plugins. Other than the VPRE-73, the VLA-FET probably gets to most use. https://blackroosteraudio.com/en/products/vla-fet
  7. Have you tried removing and adding it again? Mine eventually just showed up. Maybe email support if it doesn't. I'm sure they'd rather get something than nothing. 🙂
  8. This one caught my eye when it came out and seems like it's got a lot of interesting possibilities. But it quickly got priced out of my interest range. $39 bucks is almost tempting. It's a fun looking plugin too - I like the artwork. 🙂
  9. Note: From the email with this deal - this is a "public beta state" release, so the development is ongoing and they are looking for feedback...
  10. I just got a 10 EU loyalty coupon from them good until July 6. (?) PS. I've also gotten a 5% off coupon for leaving something in the shopping cart...
  11. Oh hey! Mine showed up the same. $6 = no brainer.
  12. mibby

    Power Outage

    Yikes! I didn't know you got tornadoes in Michigan!?? Stay safe guys!
  13. Likewise. Yes, it's too bad we couldn't use these on the PhasePlant sale. 🥴 Please put me down for one of your coupons as well. THANKS guys!
  14. You must have gotten the "coins" when you registered then, no? I've had an account since the FrontDAW giveaway a couple of years ago...
  15. Same here. 🥺 but I do have a couple of their plugins and like them quite well, especially Hyperspace! So does that mean none of you guys got the Royal Compressor (PB) and/or FirePressor (this month at ADSR) freeebies??
  16. I like some of these WA Production plugins! Where did you find this one Lars? Or is it top secret? 😉
  17. mibby

    Melda 24

    I don't remember seeing that as anEMD item. I got mine on BF. You can also pick it up when the other bundles go on sale like the summer sale they had last year. Definitely worth the upgrade though!
  18. Not for me either. I figured it was because I got the freebie last time it was offered. (?)
  19. No question that is a generous offer. I just couldn't get past the irony of it being posted on the Cakewalk forum. ...But as was pointed out, in some cases (i.e. Melda) it can be quite a deal! It all depends on the developer. If you pick it up, let us know what you think! 🙂
  20. I was wondering if he had moved on from lawyering to music production?? ? 🤔
  21. Now why does that sound familiar?? 🤔 Oh wow! I think I just had a seizure looking at that site! 🥴 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- * I know nothing of these guys and they could be really great plugins. (Just having a little fun is all... 😉)
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