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Scott Kendrick

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Posts posted by Scott Kendrick

  1. OK - there has to be a better way or maybe I'm crazy for trying to do what I'm doing. My band is recording cover tracks, and so what I like to do is record the drum track with the original underneath it as our scratch track. I use my Roland TD 25 to capture midi into EZDrummer while I play along to the original. I then add EZ Drummer as an instrument into Cakewalk and import my midi. All is good so far...

    But then I want to clean up the timing some and ensure alignment with the original track... the problem starts with the fact that most tracks we are doing are not perfect tempo and like any song temp drifts a little here and there. So I walk through the audio of the original and use the Set Beat at Now feature to align the tempo to the original track. I do this all manually for now and don't use AudioSnap to try to fast track anything. I'm doing this so I can use Quantize to get the timing of the midi track nice and clean.

    The problem is, when I start doing this it slightly changes the tempo from time to time, but because midi has tempo baked in, now my once fairly closely aligned drum track gets quite a bit off (because while setting tempo markers has no impact on the audio file of the original, it changes the location of the midi notes). I then spend a lot more time, trying to get the drum track back aligned (quantizing in the process).

    Is there a better way to do what I'm trying to do? Both quantize the midi and align to an original?



  2. sorry @zaquria for my last post... I'm making some progress.. didn't see I had my instrument list filtered for "t" which you can see in the screen shot. I do have ezdrummer in my list and was able to follow your instructions. Giving this a try. Next I need to figure out how to switch kits or drum sounds - assuming this is done through the EZD interface... still learning. Thanks

  3. I've been working on this for hours, searching youtube, searching this forum and I can't get basic things to work. Sometimes they miraculously work but then I don't remember how I did it.

    Essentially what I"m trying to do is take a midi file recorded with EZDrummer, pull it into Cakewalk for editing - eg. copy and paste sections played well, delete stuff not played well, and then render out to a final audio track using the EZDrummer kits (unless there is a better sound drum kit in Cakewalk).

    Importing EzDrummer midi

    - I open ezdrummer, drag and drop it into cakewalk. This seems to work

    Playback - NO SOUND

    When I play the track, I see some lights flicker suggesting the track has content but no sound is playing. At some point I solved this in another project but I have no idea. I think I have to assign the track to use the Ezdrummer instrument, but I don't know how to do this. If you have recommendations please provide step by step.

    Splitting the track in to song sections - e.g. Verse 1, Chorus, Bridge, Verse 2

    I'm assuming I want to do this when the midi track is assembled as one rather than when I split into separate instrument tracks?

    Changing the instrument used for a single midi track

    After I split the combined midi into individual tracks, how do I take the hi-hat for example, and assign it to a different sound hi hat?


    Sorry for all the questions. I have a ton of experience with software and media editing in apps like ACID and VEGAS, but just can't wrap my head around these DAWs. I have tried several. Thanks in advance

    • Confused 1
  4. Same issue - I some how got it to work once but now no idea. I think it has something to do with picking the input and/or output for the midi track to be ezdrummer but I can't seem to do this. Every DAW I've ever tried is extremely difficult to use and I don't understand why

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