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telecode 101

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Everything posted by telecode 101

  1. cool. but why is this chicha popular? i dont get it?
  2. my offer is $99 for V Col 9 upgrade and $69 for FX4. tempting. very temping. but still lots of time. I will wait to see what Softube and Soniccouture will bring up next.
  3. This is an interesting take on this. I usually hear moon kits is the most realistic drum library on the market for the genre its meant for.
  4. This looks really interesting.. may be my next move.. as its seems Steinberg are hosing it
  5. Yup. great company. Looking forward to seeing if they will offer any discount codes.
  6. yeah. mostly that. but it's a studio where quite a few different thing were done. i am most familiar with the Paul Carrack and David Crosby records. https://www.discogs.com/label/1030105-Fisher-Lane-Farm-Studios I am sure I will get it at some point as i am a sucker for these sorts of things. but will wait for the right GB.
  7. I generally say, dont get into discussions of politics on forums. it will lead to bad things.
  8. I think this stuff has been free for long time. FWIW.. I think 8dio make good stuff. Totally usable and sounds good.
  9. Thanks for sharing. I have been around a while in various forms. From what I have experienced, I am not convinced ethics in business exists in the real world. I have been through so many re-orgs, re-structures, its usually all just throw the baby out with the bathwater and start all over again from scratch. That's just how the big guys like to roll. A life lesson for the new young folks starting out in careers, when you see that, that usually means new opportunities are being created and a good way to get into a big corp. 😉
  10. they that that mosaic tape which i really liked. right up my alley sondwise. but i think i will just wait for a better deal. please i keep thinking that NI partner sale was much better prices . maybe i am wrong.
  11. Great stuff. I never knew this. Hey, let me know if I can PM you for some advice. I been looking at trying to do something in music software sales. I am so confused. I know that Maro dude from various forums. I thought he worked for NI. I guess not so.
  12. yup. no jammies allowed on IK site. big fan of fame and sunset. still not sure about farm yet. i see people complaining online that its sparce in features compared to the other two.
  13. Yes you can. All depends if you need it . I don’t . I’ll just wait for a group buy.
  14. I gotta say, that was a total lame move by IKM. They should allow people to use their jam points if they want to.
  15. just imagine what it will be like when they drop to $16.64
  16. I dont know about this anymore. I have a feeling this will be the year that I teach myself DP. I keep hearing interviews of some guys I respect a lot who only use DP.
  17. Nile Rogers is a huge influence on me. His playing and approach to pop music and what he brings with he from US R&B music genres. I have the Chic box set and listen to them a lot. They were quite the gem from the 70s era. But I gotta say, the records sound much better than his live performances with Chic in the present day. Once Edwards and Thompson passed away, its not really the same vibe.
  18. Sure. i am a big fan of Chieftains and Corrs. One of the albums that had a huge influence on me as a teenager was Van Morrison and Chieftains album that I just picked up for not good reason. It was an album that changed my taste in music. Up until them, most of the stuff I was listening to was the regular kind of stuff that was popular back then, hair spray metal, rock, pop and other stuff. But that record probably started my journey into world music and discovering other artists that did not occupy the top 100 mainstream charts.
  19. this !! ^^ vert good freebie.
  20. $49.99 Regularly $2,069.00 Save $2,019!! or waste $49.99.. which will it be? LOL!!!
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