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Morten Saether

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  1. [UPDATE 22-Apr-2021: Cakewalk 2021.04 Early Access 2 is now available] We're pleased to announce Early Access for 2021.04! This release integrates BandLab library access directly within Cakewalk, introduces a new Tempo track and Tempo Inspector, PC2A T-Type Leveling Amplifier ProChannel module, automation enhancements, Arranger enhancements, lots of other enhancements and optimizations, and over 60 bug fixes. We'd love for you to check it out before we drop the official public version. Please note that Early Access installers are update installers, which only update from a specific version. To install the 2021.04 Early Access build, you must be on the latest public release of 2021.01. Download Cakewalk 2021.04 EA installer Should you need to revert to the 2021.01 release, you can download the Cakewalk 2021.01 Rollback installer. If you haven't already done so, please read about the Early Access Program before participating. Please keep responses specific to problems or comments on this release. Unrelated bugs or feature requests should be posted in other threads or the feature request channel. Thanks again for your participation! The Bakers 2021.04 Highlights New features Note: Screenshots may not reflect actual UI in latest build. Integrated BandLab library access The 2021.04 release introduces a major update to BandLab integration, with support for downloads and uploads and tracking revision state directly from within Cakewalk. Subsequent uploads to BandLab of a modified project are automatically tracked as revisions to the parent project. There is also support for importing clips and MIDI tracks from BandLab projects. The brand new Library view (File > Browse BandLab Projects) now allows you to navigate your projects on BandLab and set revision and song properties directly from within Cakewalk . Here are some of the benefits of BandLab library integration in Cakewalk: Easily publish Cakewalk projects, stems and mixes to your BandLab library Quickly open BandLab projects in Cakewalk Collaborate easily by sharing audio tracks via the BandLab cloud Bring projects started on mobile into Cakewalk for VST effects and advanced editing Fly in vocals or other parts for a Cakewalk project from iOS and Android Curate your music as playlists that you can play anywhere from your mobile device To publish the current project to your BandLab library, select File > Publish to BandLab or choose Export | BandLab from the export module on the toolbar. When publishing to BandLab, a project may be uploaded as a new project, or as a revision to an existing BandLab project. BandLab projects always point to the latest revision. Use the Upload Settings to pick the combination of project assets you wish to upload to the BandLab project. Tracks and buses are mixed down prior to uploading to BandLab. To open a BandLab project, select File > Browse BandLab Projects. You may open as a new Cakewalk project or import into an existing project. Note that revisions are only tracked if you open as a new Cakewalk project. Use the Download Settings options to select the types of assets from the BandLab project you wish to download and open. Note: The Help button in the Browse BandLab Projects dialog box will not launch the correct help topic until Cakewalk 2021.04 has been officially released. IMPORTANT: Cakewalk is no longer compatible with projects downloaded via BandLab Assistant. As of version 2021.04, BandLab Assistant should no longer be used for project integration. If you have multiple BandLab user accounts and would like to sign in as a different user, select Help > Sign Out from BandLab, then select Help > Sign In to BandLab to sign in with a different account. Tempo track The new envelope based Tempo track replaces the Tempo view and provides an overview of the project tempo. In the Tempo track, tempo changes are represented by envelope shapes. You edit the project’s tempo map the same way you edit automation envelopes. If a project has a single fixed tempo, the Tempo track shows a straight horizontal line. You create tempo changes by adding envelope nodes and editing their values. You can expand the Tempo track to give yourself more room to work, and adjust the range of values for the Tempo track. To show the Tempo track, do one of the following: Click the Track view View menu and select Tempo Track Show/Hide Select Views > Tempo or press ALT+SHIFT+5 (this also opens the Tempo Inspector) The Tempo track automatically zooms vertically to fit the tempo range each time the tempo envelope is modified. To zoom vertically, drag up/down in the tempo scale with the left mouse button To scroll vertically, drag in the tempo scale with the right mouse button To auto-zoom to fit the envelope, double-click the tempo scale The new Project > Offset Tempo Map command lets you speed up or slow down the entire tempo map. For additional options, right-click the Tempo track. Tip: There is a new workspace named Tempo that has a layout suitable for tempo editing. Note: Your old custom workspaces have no knowledge of the new Tempo track, so you must resave the workspaces if you want to store the state of the Tempo track. Tempo Inspector The Tempo Inspector shows a list of all tempo changes defined in the project’s tempo map, and allows you to edit each tempo change BPM, time position, and curve type. To show/hide the Tempo Inspector, click the Show/Hide Tempo Inspector button at the top of the Inspector pane. To show both the Tempo Inspector and Tempo track, select Views > Tempo or press ALT+SHIFT+5. PC2A T-Type Leveling Amplifier ProChannel module PC2A T-Type Leveling Amplifier is meticulously modeled after a legendary vintage electro-optical tube compressor. This compressor, known for its automatic gain control characteristics, delivers vintage sound with incredibly warm and rich compression. It is revered by audio engineers worldwide for its trademark sound, and has been used on countless hit records since the late 1960s. It is one of the true classics in the audio recording industry. Enhancements Loop current arrangement You can now loop the current arrangement indefinitely by enabling the Loop Enable/Disable button in the Arranger Inspector. Plug-in menu improvements Plug-in menus have been greatly enhanced to make it easier and faster to find and select plug-ins: Plug-in menus show color coded plug-in types (DX/VST2/VST3/32 bit) Large plug-in menus can now show over 1,000 plug-ins Multiple columns appear when applicable Clearer fonts Supports mouse wheel scrolling Supports keyboard navigation: HOME / END PAGE UP / PAGE DOWN Press any alpha-numeric key to go to the first plug-in beginning with that character; press the same character again to go to the next plug-in, etc. Improved automation envelope UI The appearance of automation envelopes has been updated: Automation envelopes are slightly thinner Nodes are smaller and no longer have a gradient Selected nodes are larger and outlined Ghosted envelopes no longer show nodes Show values on automation envelopes You can now optionally show values on envelopes. To show/hide values on automation envelopes, click the Track view View menu and select Display > Show Values on Envelopes. Track Manager preset support The Track Manager dialog box now has support for per-project presets. This is useful if you have a large project and you want to hide all other tracks apart from a certain group of tracks. For example, on a rock project you could have a "Drums only" or "Guitars" preset; on an orchestral project, you may wish to have a "Strings Section" preset that hides all tracks apart from your strings tracks. Note: Tracks within the Tracks Manager presets are "opted-out" - i.e. it remembers which tracks you want to hide, rather than which tracks you want to show (to avoid not being able to see newly created tracks). To open the Track Manager, click the Track view Tracks menu and select Track Manager or press the H key. Convert MIDI continuous controller (CC) events to/from automation envelopes You can convert back and forth between MIDI continuous controller (CC) events and automation envelopes. The existing Track view Clips > Convert MIDI Controllers To Envelopes command lets you convert all CC events on all selected tracks to automation envelopes. You now also have finer control with the ability to convert an individual CC type on a Piano Roll controller lane. You can also convert MIDI automation envelopes back to CC events. You can also choose to convert only a selected part of your CC events / automation envelope and back again. Converting MIDI controllers to envelopes: In the Piano Roll view Controller pane, click the name/label of the CC type that you want to convert to an envelope. Right-click the highlighted CC name/label and select Convert MIDI to Envelopes. Cakewalk converts the Piano Roll view controller data to a Track view envelope that controls the same parameter. Converting envelopes to MIDI controllers: This can be useful, for example, if you want to use the Transform tool in the Piano Roll view Controller pane. In the Clips pane, show the envelope that you want to convert to MIDI controller events. Select the time range that contain the controller data you want to convert, or clear the selection if you want to convert the entire envelope. Right-click envelope and select Convert to MIDI Events. Conversion uses the current Snap to Grid setting as a resolution for discrete CC events: If Snap is off, the resolution is the last selected snap setting If Snap is not set to a musical value (e.g. samples), the resolution is 1/32nd note UI theme compatibility checker IMPORTANT: The Inspector header has a new Show/Hide Tempo Inspector button . In addition to the new button, the other header buttons have been resized. Custom user themes must be updated in order to show the header buttons properly. When you select a theme in Edit > Preferences > Customization - Themes, or launch Cakewalk with an old custom user theme active, Cakewalk checks to make sure the custom theme is compatible with the current version of Cakewalk. A user theme is considered incompatible if Cakewalk contains new or resized UI elements that have not been updated in the theme. If the selected theme needs to be updated, Cakewalk will show a Custom Theme Incompatibility warning, and ask if you want to continue to use the theme: If you click Yes, some UI elements might be corrupted until the theme is updated and resaved in Theme Editor. If you click No, Cakewalk will revert to the factory Mercury theme. Behavior changes Disable Arranger Preview if project does not support it To reinforce that Arranger Preview is not supported in projects that contain video, ReWire synths, and active Region FX, Arranger Preview is now disabled in such projects. Optimizations High resolution Plug-in Automation improvements Plug-in automation envelopes were previously being decimated at a uniform 50 msec interval. The automation rendering process has been redesigned to render at a much higher resolution of (default = 5 msec) and also make automation sample accurate (for VST3). For VST2 (or VST3 plug-ins that do not support sample accurate automation) the rendering will be buffer accurate. These improvements allows for much tighter sync when automating plug-in parameters synced to rhythm even at higher latencies. The higher resolution rendering also makes automating filter sweeps audibly smoother and without aliasing artifacts. The decimation interval can be changed via the audio configuration property AutomationDecimationMsec (2-30) in preferences. Accurate automation writing via MIDI remote control Writing automation for plug-in parameters automated via MIDI remote control is more accurate and curves should be smoothly represented. Bug fixes Stability Crash loading custom plug-in layouts Multichannel WAV files from Behringer X32 mixer crash on import to 24 bit Crash on close of attached project Crash when adding some plug-ins from track template Crash when writing plug-in automation on top of existing automation User reported crash with AmpleSound Cloudrum Crash drag exporting MIDI to browser Dragging a MIDI clip to Kontakt causes crash Crash after moving Arranger Section AmpleSound VST3 plug-ins crash when trying to play attached MIDI file Crash swapping Sections in attached project UI FX Chain assigned controls not working after project reopen Aim Assist is not visible when moving the mouse in the Piano Roll time ruler Drag move of Step Sequencer clip crops unexpectedly Clip outlines in the Piano Roll are practically invisible in the Tungsten theme Dimmed envelopes difficult to see in Tungsten Hide Muted Clips in Piano Roll does not hide MIDI CCs Ripple Edit turns off unexpectedly after bouncing clip. SHIFT-drag of split point causes other clips to crop unexpectedly Drawing error when changing sample rate Velocity of muted and hidden clips can be edited within Piano Roll Unexpected behavior when adding notes in Piano Roll when muted clips are hidden Scrollbar in Piano Roll track list no longer working Drag drop move MIDI selection doesn't shrink the destination clip to the events extent Reassign Control menu does not use Choose Parameter Choose parameters dialog does not show for effects on instrument tracks Context Menu for Select Module causes module to disappear Drag and Drop of MIDI file creates unexpected extra MIDI clip MIDI Ports from synths should not be exposed to their own inputs Plug-ins Insert effect not working for audio clips Systems with high plug-in counts can fail to show all plug-ins 2021.01 Update exposes internal Style Dial parameters VST plug-in automation rendering is not accurate Cakewalk incorrectly reporting sample rate to VST2 plug-in after project sample rate is changed Dragging an effect from one track to another goes to the wrong index Nomad Factory FX included with SONAR Platinum do not show as assignable parameters in FX Chains When Custom Layout does not contain plug-in, MRU fails to load Plug-in Menu MRU shows duplicate entries when plug-ins are loaded from different places Cakewalk loses keystrokes when plug-in hosted by Waves StudioRack has focus Plug-in automation written via MIDI control not writing as expected Arranger Arranger section without data copy operations fail. Arranger inspector: Prevent moving a section against itself Arrangement playback timer does not match project playback timer Show/Hide Arranger should show shortcut in Track View View menu Articulation Maps Articulation Chase Notes/CC does not respect order of events within the articulation Error changing articulation event to keyaft event in event list Modifying Section Length changes project Time Signature Unexpectedly Move section with overwrite & leading notes sometimes fails to move the correct part of the clip Misc. Changing tempo during playback causes synth audio to cut out Convert MIDI to Envelopes not working for multiple lanes with different channels Punch in recording occurs late with Aux or synth tracks Quantize can quantize MIDI behind frozen instrument tracks Save / Save As .mid file should ignore selection - only Export should use selection Save As MIDI using selection after doing Export as MIDI with selection Incorrect folder behavior when inserting a synth Add Track for Split Instrument Tracks does not respect track count Bounce to Clip(s) not always deleting original clips after bounce Sign-in view fails on Windows 7
  2. [Updated 29-Jan-2021] Version 2021.01 Update 1 (build now available! Introduction The 2021.01 release introduces Arranger enhancements, SSO (Single Sign-On) for activation, import and export improvements, optimizations, and over 50 bug fixes, all in keeping with our goal of making Cakewalk as reliable and enjoyable as possible. The following highlights are intended to provide an overview of the more significant changes. Please also refer to the new features section of our documentation for more detailed information on the features. Please give us feedback on this release. We hope you like it! Update Jan 29 2021: 2021.01 Update 1 (build Enhancements and optimizations: MMCSS improvements When Use MMCSS is enabled in Edit > Preferences > Audio - Playback and Recording, all threads are assigned to the same MMCSS task groups for better efficiency. In prior releases on multicore systems with 16 or more cores MMCSS limits could be prematurely reached, resulting in lowered efficiency with some audio threads not running at pro audio priorities. The MMCSS thread limit has been boosted to 128 to handle machines with a higher number of cores (requires a reboot after installing this update to take effect) VST3 Host Bypass enhancement The VST3 Host Bypass button now also works when this parameter is not automatable. Bug fixes Stability: Crash inserting Kuasa plug-in. Crash when switching projects using different sample rates with PreSonus Studio 192. Plug-ins: Projects containing certain plug-ins fail to open in 2021.01 release. Plug-in Load balancing threads were not being released. Arranger Tracks: Ripple All not working when deleting from Arranger Inspector. Ripple edit delete using section overlaps crops the clip at the end of the left sections. Ripple Edit delete Section with overlapping notes at the end not working. Arranger: Fix for trailing notes being incorrectly picked up by a section. Articulation Maps: Ripple Edit Delete at beginning of project isn't working with Articulations. Deleting an articulation occasionally splits it into two smaller but invisible articulations. Show/Hide Articulation Pane in Piano Roll does nothing if there are no articulations on the track. Adding a new articulation event should default to velocity 100. Articulations sometimes deleted when using Project > Insert Time/Measures. Automation: Automation write not working with certain VST2 plug-ins until envelope was created. Freezing a synth could cause synth automation on all tracks to get orphaned. Skip non automatable parameters in Choose Parameter dialog. UI: Add Instrument Track not putting audio track in folder / unable to remove from folder. Increased contrast of Piano Roll clip outlines so they are visible regardless of current theme. Misc.: Opening project at different sample rate can fail to engage audio engine. MMCSS threads not properly unregistered on engine termination. MMCSS threads could exceed quota with repeated changes to preferences. Cakewalk no longer attempts to set ASIO thread priority when MMCSS is not enabled. Unexpected sample rate conversion message when bouncing audio. Remove unexpected dropout message when creating or loading new projects. Fixed bitmap memory leak in when editing using AudioSnap that could cause blank screen. Updated CWAF tool latest known version number string to 27.13.0.xxx. Update OAuth to new BandLab backend protocol. 2021.01 Highlights Arranger section inclusion of outlying MIDI notes When dragging sections or committing arrangements, Cakewalk has logic for dealing with leading/trailing MIDI notes that overlap section boundaries. In the following example, section 2 is selected. The underlying MIDI clip contains note events that start slightly before section 2 and end slightly after section 2. By default, selecting section 2 will ignore the portions of overlapping note events that fall outside the section boundaries. Cakewalk now lets you optionally include the full duration of overlapping note events. Notes that overlap section boundaries: Leading/trailing notes are often created in the following scenarios: The recorded performance is unquantized and notes appear slightly earlier than the section start. When using a sound with a slow attack, and the notes have to be played early to make up for the attack time. Leading notes as part of a lead-in phrase, or droned notes that overlap with the section boundaries. You can specify the threshold that determines which overlapping note events are included when moving sections. To do so, click the Track view MIDI menu and point to Arranger Section Event Overlap Threshold, then select one of the following options: Off. Ignore overlapping notes. Note value (Whole – 1/256 Triplet). Only include notes that overhang by a duration equal to or less than the selected value. Any Overlap. Include overlapping notes of any duration. When overlapping notes fall within the threshold set, those notes are included in the section move/copy and the clip start/end is automatically resized (slip-edited) to accommodate the notes. The moved notes are also removed from the neighboring sections. This requires Non-destructive Editing to be enabled, and works best with Split MIDI Note enabled. The Arranger Section Event Overlap Threshold setting affects all arranger drag operations, delete, commit arrangement, and Duplicate from the section context menu. Absolute time in Arranger tracks The time base format for each Arranger track can be set to either Musical or Absolute. The time base format determines what happens to sections when you change the project tempo. To toggle between musical and absolute time, click the icon to the left of the Arranger track name in the Track view: Musical . A section’s M:B:T position stays constant, and its absolute position shifts. Absolute . A section’s absolute position stays constant, and its M:B:T position shifts. Absolute time is useful for scoring to film/video. The Arranger track tooltip shows time as H:M:S:F and samples. When committing an arrangement, the following rules apply: If all the sections came from absolute time Arranger tracks, the committed arrangement track will be absolute. If the sections came from musical Arranger tracks (or a mixture of musical/absolute), the committed arrangement track will be musical. SSO (Single Sign-On) for Cakewalk activation Cakewalk supports SSO (Single Sign-On) for activation, which allows you to log in via any service supported by BandLab as your sign-in authority. Google, Facebook, Apple ID, mobile phone and BandLab user/password credentials are currently supported. SSO is only used for Cakewalk activation, and under normal circumstances you will only need to sign in once. Cakewalk will attempt to refresh your activation status silently and automatically on occasion during start up. Use the SSO login as you have done with your BandLab account in the past. Note that BandLab Assistant is still required for requesting offline activation of Cakewalk on computers that don’t have an Internet connection. Misc. enhancements Cancel VST scan You can now cancel an in-progress VST scan with the new Cancel Scan button in Edit > Preferences > File - VST Settings or via the Cancel option in the VST Scan toast notification. The next scan operation will resume where the canceled scan left off, starting with the plug-in it was last scanning. If the last scanned plug-in was a shell plug-in (such as Waves WaveShell), the scan will resume from he first plug-in in the shell). Auto termination of VST scan Shutting down Cakewalk will now automatically terminate any scan in progress. This allows in-app updates to work properly even if a scan was in progress when the app was shut down to perform a new install. Zoom to Fit Project Horizontally shortcut The new Zoom to Fit Project Horizontally key binding zooms to fit the entire project in the Clips pane, without affecting the height of tracks. The default keyboard shortcut is CTRL+ALT+F. Improved selection with Arranger sections If there are gaps between a range of selected sections, the unselected clips remain unselected. You can now unselect fully selected clips from a selection and they will not be moved with the section. Cutting Arranger section deletes hole Cutting an Arranger section with Ripple Edit enabled now deletes the hole to make it consistent with the Delete command. Clicking on an articulation section now triggers keyswitch events Clicking on an articulation (without modifiers), or changing an articulation’s type or MIDI channel now sends any triggered MIDI events associated with the articulation. Control Bar Select module changes Four new buttons have been added to the Control Bar’s Select module in Large mode: Select Track Envelopes with Clips . When enabled, selecting a clip will also select any overlapping track envelopes. Select Track Articulations with Clips . When enabled, selecting a clip will also select any overlapping track articulations. Select Events with Sections . Enable/disable automatic selection of track events when selecting Arranger sections. By default, clicking an Arranger section also selects underlying track events. Clicking again de-selects track events, while retaining selection of the section. Select Sections with Time Ruler . When enabled, making a time selection in the time ruler will also select any overlapping Arranger sections. Right-click or keep the mouse button pressed for a brief moment specify if sections should be selected in all Arranger tracks, or only the active Arranger track: Select Sections with Time Ruler (Active Arranger Track). Making a time selection in the time ruler will also select any overlapping Arranger sections in the active Arranger track. Select Sections with Time Ruler (All Arranger Tracks). Making a time selection in the time ruler will also select any overlapping Arranger sections in all Arranger tracks. The four buttons are linked to the corresponding menu items within the Track view Options menu, and work in exactly the same way. The previous Large mode for the Select module is now the Medium mode. Moving clips between lanes on the same track obeys Auto Crossfade setting Moving clips between Takes lanes on the same track now obeys the Auto Crossfade setting. Insert Instrument track behavior When selected from the track context menu, the Insert Instrument command now inserts the instrument before the current track rather than after the last track. The Add Track button and Insert > Soft Synth command will continue to append after the last track. Similarly, the Append Instrument Track command in the track context menu will append the new per-output instrument track directly below the current track. Selecting Append Instrument Track from the Synth Rack context menu will continue to append after the last track. Phase/Interleave buttons on Instrument tracks Phase and Interleave buttons are now available in the Track view and Inspector for Instrument tracks. Tip: You can show and hide controls in track and bus strips in the Track view, and even create presets for your favorite control layouts. To show or hide the Phase and Mono/Stereo Interleave buttons in the Track view, open the Track Control Manager and specify the visibility of the Interleave/Phase group. Option to only use external MIDI inputs MIDI track’s that have their Input control assigned to All Inputs receive MIDI data from both external (i.e. hardware) inputs and any soft synth outputs from other tracks. When inserting a soft synth, Cakewalk defaults to enabling MIDI output if it is supported by the synth. As a result, MIDI output from Instrument tracks may be inadvertently played/recorded on all other MIDI tracks if the tracks are armed for recording or have MIDI Input Echo enabled. To address this, MIDI tracks now have a new All External Inputs input option, which only appears when at least one soft synth with a MIDI output is present in the project. All External Inputs means any MIDI input that isn’t an output from a soft synth, such as hardware MIDI ports and virtual controllers. In earlier versions, switching the active MIDI track would normally select All Inputs. This behavior has changed to: If the track previously included soft synth outputs in its inputs, then it will show as All Inputs. If the track previously only had hardware inputs, then it will show as All External Inputs. Export to Standard MIDI File respects selection Export to Standard MIDI File (File > Export > Standard MIDI File) now respects the selection. If there is no selection, the whole project is exported. Updated LAME MP3 encoder The integrated LAME MP3 encoder has been updated to version 3.100. This includes bug fixes and stability improvements to MP3 encoding and also speeds up the encoding process. Additionally, Cakewalk has been updated to now handle discarding padding samples when importing MP3 files. i.e imported MP files will not contain extra data at the beginning of the file. Updated libsndfile encoders The libsndfile library used for import and export of various audio formats has been updated to version 1.0.30. This fixes numerous issues with handling BWF, Wave64, AIFF, FLAC and Ogg files. Optimizations Dynamic plug-in parameter optimizations Cakewalk 2021.01 introduces improvements in responsiveness and memory footprint when loading and editing projects with lots of tracks and high parameter count plug-ins. In previous versions of Cakewalk, plug-in automation parameters for all listed plug-ins were always created up front. This could result in a significant performance and memory hit when using plug-ins that expose hundreds or thousands of parameters, especially in projects that contains many tracks. Internal parameter objects are now created on demand when a parameter is actually used, either by modifying a parameter or by creating an automation envelope for it. A track’s Edit Filter menu no longer lists hundreds of parameters for plug-ins but instead only shows in-use parameters. To select other parameters in the Edit Filter menu, point to the plug-in name and select Choose Parameter to open the Choose Plug-in Parameter dialog box. Improved handling of ProChannel automation Automating the ProChannel Enable parameter would previously only work if the ProChannel UI was visible. ProChannel bypass automation is now UI independent and also buffer accurate. ProChannel bypass will also properly enable/disable with automation during fast bounce and freeze operations. Latest release notes are here. See prior release notes. Check out all new features released to date. Previous release: 2020.11 Feature Overview 2020.09 Feature Overview 2020.08 Feature Overview 2020.05 Feature Overview 2020.04 Feature Overview 2020.01 Feature Overview 2019.11/12 Feature Overview 2019.09 Feature Overview 2019.07 Feature Overview
  3. [Updated 15-Apr-2021] The 2021.04 Early Access is now available! Hi all - please use this topic to post feedback specific to 2021.01. Release-specific feedback is valuable to us, and consolidating it in a single topic is extremely helpful. Thanks in advance! 2021.01 Release Notes
  4. [Updated 29-Jan-2021] Version 2021.01 Update 1 (build now available! We're pleased to announce the 2021.01 release! This release introduces Arranger enhancements, SSO (Single Sign-On) for activation, import and export improvements, optimizations, and over 40 bug fixes, all in keeping with our goal of making Cakewalk as reliable and enjoyable as possible. Thanks, The Bakers For new feature details, see New Features. Should you need to revert to the 2020.11 release, you can download the Cakewalk 2020.11 Rollback installer. Update Jan 29 2021: 2021.01 Update 1 (build Enhancements and optimizations: MMCSS improvements When Use MMCSS is enabled in Edit > Preferences > Audio - Playback and Recording, all threads are assigned to the same MMCSS task groups for better efficiency. In prior releases on multicore systems with 16 or more cores MMCSS limits could be prematurely reached, resulting in lowered efficiency with some audio threads not running at pro audio priorities. The MMCSS thread limit has been boosted to 128 to handle machines with a higher number of cores (requires a reboot after installing this update to take effect) VST3 Host Bypass enhancement The VST3 Host Bypass button now also works when this parameter is not automatable. Bug fixes Stability: Crash inserting Kuasa plug-in. Crash when switching projects using different sample rates with PreSonus Studio 192. Plug-ins: Projects containing certain plug-ins fail to open in 2021.01 release. Plug-in Load balancing threads were not being released. Arranger Tracks: Ripple All not working when deleting from Arranger Inspector. Ripple edit delete using section overlaps crops the clip at the end of the left sections. Ripple Edit delete Section with overlapping notes at the end not working. Arranger: Fix for trailing notes being incorrectly picked up by a section. Articulation Maps: Ripple Edit Delete at beginning of project isn't working with Articulations. Deleting an articulation occasionally splits it into two smaller but invisible articulations. Show/Hide Articulation Pane in Piano Roll does nothing if there are no articulations on the track. Adding a new articulation event should default to velocity 100. Articulations sometimes deleted when using Project > Insert Time/Measures. Automation: Automation write not working with certain VST2 plug-ins until envelope was created. Freezing a synth could cause synth automation on all tracks to get orphaned. Skip non automatable parameters in Choose Parameter dialog. UI: Add Instrument Track not putting audio track in folder / unable to remove from folder. Increased contrast of Piano Roll clip outlines so they are visible regardless of current theme. Misc.: Opening project at different sample rate can fail to engage audio engine. MMCSS threads not properly unregistered on engine termination. MMCSS threads could exceed quota with repeated changes to preferences. Cakewalk no longer attempts to set ASIO thread priority when MMCSS is not enabled. Unexpected sample rate conversion message when bouncing audio. Remove unexpected dropout message when creating or loading new projects. Fixed bitmap memory leak in when editing using AudioSnap that could cause blank screen. Updated CWAF tool latest known version number string to 27.13.0.xxx. Update OAuth to new BandLab backend protocol. 2021.01 Highlights Arranger section inclusion of outlying MIDI notes When dragging sections or committing arrangements, Cakewalk has logic for dealing with leading/trailing MIDI notes that overlap section boundaries. In the following example, section 2 is selected. The underlying MIDI clip contains note events that start slightly before section 2 and end slightly after section 2. By default, selecting section 2 will ignore the portions of overlapping note events that fall outside the section boundaries. Cakewalk now lets you optionally include the full duration of overlapping note events. Notes that overlap section boundaries: Leading/trailing notes are often created in the following scenarios: The recorded performance is unquantized and notes appear slightly earlier than the section start. When using a sound with a slow attack, and the notes have to be played early to make up for the attack time. Leading notes as part of a lead-in phrase, or droned notes that overlap with the section boundaries. You can specify the threshold that determines which overlapping note events are included when moving sections. To do so, click the Track view MIDI menu and point to Arranger Section Event Overlap Threshold, then select one of the following options: Off. Ignore overlapping notes. Note value (Whole – 1/256 Triplet). Only include notes that overhang by a duration equal to or less than the selected value. Any Overlap. Include overlapping notes of any duration. When overlapping notes fall within the threshold set, those notes are included in the section move/copy and the clip start/end is automatically resized (slip-edited) to accommodate the notes. The moved notes are also removed from the neighboring sections. This requires Non-destructive Editing to be enabled, and works best with Split MIDI Note enabled. The Arranger Section Event Overlap Threshold setting affects all arranger drag operations, delete, commit arrangement, and Duplicate from the section context menu. Absolute time in Arranger tracks The time base format for each Arranger track can be set to either Musical or Absolute. The time base format determines what happens to sections when you change the project tempo. To toggle between musical and absolute time, click the icon to the left of the Arranger track name in the Track view: Musical . A section’s M:B:T position stays constant, and its absolute position shifts. Absolute . A section’s absolute position stays constant, and its M:B:T position shifts. Absolute time is useful for scoring to film/video. The Arranger track tooltip shows time as H:M:S:F and samples. When committing an arrangement, the following rules apply: If all the sections came from absolute time Arranger tracks, the committed arrangement track will be absolute. If the sections came from musical Arranger tracks (or a mixture of musical/absolute), the committed arrangement track will be musical. SSO (Single Sign-On) for Cakewalk activation Cakewalk supports SSO (Single Sign-On) for activation, which allows you to log in via any service supported by BandLab as your sign-in authority. Google, Facebook, Apple ID, mobile phone and BandLab user/password credentials are currently supported. SSO is only used for Cakewalk activation, and under normal circumstances you will only need to sign in once. Cakewalk will attempt to refresh your activation status silently and automatically on occasion during start up. Use the SSO login as you have done with your BandLab account in the past. Note that BandLab Assistant is still required for requesting offline activation of Cakewalk on computers that don’t have an Internet connection. Misc. enhancements Cancel VST scan You can now cancel an in-progress VST scan with the new Cancel Scan button in Edit > Preferences > File - VST Settings or via the Cancel option in the VST Scan toast notification. The next scan operation will resume where the canceled scan left off, starting with the plug-in it was last scanning. If the last scanned plug-in was a shell plug-in (such as Waves WaveShell), the scan will resume from he first plug-in in the shell). Auto termination of VST scan Shutting down Cakewalk will now automatically terminate any scan in progress. This allows in-app updates to work properly even if a scan was in progress when the app was shut down to perform a new install. Zoom to Fit Project Horizontally shortcut The new Zoom to Fit Project Horizontally key binding zooms to fit the entire project in the Clips pane, without affecting the height of tracks. The default keyboard shortcut is CTRL+ALT+F. Improved selection with Arranger sections If there are gaps between a range of selected sections, the unselected clips remain unselected. You can now unselect fully selected clips from a selection and they will not be moved with the section. Cutting Arranger section deletes hole Cutting an Arranger section with Ripple Edit enabled now deletes the hole to make it consistent with the Delete command. Clicking on an articulation section now triggers keyswitch events Clicking on an articulation (without modifiers), or changing an articulation’s type or MIDI channel now sends any triggered MIDI events associated with the articulation. Control Bar Select module changes Four new buttons have been added to the Control Bar’s Select module in Large mode: Select Track Envelopes with Clips . When enabled, selecting a clip will also select any overlapping track envelopes. Select Track Articulations with Clips . When enabled, selecting a clip will also select any overlapping track articulations. Select Events with Sections . Enable/disable automatic selection of track events when selecting Arranger sections. By default, clicking an Arranger section also selects underlying track events. Clicking again de-selects track events, while retaining selection of the section. Select Sections with Time Ruler . When enabled, making a time selection in the time ruler will also select any overlapping Arranger sections. Right-click or keep the mouse button pressed for a brief moment specify if sections should be selected in all Arranger tracks, or only the active Arranger track: Select Sections with Time Ruler (Active Arranger Track). Making a time selection in the time ruler will also select any overlapping Arranger sections in the active Arranger track. Select Sections with Time Ruler (All Arranger Tracks). Making a time selection in the time ruler will also select any overlapping Arranger sections in all Arranger tracks. The four buttons are linked to the corresponding menu items within the Track view Options menu, and work in exactly the same way. The previous Large mode for the Select module is now the Medium mode. Moving clips between lanes on the same track obeys Auto Crossfade setting Moving clips between Takes lanes on the same track now obeys the Auto Crossfade setting. Insert Instrument track behavior When selected from the track context menu, the Insert Instrument command now inserts the instrument before the current track rather than after the last track. The Add Track button and Insert > Soft Synth command will continue to append after the last track. Similarly, the Append Instrument Track command in the track context menu will append the new per-output instrument track directly below the current track. Selecting Append Instrument Track from the Synth Rack context menu will continue to append after the last track. Phase/Interleave buttons on Instrument tracks Phase and Interleave buttons are now available in the Track view and Inspector for Instrument tracks. Tip: You can show and hide controls in track and bus strips in the Track view, and even create presets for your favorite control layouts. To show or hide the Phase and Mono/Stereo Interleave buttons in the Track view, open the Track Control Manager and specify the visibility of the Interleave/Phase group. Option to only use external MIDI inputs MIDI track’s that have their Input control assigned to All Inputs receive MIDI data from both external (i.e. hardware) inputs and any soft synth outputs from other tracks. When inserting a soft synth, Cakewalk defaults to enabling MIDI output if it is supported by the synth. As a result, MIDI output from Instrument tracks may be inadvertently played/recorded on all other MIDI tracks if the tracks are armed for recording or have MIDI Input Echo enabled. To address this, MIDI tracks now have a new All External Inputs input option, which only appears when at least one soft synth with a MIDI output is present in the project. All External Inputs means any MIDI input that isn’t an output from a soft synth, such as hardware MIDI ports and virtual controllers. In earlier versions, switching the active MIDI track would normally select All Inputs. This behavior has changed to: If the track previously included soft synth outputs in its inputs, then it will show as All Inputs. If the track previously only had hardware inputs, then it will show as All External Inputs. Export to Standard MIDI File respects selection Export to Standard MIDI File (File > Export > Standard MIDI File) now respects the selection. If there is no selection, the whole project is exported. Updated LAME MP3 encoder The integrated LAME MP3 encoder has been updated to version 3.100. This includes bug fixes and stability improvements to MP3 encoding and also speeds up the encoding process. Additionally, Cakewalk has been updated to now handle discarding padding samples when importing MP3 files. i.e imported MP files will not contain extra data at the beginning of the file. Updated libsndfile encoders The libsndfile library used for import and export of various audio formats has been updated to version 1.0.30. This fixes numerous issues with handling BWF, Wave64, AIFF, FLAC and Ogg files. Optimizations Dynamic plug-in parameter optimizations Cakewalk 2021.01 introduces improvements in responsiveness and memory footprint when loading and editing projects with lots of tracks and high parameter count plug-ins. In previous versions of Cakewalk, plug-in automation parameters for all listed plug-ins were always created up front. This could result in a significant performance and memory hit when using plug-ins that expose hundreds or thousands of parameters, especially in projects that contains many tracks. Internal parameter objects are now created on demand when a parameter is actually used, either by modifying a parameter or by creating an automation envelope for it. A track’s Edit Filter menu no longer lists hundreds of parameters for plug-ins but instead only shows in-use parameters. To select other parameters in the Edit Filter menu, point to the plug-in name and select Choose Parameter to open the Choose Plug-in Parameter dialog box. Improved handling of ProChannel automation Automating the ProChannel Enable parameter would previously only work if the ProChannel UI was visible. ProChannel bypass automation is now UI independent and also buffer accurate. ProChannel bypass will also properly enable/disable with automation during fast bounce and freeze operations. Bug fixes Stability Crash when running onboarding more than once Crash when attempting to load new sample in Drum Replacer Hang on project load while VST scan is running Redo of crop then move of Articulation crashes Automation crash on project close Rare crash after modifying event in Piano Roll then pressing play UI Step Sequencer Clips intermittently fail to show notes Step Sequencer Beat Counter fails to repeat on Groove clip repetitions PRV does not display repetitions of Step Sequencer loops Track names show incorrectly in plug-ins after 2020.11 update Transport fails to roll with Realtime Bounce when freezing Cursor moves unexpected after cancel of Kind in Event List After deleting last event in Event List, selection should go to previous event Assignable parameters not created for FX Chains on project load Project Editing Time displays inconsistently in File Stats Rename clip doesn't work on MIDI clips if articulations exist on the track Installer Text/Progress Bar for Silent Install is truncated Bus pane not updating correctly after using track manager to hide/show buses Clicking on a note within the Piano Roll view or swapping active tracks automatically opens the Articulation Map pane Arranger Ripple Edit Cut not shifting Arranger sections as expected Section/Arrangement titles missing in 2020.11 Articulation Maps Allow drag move/copy of multiple articulations Mouse cursor gets moved/stuck on articulation events in Event List Scaling PitchWheel events gives incorrect results Automation Cannot bounce or freeze ProChannel Enable automation unless it is done in realtime Selection becomes stuck unexpectedly when selecting envelopes Bus envelopes from multiple buses not copied correctly in duplicate clips/arranger operations Toggling track interleave causes plug-in automation to lose sync ProChannel automation cannot be reassigned to plug-in automation in tracks Automation read/write not being acknowledged for newly created FX parameters Copying and pasting FX automation envelopes create orphaned envelopes until parameters pre-created FX Chain Input/Output Gain envelopes controlling incorrect parameter in FX Chain UI Synth Rack automation not shown when changing synth parameters Misc. Allow adding of additional per-output instrument tracks via Synth Rack context menu Add Track inconsistent Insert Track behavior Projects with multiple instances of plug-ins with high parameter counts become very sluggish trying to close/remove instances UseGlobalSnapForStaffView variable stops working after opening older project Imported .wav file has clicks from time stretch Drum Maps are saved unexpectedly with Track Templates VST Scan does not close with the app Control Surface Refresh value does not change as expected below 25ms Custom bank selection does not take effect in Event List view Insert/Append Instrument fails to place track in folder Latest release notes are here. See prior release notes. Check out all new features released to date.
  5. We're pleased to announce Early Access for 2021.01! This release introduces Arranger enhancements, SSO (Single Sign-On) for activation, import and export improvements, optimizations, and over 40 bug fixes. We'd love for you to check it out before we drop the official public version. Please note that Early Access installers are update installers, which only update from a specific version. To install the 2021.01 Early Access build, you must be on the latest public release of 2020.11. The 2021.01 Early Access build can be downloaded and installed from within Cakewalk by going to Help > Check for Updates, then clicking the Download Now link in the "Early Access Available" toast notification. Download Cakewalk 2021.01 EA installer Should you need to revert to the 2020.11 release, you can download the Cakewalk 2020.11 Rollback installer. If you haven't already done so, please read about the Early Access Program before participating. Please keep responses specific to problems or comments on this release. Unrelated bugs or feature requests should be posted in other threads or the feature request channel. Thanks again for your participation! The Bakers 2021.01 Highlights New features Arranger section inclusion of outlying MIDI notes When dragging sections or committing arrangements, Cakewalk has logic for dealing with leading/trailing MIDI notes that overlap section boundaries. In the following example, section 2 is selected. The underlying MIDI clip contains note events that start slightly before section 2 and end slightly after section 2. By default, selecting section 2 will ignore the portions of overlapping note events that fall outside the section boundaries. Cakewalk now lets you optionally include the full duration of overlapping note events. Notes that overlap section boundaries: Leading/trailing notes are often created in the following scenarios: The recorded performance is unquantized and notes appear slightly earlier than the section start. When using a sound with a slow attack, and the notes have to be played early to make up for the attack time. Leading notes as part of a lead-in phrase, or droned notes that overlap with the section boundaries. You can specify the threshold that determines which overlapping note events are included when moving sections. To do so, click the Track view MIDI menu and point to Arranger Section Event Overlap Threshold, then select one of the following options: Off. Ignore overlapping notes. Note value (Whole – 1/256 Triplet). Only include notes that overhang by a duration equal to or less than the selected value. Any Overlap. Include overlapping notes of any duration. When overlapping notes fall within the threshold set, those notes are included in the section move/copy and the clip start/end is automatically resized (slip-edited) to accommodate the notes. The moved notes are also removed from the neighboring sections. This requires Non-destructive Editing to be enabled, and works best with Split MIDI Note enabled. The Arranger Section Event Overlap Threshold setting affects all arranger drag operations, delete, commit arrangement, and Duplicate from the section context menu. Absolute time in Arranger tracks The time base format for each Arranger track can be set to either Musical or Absolute. The time base format determines what happens to sections when you change the project tempo. To toggle between musical and absolute time, click the icon to the left of the Arranger track name in the Track view: Musical . A section’s M:B:T position stays constant, and its absolute position shifts. Absolute . A section’s absolute position stays constant, and its M:B:T position shifts. Absolute time is useful for scoring to film/video. The Arranger track tooltip shows time as H:M:S:F and samples. When committing an arrangement, the following rules apply: If all the sections came from absolute time Arranger tracks, the committed arrangement track will be absolute. If the sections came from musical Arranger tracks (or a mixture of musical/absolute), the committed arrangement track will be musical. SSO (Single Sign-On) for Cakewalk activation Cakewalk supports SSO (Single Sign-On) for activation, which allows you to log in via any service supported by BandLab as your sign-in authority. Google, Facebook, Apple ID, mobile phone and BandLab user/password credentials are currently supported. SSO is only used for Cakewalk activation, and under normal circumstances you will only need to sign in once. Cakewalk will attempt to refresh your activation status silently and automatically on occasion during start up. Use the SSO login as you have done with your BandLab account in the past. Note that BandLab Assistant is still required for requesting offline activation of Cakewalk on computers that don’t have an Internet connection. Enhancements Cancel VST scan You can now cancel an in-progress VST scan with the new Cancel Scan button in Edit > Preferences > File - VST Settings or via the Cancel option in the VST Scan toast notification. The next scan operation will resume where the canceled scan left off, starting with the plug-in it was last scanning. If the last scanned plug-in was a shell plug-in (such as Waves WaveShell), the scan will resume from he first plug-in in the shell). Auto termination of VST scan Shutting down Cakewalk will now automatically terminate any scan in progress. This allows in-app updates to work properly even if a scan was in progress when the app was shut down to perform a new install. Zoom to Fit Project Horizontally shortcut The new Zoom to Fit Project Horizontally key binding zooms to fit the entire project in the Clips pane, without affecting the height of tracks. The default keyboard shortcut is CTRL+ALT+F. Improved selection with Arranger sections If there are gaps between a range of selected sections, the unselected clips remain unselected. You can now unselect fully selected clips from a selection and they will not be moved with the section. Cutting Arranger section deletes hole Cutting an Arranger section with Ripple Edit enabled now deletes the hole to make it consistent with the Delete command. Clicking on an articulation section now triggers keyswitch events Clicking on an articulation (without modifiers), or changing an articulation’s type or MIDI channel now sends any triggered MIDI events associated with the articulation. Control Bar Select module changes Four new buttons have been added to the Control Bar’s Select module in Large mode: Select Track Envelopes with Clips . When enabled, selecting a clip will also select any overlapping track envelopes. Select Track Articulations with Clips . When enabled, selecting a clip will also select any overlapping track articulations. Select Events with Sections . Enable/disable automatic selection of track events when selecting Arranger sections. By default, clicking an Arranger section also selects underlying track events. Clicking again de-selects track events, while retaining selection of the section. Select Sections with Time Ruler . When enabled, making a time selection in the time ruler will also select any overlapping Arranger sections. Right-click or keep the mouse button pressed for a brief moment specify if sections should be selected in all Arranger tracks, or only the active Arranger track: Select Sections with Time Ruler (Active Arranger Track). Making a time selection in the time ruler will also select any overlapping Arranger sections in the active Arranger track. Select Sections with Time Ruler (All Arranger Tracks). Making a time selection in the time ruler will also select any overlapping Arranger sections in all Arranger tracks. The four buttons are linked to the corresponding menu items within the Track view Options menu, and work in exactly the same way. The previous Large mode for the Select module is now the Medium mode. Moving clips between lanes on the same track obeys Auto Crossfade setting Moving clips between Takes lanes on the same track now obeys the Auto Crossfade setting. Insert Instrument track behavior When selected from the track context menu, the Insert Instrument command now inserts the instrument before the current track rather than after the last track. The Add Track button and Insert > Soft Synth command will continue to append after the last track. Similarly, the Append Instrument Track command in the track context menu will append the new per-output instrument track directly below the current track. Selecting Append Instrument Track from the Synth Rack context menu will continue to append after the last track. Phase/Interleave buttons on Instrument tracks Phase and Interleave buttons are now available in the Track view and Inspector for Instrument tracks. Tip: You can show and hide controls in track and bus strips in the Track view, and even create presets for your favorite control layouts. To show or hide the Phase and Mono/Stereo Interleave buttons in the Track view, open the Track Control Manager and specify the visibility of the Interleave/Phase group. Option to only use external MIDI inputs MIDI track’s that have their Input control assigned to All Inputs receive MIDI data from both external (i.e. hardware) inputs and any soft synth outputs from other tracks. When inserting a soft synth, Cakewalk defaults to enabling MIDI output if it is supported by the synth. As a result, MIDI output from Instrument tracks may be inadvertently played/recorded on all other MIDI tracks if the tracks are armed for recording or have MIDI Input Echo enabled. To address this, MIDI tracks now have a new All External Inputs input option, which only appears when at least one soft synth with a MIDI output is present in the project. All External Inputs means any MIDI input that isn’t an output from a soft synth, such as hardware MIDI ports and virtual controllers. In earlier versions, switching the active MIDI track would normally select All Inputs. This behavior has changed to: If the track previously included soft synth outputs in its inputs, then it will show as All Inputs. If the track previously only had hardware inputs, then it will show as All External Inputs. Export to Standard MIDI File respects selection Export to Standard MIDI File (File > Export > Standard MIDI File) now respects the selection. If there is no selection, the whole project is exported. Updated LAME MP3 encoder The integrated LAME MP3 encoder has been updated to version 3.100. This includes bug fixes and stability improvements to MP3 encoding and also speeds up the encoding process. Additionally, Cakewalk has been updated to now handle discarding padding samples when importing MP3 files. i.e imported MP files will not contain extra data at the beginning of the file. Updated libsndfile encoders The libsndfile library used for import and export of various audio formats has been updated to version 1.0.30. This fixes numerous issues with handling BWF, Wave64, AIFF, FLAC and Ogg files. Optimizations Dynamic plug-in parameter optimizations Cakewalk 2021.01 introduces improvements in responsiveness and memory footprint when loading and editing projects with lots of tracks and high parameter count plug-ins. In previous versions of Cakewalk, plug-in automation parameters for all listed plug-ins were always created up front. This could result in a significant performance and memory hit when using plug-ins that expose hundreds or thousands of parameters, especially in projects that contains many tracks. Internal parameter objects are now created on demand when a parameter is actually used, either by modifying a parameter or by creating an automation envelope for it. A track’s Edit Filter menu no longer lists hundreds of parameters for plug-ins but instead only shows in-use parameters. To select other parameters in the Edit Filter menu, point to the plug-in name and select Choose Parameter to open the Choose Plug-in Parameter dialog box. Improved handling of ProChannel automation Automating the ProChannel Enable parameter would previously only work if the ProChannel UI was visible. ProChannel bypass automation is now UI independent and also buffer accurate. ProChannel bypass will also properly enable/disable with automation during fast bounce and freeze operations. Bug fixes Stability Crash when running onboarding more than once Crash when attempting to load new sample in Drum Replacer Hang on project load while VST scan is running Redo of crop then move of Articulation crashes Automation crash on project close UI Step Sequencer Clips intermittently fail to show notes Step Sequencer Beat Counter fails to repeat on Groove clip repetitions PRV does not display repetitions of Step Sequencer loops Track names show incorrectly in plug-ins after 2020.11 update Transport fails to roll with Realtime Bounce when freezing Cursor moves unexpected after cancel of Kind in Event List After deleting last event in Event List, selection should go to previous event Assignable parameters not created for FX Chains on project load Project Editing Time displays inconsistently in File Stats Arranger Ripple Edit Cut not shifting Arranger sections as expected Section/Arrangement titles missing in 2020.11 Articulation Maps Allow drag move/copy of multiple articulations Mouse cursor gets moved/stuck on articulation events in Event List Scaling PitchWheel events gives incorrect results Automation Cannot bounce or freeze ProChannel Enable automation unless it is done in realtime Selection becomes stuck unexpectedly when selecting envelopes Bus envelopes from multiple buses not copied correctly in duplicate clips/arranger operations Toggling track interleave causes plug-in automation to lose sync ProChannel automation cannot be reassigned to plug-in automation in tracks Automation read/write not being acknowledged for newly created FX parameters Copying and pasting FX automation envelopes create orphaned envelopes until parameters pre-created FX Chain Input/Output Gain envelopes controlling incorrect parameter in FX Chain UI Synth Rack automation not shown when changing synth parameters Misc. Allow adding of additional per-output instrument tracks via Synth Rack context menu Add Track inconsistent Insert Track behavior Projects with multiple instances of plug-ins with high parameter counts become very sluggish trying to close/remove instances UseGlobalSnapForStaffView variable stops working after opening older project Imported .wav file has clicks from time stretch Drum Maps are saved unexpectedly with Track Templates VST Scan does not close with the app Control Surface Refresh value does not change as expected below 25ms
  6. @S.L.I.P. It's pretty simple. The CH was made available to be a welcoming and inclusive forum for all members to discuss music related topics. Think family friendly, not the corner pub. As the forum description states: No politics. No religion. No obscenity. Offenders will be warned, and additional violations will result in restricted forum permissions or a permanent ban. If you're unsure if your post is offensive, then it probably is and doesn't belong in the CH. There are plenty of other online forums where you can discuss other topics. Feel free to PM me if anything is unclear.
  7. Hi all - please use this topic to post feedback specific to 2020.11. Release-specific feedback is valuable to us, and consolidating it in a single topic is extremely helpful. Thanks in advance! 2020.11 Release Notes
  8. [Updated 25-Nov-2020] Version 2020.11 Update 1 (build now available! Introduction The 2020.11 release introduces Articulation Maps, which are a universal way to deal with expressions/articulations in VST instruments or hardware MIDI instruments. Other enhancements include in-app activation/refresh, ARA/Melodyne algorithm picker when converting audio to MIDI or performing tempo extraction, Clips pane drawing and scrolling optimizations, project template enhancements, and much more, including over 50 bug fixes, all in keeping with our goal of making Cakewalk as reliable and enjoyable as possible. The following highlights are intended to provide an overview of the more significant changes. Please also refer to the new features section of our documentation for more detailed information on the features. Please give us feedback on this release. We hope you like it! Update Nov 25 2020: 2020.11 Update 1 (build Note: If you are using a non-English version of 2020.11 Update 1 (build and experience blank articulation map menu commands, please download and run the Cakewalk 2020.09 Rollback installer, then reinstall 2020.11 Update 1 (Help > Check for Updates). Enhancements: Extract Keyswitch Articulations You can now extract key-switches that already exist in a MIDI track and convert them to articulations. To extract keyswitches: Make sure the target articulation map has already been added to the project. Open the Piano Roll view for the track that contains the keyswitches. Right-click the left side of the Articulations pane, point to Extract Keyswitch Articulations, then select the target articulation map. Cakewalk will attempt to match events within the MIDI track to any articulations in the selected articulation map. The following rules apply: It will only extract generated MIDI events, not transforms. It will only extract key-switches based on Notes, Control Change, or Program Change events. When matching an articulation that generates multiple events, it will only match events if they are in the same MIDI clip. Replace an existing articulation map with a newer version Cakewalk now allows you to replace an existing articulation map with a newer/updated version of the same map. When a newer version of an articulation map is imported into a project, it is added as a new map instead of replacing the original map. To replace the old map with the new version, right-click the old map in the Articulation Map Editor’s Articulation Maps in Project section, then point to Replace with and select the new map. The Replace with submenu lists all other articulation maps currently within the project. Bug fixes Stability: App can hang on startup at the splash screen when checking for updates with unstable internet connection. Crash or failure to load a new sample in Drum Replacer. Crash when committing an arrangement containing sections from multiple Arranger tracks. Crash could occur when closing the app. Sporadic crash when Display Muted Takes in Parent Track is enabled. Fixed user reported crash on export audio. Fixed rare user reported crash after recording audio. Fixed rare user reported crash on export when VS100 requests a synth parameter. Fixed rare user reported crash when opening Arranger or Articulation Map dialogs. "Catastrophic failure" error could occur if a project contained an invalid arrangement section when attempting to export audio. Plug-ins: Track Names shown in plug-ins are truncated or show invalid characters after 2020.11 update. This was reported in Console One plug-ins, Izotope Neutron and Waves CLA Mix Hub. Waves CLA Mix Hub displays “Channel name contains illegal characters …” message on opening or saving projects in 2020.11 release. Tempo based effects and instruments were not being properly initialized when residing within the ProChannel or FX Chains. For example, Sonitus: FX Delay fails to get Host Tempo when in FX Chains. Articulation Maps: Articulations selected unexpectedly with lasso select when Select Track Articulations with Clips is disabled. Articulation maps fail to import if the map contains special characters such as “ as part of the map/group/articulation name. Insert Time not working correctly with articulations. Articulation map dialogs do not hide folders if their subfolders do not contain files that match the search filter. Apply articulations by group applies more than one group of articulations. Articulation Map Library does not refresh automatically after exporting a map to the library folder. Articulation resize fails if the Snap to Grid setting causes the section end to be snapped beyond the start of the next articulation section. Browse For Folder dialog box can open on incorrect display when importing articulations from a directory. Clicking on an empty space in the Clips pane selects articulations. Deleting an articulation from one track swaps to showing the articulations on another track. UI: Unable to resize an Arranger section in an inactive track to the left if there are sections to the left in the active Arranger track. Creating an Arranger section with a start time < 0 deletes other sections. Enable MIDI Output check box was missing from Insert Synth Options dialog when opened from the Synth Rack. Renaming a Patch Point fails to update the send name in the track strip of the Track view. Drag move of composite clip in track folders not working. Mouse cursor can change unexpectedly when hovering outside of a modal dialog. When clicking a note name in the Piano Roll Drum Grid to select all notes of that pitch, pressing the DELETE key does not delete the selected notes. Misc.: Export as Standard MIDI file did not respect the current track selection. Only allow refreshing activation state if an app update download isn't already underway. Don't show duplicate toasts when checking for updates. In-app updater: Download manager should prefer the update installer if installed version >= last public release and less than latest public release. 2020.11 Highlights Articulation Maps Articulation maps are a universal way to deal with expressions/articulations in VST instruments or hardware MIDI instruments that may be controlled by various methods including: Note “key switches” The velocity of a note Control change events Grouping of patches across different MIDI channels (e.g. legato strings patch on ch 1, pizzicato patch on ch 2, etc.) If you work with sample libraries and virtual instruments, articulation maps are sure to improve your MIDI and articulation/keyswitch workflow. Recreating a convincing performance with sample libraries and virtual instruments can be a difficult task. The process is made somewhat easier if the sampled instrument includes a range of performance articulations, which is commonly controlled via “keyswitches”. These are used to trigger different sample layers that contain the various performance options. Cakewalk's support for articulation maps make it easy to work with articulations and keyswitches. Articulation maps provide a much simpler way of switching articulations, without having to manually edit MIDI events in the track. All articulations appear neatly at the top of the PRV instead of spread across the Notes pane, which helps you to better visualize and edit the articulations and keyswitches. When recording, you can focus on the actual performance — getting the right notes, rather than building expression into the performance — then use articulations to add expression after the basic performance has been recorded. Adding articulations as part of the editing process is often easier than trying to play keyswitches in live via your keyboard. Articulations do either, or both, of the following: Trigger new MIDI events (create ‘MIDI Events’ in the Articulation Map Editor) Alter existing MIDI events (create ‘MIDI Transforms’ in the Articulation Map Editor) Articulations that are added to MIDI and Instrument tracks are automatically applied during playback. Cakewalk includes a few general-purpose articulation maps that let you experiment with the feature. You can create your own articulation maps, or download maps for orchestra libraries and virtual instruments. Cakewalk can import Cubase expression maps, so you can get started quickly by downloading maps for popular instrument libraries such as Vienna Symphonic Library, Garritan, Kontakt, etc. In-app activation You can now activate Cakewalk directly from within the app, without requiring BandLab Assistant. Cakewalk must be activate once every 6 months. When starting Cakewalk for the first time, if the app has not yet been activated via BandLab assistant, you will be presented with a BandLab sign-in dialog box. After signing in, Cakewalk will automatically activate itself. You must use your BandLab user name in the sign-in prompt, not your email address. Please note that sign-in is completely optional and only used to activate Cakewalk independently from BandLab Assistant. Sign-in currently does not support Single sign-on. If you do not have your BandLab username and password, please use BandLab Assistant to perform activation. Activation will occur automatically when launching the app if it is in the “grace period”, the period that begins when you see the timeout toast notification asking you to sign in to BandLab to activate soon. Under normal circumstances, activation will require no manual user intervention going forward, beyond the initial sign-in. Note that an Internet connection is required for performing activation as described above but not required for general Cakewalk usage. Offline activation is also an option, which requires use of BandLab Assistant to submit an offline activation request. You can force an activation refresh with the Help > Refresh Activation command. ARA/Melodyne algorithm picker (pre-release) When converting audio to MIDI by dragging an audio clip to a MIDI track, or performing tempo extraction by dragging an audio clip to the time ruler, you can now select the desired algorithm. Note: The algorithm picker is a pre-release feature and will only be visible if you are running Melodyne 5 and higher. VST instruments can use custom instrument definitions Some VST instruments do not expose their patch list, either because they are emulating a hardware device and solely rely on MIDI bank select/program changes, or in the case of library hosts such as Kontakt, they have no fixed list of instruments - in other words its up to the user to choose their instrument mapping. You can now use any instrument definition with a VSTi from a new drop-down menu in the Patch Browser dialog box (click Patch Browser in the Inspector). If < default for instrument > is selected, then the patches are retrieved from the VSTi as normal, otherwise the patch list is taken from the selected instrument definition. Piano Roll view enhancements Piano Roll view Note drawing now automatically switches direction as necessary during the gesture (left to right or right to left). Open Piano Roll view when double-clicking white space on a MIDI or Instrument track. VST enhancements Updated to VST3 SDK 3.7.0 Support MIDI CCs via VST3 MIDI output (must also be supported by the plug-in itself; allows generative MIDI out VST3 plug-ins such as the Reason Rack plug-in to send MIDI CCs to Cakewalk) Support channel aftertouch sent from VST3 plugins Misc. enhancements Application memory footprint has been reduced (dynamic VST Plug-in Buffer sizes) In prior versions of Cakewalk, cached plug-in buffers would be allocated at a size of 32K samples irrespective of the audio buffer size. This gets quite expensive when you have a project with hundreds of plug-ins especially with plug-ins having multiple inputs and outputs. Plug-in buffer sizes are now dynamically adjusted to be based on the audio buffer size rather than an arbitrary max limit. This makes a big difference in projects running at low latency buffers. Support for mono only ASIO input devices Cakewalk now supports ASIO devices with a single mono input, such as the iRig Pro. Relative resizing of selected tracks You can resize all selected tracks to the same size, or by a relative amount, by using the following modifiers: SHIFT+drag resizes all selected tracks to the same size CTRL+drag resizes all selected tracks by the same amount relative to their current size ARA updates Cakewalk supports the latest ARA SDK from Celemony. Adjust split point on a single Take lane If you have several clips in a track with a common split point, the Move Split Point tool always moves all the split points together. To move only the split point on a single lane, hold down the ALT key when using the Move Split Point tool. CTRL-click Duplicate Track button to specify settings To specify settings when duplicating a track, hold down the CTRL key and click the Duplicate Track button . Allow track FX bin to be bypassed via control surfaces rather than just individual FX In addition to individual effects, entire track FX Racks can now be bypassed via control surfaces. Passing an FX index of -1 (65535) will bypass the entire track FX Rack. The Mackie Control surface has been updated to use M1+Select button to toggle track FX Rack bypass. Update installer has option to launch Cakewalk When installing an update from within Cakewalk, you can now choose to automatically relaunch Cakewalk after the installation completes. New Project File dialog improvements The New Project File dialog box (File > New) now lets you specify folder paths, tempo, meter, bit depth, and sample rate settings for the -- No Tracks or Buses -- option (previously named -- Blank Project --). File Stats improvements When starting a new project from a project template, the File Stats window in the Notes Browser now start the Editing Time and Revision counters at 0. To reset the file stats, right-click in the File Stats window and select Reset File Stats. Early Access Notifications Cakewalk now presents a toast notification when an Early Access build is available. Early Access builds are completely optional, providing access to the next version of Cakewalk before its official release. Optimizations Clips pane drawing and scrolling optimizations Major optimizations to clips view drawing to eliminate redundant drawing of clips. Projects with tracks containing many Take lanes with muted clips now draw and scroll more than 20x faster. Scrolling with Display Muted Takes In Parent Track enabled now has almost similar performance to having that option disabled. Waveform drawing is now optimized for faster drawing. Note: The Display Muted Takes In Parent Track option now defaults to OFF for new installations. Bus pane optimizations Drawing and mouse handling in the Bus pane has been optimized to prevent audio glitches and late buffers Latest release notes are here. See prior release notes. Check out all new features released to date. Previous release: 2020.09 Feature Overview 2020.08 Feature Overview 2020.05 Feature Overview 2020.04 Feature Overview 2020.01 Feature Overview 2019.11/12 Feature Overview 2019.09 Feature Overview 2019.07 Feature Overview
  9. [Updated 25-Nov-2020] Version 2020.11 Update 1 (build now available! We're pleased to announce the 2020.11 Update 1 release! This release introduces Articulation Maps, which are a universal way to deal with expressions/articulations in VST instruments or hardware MIDI instruments. Other enhancements include in-app activation/refresh, ARA/Melodyne algorithm picker when converting audio to MIDI or performing tempo extraction, Clips pane drawing and scrolling optimizations, project template enhancements, and much more, including over 50 bug fixes, all in keeping with our goal of making Cakewalk as reliable and enjoyable as possible. Thanks, The Bakers For new feature details, see New Features. Should you need to revert to the 2020.09 release, you can download the Cakewalk 2020.09 Rollback installer. Update Nov 25 2020: 2020.11 Update 1 (build Note: If you are using a non-English version of 2020.11 Update 1 (build and experience blank articulation map menu commands, please download and run the Cakewalk 2020.09 Rollback installer, then reinstall 2020.11 Update 1 (Help > Check for Updates). Enhancements: Extract Keyswitch Articulations You can now extract key-switches that already exist in a MIDI track and convert them to articulations. To extract keyswitches: Make sure the target articulation map has already been added to the project. Open the Piano Roll view for the track that contains the keyswitches. Right-click the left side of the Articulations pane, point to Extract Keyswitch Articulations, then select the target articulation map. Cakewalk will attempt to match events within the MIDI track to any articulations in the selected articulation map. The following rules apply: It will only extract generated MIDI events, not transforms. It will only extract key-switches based on Notes, Control Change, or Program Change events. When matching an articulation that generates multiple events, it will only match events if they are in the same MIDI clip. Replace an existing articulation map with a newer version Cakewalk now allows you to replace an existing articulation map with a newer/updated version of the same map. When a newer version of an articulation map is imported into a project, it is added as a new map instead of replacing the original map. To replace the old map with the new version, right-click the old map in the Articulation Map Editor’s Articulation Maps in Project section, then point to Replace with and select the new map. The Replace with submenu lists all other articulation maps currently within the project. Bug fixes Stability: App can hang on startup at the splash screen when checking for updates with unstable internet connection. Crash or failure to load a new sample in Drum Replacer. Crash when committing an arrangement containing sections from multiple Arranger tracks. Crash could occur when closing the app. Sporadic crash when Display Muted Takes in Parent Track is enabled. Fixed user reported crash on export audio. Fixed rare user reported crash after recording audio. Fixed rare user reported crash on export when VS100 requests a synth parameter. Fixed rare user reported crash when opening Arranger or Articulation Map dialogs. "Catastrophic failure" error could occur if a project contained an invalid arrangement section when attempting to export audio. Plug-ins: Track Names shown in plug-ins are truncated or show invalid characters after 2020.11 update. This was reported in Console One plug-ins, Izotope Neutron and Waves CLA Mix Hub. Waves CLA Mix Hub displays “Channel name contains illegal characters …” message on opening or saving projects in 2020.11 release. Tempo based effects and instruments were not being properly initialized when residing within the ProChannel or FX Chains. For example, Sonitus: FX Delay fails to get Host Tempo when in FX Chains. Articulation Maps: Articulations selected unexpectedly with lasso select when Select Track Articulations with Clips is disabled. Articulation maps fail to import if the map contains special characters such as “ as part of the map/group/articulation name. Insert Time not working correctly with articulations. Articulation map dialogs do not hide folders if their subfolders do not contain files that match the search filter. Apply articulations by group applies more than one group of articulations. Articulation Map Library does not refresh automatically after exporting a map to the library folder. Articulation resize fails if the Snap to Grid setting causes the section end to be snapped beyond the start of the next articulation section. Browse For Folder dialog box can open on incorrect display when importing articulations from a directory. Clicking on an empty space in the Clips pane selects articulations. Deleting an articulation from one track swaps to showing the articulations on another track. UI: Unable to resize an Arranger section in an inactive track to the left if there are sections to the left in the active Arranger track. Creating an Arranger section with a start time < 0 deletes other sections. Enable MIDI Output check box was missing from Insert Synth Options dialog when opened from the Synth Rack. Renaming a Patch Point fails to update the send name in the track strip of the Track view. Drag move of composite clip in track folders not working. Mouse cursor can change unexpectedly when hovering outside of a modal dialog. When clicking a note name in the Piano Roll Drum Grid to select all notes of that pitch, pressing the DELETE key does not delete the selected notes. Misc.: Export as Standard MIDI file did not respect the current track selection. Only allow refreshing activation state if an app update download isn't already underway. Don't show duplicate toasts when checking for updates. In-app updater: Download manager should prefer the update installer if installed version >= last public release and less than latest public release. 2020.11 Highlights Articulation Maps Articulation maps are a universal way to deal with expressions/articulations in VST instruments or hardware MIDI instruments that may be controlled by various methods including: Note “key switches” The velocity of a note Control change events Grouping of patches across different MIDI channels (e.g. legato strings patch on ch 1, pizzicato patch on ch 2, etc.) If you work with sample libraries and virtual instruments, articulation maps are sure to improve your MIDI and articulation/keyswitch workflow. Recreating a convincing performance with sample libraries and virtual instruments can be a difficult task. The process is made somewhat easier if the sampled instrument includes a range of performance articulations, which is commonly controlled via “keyswitches”. These are used to trigger different sample layers that contain the various performance options. Cakewalk's support for articulation maps make it easy to work with articulations and keyswitches. Articulation maps provide a much simpler way of switching articulations, without having to manually edit MIDI events in the track. All articulations appear neatly at the top of the PRV instead of spread across the Notes pane, which helps you to better visualize and edit the articulations and keyswitches. When recording, you can focus on the actual performance — getting the right notes, rather than building expression into the performance — then use articulations to add expression after the basic performance has been recorded. Adding articulations as part of the editing process is often easier than trying to play keyswitches in live via your keyboard. Articulations do either, or both, of the following: Trigger new MIDI events (create ‘MIDI Events’ in the Articulation Map Editor) Alter existing MIDI events (create ‘MIDI Transforms’ in the Articulation Map Editor) Articulations that are added to MIDI and Instrument tracks are automatically applied during playback. Cakewalk includes a few general-purpose articulation maps that let you experiment with the feature. You can create your own articulation maps, or download maps for orchestra libraries and virtual instruments. Cakewalk can import Cubase expression maps, so you can get started quickly by downloading maps for popular instrument libraries such as Vienna Symphonic Library, Garritan, Kontakt, etc. In-app activation You can now activate Cakewalk directly from within the app, without requiring BandLab Assistant. Cakewalk must be activate once every 6 months. When starting Cakewalk for the first time, if the app has not yet been activated via BandLab assistant, you will be presented with a BandLab sign-in dialog box. After signing in, Cakewalk will automatically activate itself. You must use your BandLab user name in the sign-in prompt, not your email address. Please note that sign-in is completely optional and only used to activate Cakewalk independently from BandLab Assistant. Sign-in currently does not support Single sign-on. If you do not have your BandLab username and password, please use BandLab Assistant to perform activation. Activation will occur automatically when launching the app if it is in the “grace period”, the period that begins when you see the timeout toast notification asking you to sign in to BandLab to activate soon. Under normal circumstances, activation will require no manual user intervention going forward, beyond the initial sign-in. Note that an Internet connection is required for performing activation as described above but not required for general Cakewalk usage. Offline activation is also an option, which requires use of BandLab Assistant to submit an offline activation request. You can force an activation refresh with the Help > Refresh Activation command. ARA/Melodyne algorithm picker (pre-release) When converting audio to MIDI by dragging an audio clip to a MIDI track, or performing tempo extraction by dragging an audio clip to the time ruler, you can now select the desired algorithm. Note: The algorithm picker is a pre-release feature and will only be visible if you are running Melodyne 5 and higher. VST instruments can use custom instrument definitions Some VST instruments do not expose their patch list, either because they are emulating a hardware device and solely rely on MIDI bank select/program changes, or in the case of library hosts such as Kontakt, they have no fixed list of instruments - in other words its up to the user to choose their instrument mapping. You can now use any instrument definition with a VSTi from a new drop-down menu in the Patch Browser dialog box (click Patch Browser in the Inspector). If < default for instrument > is selected, then the patches are retrieved from the VSTi as normal, otherwise the patch list is taken from the selected instrument definition. Piano Roll view enhancements Piano Roll view Note drawing now automatically switches direction as necessary during the gesture (left to right or right to left). Open Piano Roll view when double-clicking white space on a MIDI or Instrument track. VST enhancements Updated to VST3 SDK 3.7.0 Support MIDI CCs via VST3 MIDI output (must also be supported by the plug-in itself; allows generative MIDI out VST3 plug-ins such as the Reason Rack plug-in to send MIDI CCs to Cakewalk) Support channel aftertouch sent from VST3 plugins Misc. enhancements Application memory footprint has been reduced (dynamic VST Plug-in Buffer sizes) In prior versions of Cakewalk, cached plug-in buffers would be allocated at a size of 32K samples irrespective of the audio buffer size. This gets quite expensive when you have a project with hundreds of plug-ins especially with plug-ins having multiple inputs and outputs. Plug-in buffer sizes are now dynamically adjusted to be based on the audio buffer size rather than an arbitrary max limit. This makes a big difference in projects running at low latency buffers. Support for mono only ASIO input devices Cakewalk now supports ASIO devices with a single mono input, such as the iRig Pro. Relative resizing of selected tracks You can resize all selected tracks to the same size, or by a relative amount, by using the following modifiers: SHIFT+drag resizes all selected tracks to the same size CTRL+drag resizes all selected tracks by the same amount relative to their current size ARA updates Cakewalk supports the latest ARA SDK from Celemony. Adjust split point on a single Take lane If you have several clips in a track with a common split point, the Move Split Point tool always moves all the split points together. To move only the split point on a single lane, hold down the ALT key when using the Move Split Point tool. CTRL-click Duplicate Track button to specify settings To specify settings when duplicating a track, hold down the CTRL key and click the Duplicate Track button . Allow track FX bin to be bypassed via control surfaces rather than just individual FX In addition to individual effects, entire track FX Racks can now be bypassed via control surfaces. Passing an FX index of -1 (65535) will bypass the entire track FX Rack. The Mackie Control surface has been updated to use M1+Select button to toggle track FX Rack bypass. Update installer has option to launch Cakewalk When installing an update from within Cakewalk, you can now choose to automatically relaunch Cakewalk after the installation completes. New Project File dialog improvements The New Project File dialog box (File > New) now lets you specify folder paths, tempo, meter, bit depth, and sample rate settings for the -- No Tracks or Buses -- option (previously named -- Blank Project --). File Stats improvements When starting a new project from a project template, the File Stats window in the Notes Browser now start the Editing Time and Revision counters at 0. To reset the file stats, right-click in the File Stats window and select Reset File Stats. Early Access Notifications Cakewalk now presents a toast notification when an Early Access build is available. Early Access builds are completely optional, providing access to the next version of Cakewalk before its official release. Optimizations Clips pane drawing and scrolling optimizations Major optimizations to clips view drawing to eliminate redundant drawing of clips. Projects with tracks containing many Take lanes with muted clips now draw and scroll more than 20x faster. Scrolling with Display Muted Takes In Parent Track enabled now has almost similar performance to having that option disabled. Waveform drawing is now optimized for faster drawing. Note: The Display Muted Takes In Parent Track option now defaults to OFF for new installations. Bus pane optimizations Drawing and mouse handling in the Bus pane has been optimized to prevent audio glitches and late buffers Bug fixes Stability Crash on insert of Track Template Crash on Delete Hole of project Crash closing project after loading track template containing VST3 synth Crash when loading project with Melodyne via Play List Crash when deleting Vienna Synchron User reported crash when looping audio clip User Reported Crash with the Play List Random crashes with dead pointers when step recording Crash when displaying dropout toast message Intermittent crashes in Arranger Track nullptr crash in Staff view Adding ProChannel Track Compressor on surround bus crashes UI CTRL-click Duplicate Track button should bring up Duplicate Track(s) dialog Hidden Clips can be edited in Track view Mute Tool operates on hidden clips in Track Select Tool selecting invisible muted clips when Display Muted Clips In Parent Track is unchecked Scrolling view left while dragging note causes PRV to fail to Snap By Center on Now Time with Keyboard Zoom only works if Mouse Zoom is set to Now Time Sluggish Scrolling in project Enable/Disable Read Automation shortcut not working Replace Synth can fail to rename track Unexpected changes to track input when using MIDI transformation synths Hiding icons in Synth Rack causes alignment error Enabling MIDI Out on some synths causes all synths to appear in MIDI Input picker Track view would steal focus back after clicking on an Arranger section Disallow Step Record during playback Add performance warning when disabling Only for Inputs in Project option in Preferences > Project - Record Arranger Section Rename can unexpectedly run into Browser F2 Rename on Section Headers does not always work Section Rename could occasionally hang the application Section menus would occasionally not dismiss resulting in multiple menus being displayed Setting now time in arranger during playback doesn't respect the Set Time During Playback click behavior Clicking away from Rename of section causes Windows "ping" Arranger not automatically fixing overlapping sections in some circumstances ALT+mouse wheel zoom unavailable in Arranger track Arranger picker fails to open after clicking away from menu Arranger menu commands could sometimes fail to execute Arranger section move should include data during playback Arranger section move is now blocked during record Arranger labels now support Unicode characters Misc. Moving mouse over Bus pane causes audio glitches and late buffers ARA projects redundantly saving document controller state for deleted items in undo history Projects created using Cyrillic characters in the audio file names, fail to load on a system using a different language pack Cannot enter the "ö" character using a non-English keyboard layout in Lyrics view Ripple Paste not always working after cut Clip fails to split during existing fade if Auto Crossfades is enabled Slow Cakewalk startup time when using MackieControl.dll Export Audio doesn't work when exporting from a surround bus Improve handling for "Blank Project" in File > New Step Record can glitch with instruments that have long tails when Auto Advance is enabled Allow Arm Changes During Playback/Record causes wave file creation when adding certain VST3 plug-ins Temporary files for Allow Arm Changes During Playback/Record can be created in wrong folder Allow Arm Changes During Playback/Record causes Instrument track audio to fail to record Setting multiple tracks to the same input can cause record to fail if Allow Arm Changes during Playback/Record is enabled When Automation lanes are visible in the Bus pane, the drop target for reordering gets interfered with causing misplacement BandLab Login can appear on incorrect monitor Latest release notes are here. See prior release notes. Check out all new features released to date.
  10. @Sailor55 Does this happen with all projects, or just a specific project? As Noel requested, please send us the project file so we can investigate. I wonder if this has anything to do with tack focus. Can you open the PRV Track pane (press H or go to View > Show/Hide Track Pane). Does it make a difference if Auto Focus is enabled or disabled? If you have View > Only Show Articulations for Active Track enabled, see if it make a difference when disabled.
  11. [Updated 5-Nov-2020] 2020.10 Release Candidate (RC) installer now available! We plan to release version 2020.10 very soon, pending any last minute critical issues reported by testers. In the meantime, we wanted to make an updated build available to you immediately in case you are affected by the following issues in EA3. Please especially check recording and verify that arranger and articulation menus and commands now work properly. Articulation Maps: Crash when undoing Apply Articulations with transforms & no MIDI events Articulation chase mode is overwritten on save Articulation transforms don't always chase correctly Articulation transforms don’t always work properly with CC events Articulation map and Arranger labels don't display Unicode characters properly Undoing apply articulations with transforms with no MIDI events could crash VST: Updated to VST3 SDK 3.7.0 Support MIDI CCs via VST3 MIDI output (allows generative MIDI out VST3 plug-ins such as the Reason Rack plug-in to send MIDI CCs to Cakewalk) Support channel aftertouch sent from VST3 plugins Misc: Support ASIO devices with a single mono input such as the iRig Pro Setting multiple tracks to the same input can cause record to fail if Allow Arm Changes during Playback/Record is enabled Arranger picker fails to open after clicking away from menu Arranger picker fails to open after clicking away from menu Arranger and articulation map menus could fail to dismiss resulting in multiple menus stuck on screen Arranger menu and articulation dialog commands could sometimes fail to execute Arranger section move should include data during playback Arranger section move is now blocked during record Arranger and articulation map labels now support Unicode characters When automation lanes are visible in the Bus pane, the drop target for reordering gets interfered with causing misplacement BandLab Login can appear on incorrect monitor Installer should now automatically relaunch application after an in-app update Download Cakewalk 2020.10 RC installer Our sincerest thanks to those of you who have provided feedback on Early Access 1 & 2 - your support this week has been fantastic! We've addressed all issues reported by Early Access 1 & 2 testers and found opportunities for additional refinements as well. We invite you to try out the latest updates in EA3. Please note that Early Access installers are update installers, which only update from a specific version. To install the 2020.10 EA3 build, you must be on the latest public release of 2020.09 or 2020.10 Early Access 2. The 2020.10 EA3 build can be downloaded and installed from within Cakewalk by going to Help > Check for Updates, then clicking the Download Now link in the "Early Access Available" toast notification. Should you need to revert from the 2020.10 EA3 or RC build to the public 2020.09 release, you can download the Cakewalk 2020.09 Rollback installer. If you haven't already done so, please read about the Early Access Program before participating. Thanks again for your participation! The Bakers New in Early Access 3 Articulation Maps: Articulation key switches with high note values were sent after MIDI clip notes when chasing Drag moving a clip that contains a partially selected articulation section fails to move all articulations Dragging a clip with Select Track Articulations with Clip enabled causes selection to change unexpectedly Articulation Map Editor changes: "MIDI Events" section has been renamed to "Generate New MIDI Events" "MIDI Transforms" section has been renamed to "Transform Existing MIDI Events" Generated note events have option to follow the track's MIDI channel The Transpose check box now ONLY affects the ability to transpose pitch Articulation Maps.pdf Misc: Crash when drawing controller events in the Piano Roll view New in Early Access 2 Behavior Changes: Piano Roll view Note drawing now automatically switches direction as necessary during the gesture (left to right or right to left). Open Piano Roll view when double-clicking white space on a MIDI or Instrument track. The Display Muted Takes in Parent Track Track view View menu option defaults to ON (it was OFF for Early Access 1). Articulation Maps: Articulation Map Editor changes: Articulation Maps section has been renamed to Articulation Map Library. Remove file icons to preserve horizontal space. Horizontal scrollbars for list boxes and tree view to accommodate long names. Tooltips for map, group and articulation list items. Ability to specify the chase mode for each triggered MIDI Event. Folders with empty subfolder were not shown in the Articulation Map Library section. Table rows should not be selectable while "Add From MIDI" is waiting. Some expression maps were being imported properly if they contained a mix of Cubase v10 and legacy entries. The Import command now imports maps into the global library instead of the project, and you can import from files or folders. The logic is as follows: Import From File: You are presented with an Open File dialog, followed by a Choose Destination Directory dialog (defaults to the Articulation Maps folder). Import From Directory: You are presented with a Choose Source Directory dialog, followed by a Choose Destination Directory dialog (defaults to the Articulation Maps folder). The folder structure of the source directory will be replicated in the destination directory, with the destination folders containing the converted articulation maps. Fixed various crashes. When drag/dropping clips with articulations selected, articulations ended up in the wrong stream. New Select Track Articulations with Clips option to Track view Options menu. When enabled, selecting a clip will also select any overlapping track articulations. Articulation section Merge command was available when only one articulation was selected. Ability to set the MIDI channel of articulation events via the articulation context menu. Inconsistencies in the MIDI channel being set for triggered articulation events between normal play, chase, MIDI file export and the Apply Articulations command. The rules are as follows: If the triggered event has Transpose selected. then the MIDI channel should be set to the Track's forced MIDI Channel (if set), or the MIDI channel of the Articulation Section event. If the triggered event does NOT have Transpose selected, then the MIDI channel should be what is set for the triggered event as defined within the Articulation Map Editor. Misc: Localization: Resources have been updated for all supported languages (still English text). Crash when loading project with Melodyne via Play List. Crash when deleting Vienna Synchron. Track view would steal focus back after clicking on an Arranger section. Pressing F2 to rename Arranger sections does not always work. Unable to edit MIDI Channel in Event List view. Disallow Step Record during playback. Step Record can glitch with instruments that have long tails when Auto Advance is enabled. Random crashes with dead pointers when step recording. Allow Arm Changes During Playback/Record causes wave file creation when adding certain VST3 plug-ins. Temporary files for Allow Arm Changes During Playback/Record can be created in wrong folder. Allow Arm Changes During Playback/Record causes Synth Track audio to fail to record. Add performance warning when disabling Only for Inputs in Project option in Preferences > Project - Record. View list of updates in Early Access 1
  12. [CLOSED] 2020.10 Early Access 2 (EA2) installer now available! [UPDATE 30-Oct-2020: Cakewalk 2020.10 Early Access 3 is now available] Our sincerest thanks to those of you who have provided feedback on Early Access 1 - your support this week has been fantastic! We've addressed all issues reported by Early Access 1 testers and found opportunities for additional refinements as well. We invite you to try out the latest updates in EA2. Please note that Early Access installers are update installers, which only update from a specific version. To install the 2020.10 EA2 build, you must be on the latest public release of 2020.09 or 2020.10 Early Access 1. The 2020.10 EA2 build can be downloaded and installed from within Cakewalk by going to Help > Check for Updates, then clicking the Download Now link in the "Early Access Available" toast notification. Download Cakewalk 2020.10 EA2 installer Should you need to revert from the 2020.10 EA2 build to the public 2020.09 release, you can download the Cakewalk 2020.09 Rollback installer. If you haven't already done so, please read about the Early Access Program before participating. Thanks again for your participation! The Bakers New in Early Access 2 Behavior Changes: Piano Roll view Note drawing now automatically switches direction as necessary during the gesture (left to right or right to left). Open Piano Roll view when double-clicking white space on a MIDI or Instrument track. The Display Muted Takes in Parent Track Track view View menu option defaults to ON (it was OFF for Early Access 1). Articulation Maps: Articulation Map Editor changes: Articulation Maps section has been renamed to Articulation Map Library. Remove file icons to preserve horizontal space. Horizontal scrollbars for list boxes and tree view to accommodate long names. Tooltips for map, group and articulation list items. Ability to specify the chase mode for each triggered MIDI Event. Folders with empty subfolder were not shown in the Articulation Map Library section. Table rows should not be selectable while "Add From MIDI" is waiting. Some expression maps were being imported properly if they contained a mix of Cubase v10 and legacy entries. The Import command now imports maps into the global library instead of the project, and you can import from files or folders. The logic is as follows: Import From File: You are presented with an Open File dialog, followed by a Choose Destination Directory dialog (defaults to the Articulation Maps folder). Import From Directory: You are presented with a Choose Source Directory dialog, followed by a Choose Destination Directory dialog (defaults to the Articulation Maps folder). The folder structure of the source directory will be replicated in the destination directory, with the destination folders containing the converted articulation maps. Fixed various crashes. When drag/dropping clips with articulations selected, articulations ended up in the wrong stream. New Select Track Articulations with Clips option to Track view Options menu. When enabled, selecting a clip will also select any overlapping track articulations. Articulation section Merge command was available when only one articulation was selected. Ability to set the MIDI channel of articulation events via the articulation context menu. Inconsistencies in the MIDI channel being set for triggered articulation events between normal play, chase, MIDI file export and the Apply Articulations command. The rules are as follows: If the triggered event has Transpose selected. then the MIDI channel should be set to the Track's forced MIDI Channel (if set), or the MIDI channel of the Articulation Section event. If the triggered event does NOT have Transpose selected, then the MIDI channel should be what is set for the triggered event as defined within the Articulation Map Editor. Articulation Maps.pdf Misc: Localization: Resources have been updated for all supported languages (still English text). Crash when loading project with Melodyne via Play List. Crash when deleting Vienna Synchron. Track view would steal focus back after clicking on an Arranger section. Pressing F2 to rename Arranger sections does not always work. Unable to edit MIDI Channel in Event List view. Disallow Step Record during playback. Step Record can glitch with instruments that have long tails when Auto Advance is enabled. Random crashes with dead pointers when step recording. Allow Arm Changes During Playback/Record causes wave file creation when adding certain VST3 plug-ins. Temporary files for Allow Arm Changes During Playback/Record can be created in wrong folder. Allow Arm Changes During Playback/Record causes Synth Track audio to fail to record. Add performance warning when disabling Only for Inputs in Project option in Preferences > Project - Record. View list of updates in Early Access 1
  13. [CLOSED] 2020.10 Early Access installer now available! [UPDATE 30-Oct-2020: Cakewalk 2020.10 Early Access 3 is now available] We're pleased to announce Early Access for 2020.10! This release introduces Articulation Maps, which are a universal way to deal with expressions/articulations in VST instruments or hardware MIDI instruments. Other enhancements include in-app activation/refresh, ARA/Melodyne algorithm picker when converting audio to MIDI or performing tempo extraction, Clips pane drawing and scrolling optimizations, project template enhancements, and much more, including over 40 bug fixes. Please note that the ARA/Melodyne algorithm picker is a pre-release feature and will only be visible if you are running a beta of the upcoming Melodyne 5 release. We'd love for you to check it out before we drop the official public version. This time we're also providing an easy rollback installer should you need to quickly revert to the last public release for any reason. Please note that Early Access installers are update installers, which only update from a specific version. To install the 2020.10 Early Access build, you must be on the latest public release of 2020.09. The 2020.10 Early Access build can be downloaded and installed from within Cakewalk by going to Help > Check for Updates, then clicking the Download Now link in the "Early Access Available" toast notification. Download Cakewalk 2020.10 EA installer Should you need to revert to the 2020.09 release, you can download the Cakewalk 2020.09 Rollback installer. If you haven't already done so, please read about the Early Access Program before participating. Thanks again for your participation! The Bakers 2020.10 Highlights New features Articulation Maps Articulation maps are a universal way to deal with expressions/articulations in VST instruments or hardware MIDI instruments that may be controlled by various methods including: Note “key switches” The velocity of a note Control change events Grouping of patches across different MIDI channels (e.g. legato strings patch on ch 1, pizzicato patch on ch 2, etc.) If you work with sample libraries and virtual instruments, articulation maps are sure to improve your MIDI and articulation/keyswitch workflow. Recreating a convincing performance with sample libraries and virtual instruments can be a difficult task. The process is made somewhat easier if the sampled instrument includes a range of performance articulations, which is commonly controlled via “keyswitches”. These are used to trigger different sample layers that contain the various performance options. Cakewalk's support for articulation maps make it easy to work with articulations and keyswitches. Articulation maps provide a much simpler way of switching articulations, without having to manually edit MIDI events in the track. All articulations appear neatly at the top of the PRV instead of spread across the Notes pane, which helps you to better visualize and edit the articulations and keyswitches. When recording, you can focus on the actual performance — getting the right notes, rather than building expression into the performance — then use articulations to add expression after the basic performance has been recorded. Adding articulations as part of the editing process is often easier than trying to play keyswitches in live via your keyboard. Articulations do either, or both, of the following: Trigger new MIDI events (create ‘MIDI Events’ in the Articulation Map Editor) Alter existing MIDI events (create ‘MIDI Transforms’ in the Articulation Map Editor) Articulations that are added to MIDI and Instrument tracks are automatically applied during playback. Cakewalk includes a few general-purpose articulation maps that let you experiment with the feature. You can create your own articulation maps, or download maps for orchestra libraries and virtual instruments. Cakewalk can import Cubase expression maps, so you can get started quickly by downloading maps for popular instrument libraries such as Vienna Symphonic Library, Garritan, Kontakt, etc. For detailed info, see the attached PDF. Articulation Maps.pdf In-app activation You can now activate Cakewalk directly from within the app, without requiring BandLab Assistant. Cakewalk must be activate once every 6 months. When starting Cakewalk for the first time, if the app has not yet been activated via BandLab assistant, you will be presented with a BandLab sign-in dialog box. After signing in, Cakewalk will automatically activate itself. You must use your BandLab user name in the sign-in prompt, not your email address. Please note that sign-in is completely optional and only used to activate Cakewalk independently from BandLab Assistant. Sign-in currently does not support Single sign-on. If you do not have your BandLab username and password, please use BandLab Assistant to perform activation. Activation will occur automatically when launching the app if it is in the “grace period”, the period that begins when you see the timeout toast notification asking you to sign in to BandLab to activate soon. Under normal circumstances, activation will require no manual user intervention going forward, beyond the initial sign-in. Note that an Internet connection is required for performing activation as described above but not required for general Cakewalk usage. Offline activation is also an option, which requires use of BandLab Assistant to submit an offline activation request. You can force an activation refresh with the Help > Refresh Activation command. ARA/Melodyne algorithm picker (pre-release) When converting audio to MIDI by dragging an audio clip to a MIDI track, or performing tempo extraction by dragging an audio clip to the time ruler, you can now select the desired algorithm. Note: The algorithm picker will only work on Melodyne 5 and higher. VST instruments can use custom instrument definitions Some VST instruments do not expose their patch list, either because they are emulating a hardware device and solely rely on MIDI bank select/program changes, or in the case of library hosts such as Kontakt, they have no fixed list of instruments - in other words its up to the user to choose their instrument mapping. You can now use any instrument definition with a VSTi from a new drop-down menu in the Patch Browser dialog box (click Patch Browser in the Inspector). If < default for instrument > is selected, then the patches are retrieved from the VSTi as normal, otherwise the patch list is taken from the selected instrument definition. Enhancements Application memory footprint has been reduced (dynamic VST Plug-in Buffer sizes) In prior versions of Cakewalk, cached plug-in buffers would be allocated at a size of 32K samples irrespective of the audio buffer size. This gets quite expensive when you have a project with hundreds of plug-ins especially with plug-ins having multiple inputs and outputs. Plug-in buffer sizes are now dynamically adjusted to be based on the audio buffer size rather than an arbitrary max limit. This makes a big difference in projects running at low latency buffers. Relative resizing of selected tracks You can resize all selected tracks to the same size, or by a relative amount, by using the following modifiers: SHIFT+drag resizes all selected tracks to the same size CTRL+drag resizes all selected tracks by the same amount relative to their current size ARA updates Cakewalk supports the latest ARA SDK from Celemony. Adjust split point on a single Take lane If you have several clips in a track with a common split point, the Move Split Point tool always moves all the split points together. To move only the split point on a single lane, hold down the ALT key when using the Move Split Point tool. CTRL-click Duplicate Track button to specify settings To specify settings when duplicating a track, hold down the CTRL key and click the Duplicate Track button . Allow track FX bin to be bypassed via control surfaces rather than just individual FX In addition to individual effects, entire track FX Racks can now be bypassed via control surfaces. Passing an FX index of -1 (65535) will bypass the entire track FX Rack. The Mackie Control surface has been updated to use M1+Select button to toggle track FX Rack bypass. Update installer has option to launch Cakewalk When installing an update from within Cakewalk, you can now choose to automatically launch Cakewalk after the installation completes. New Project File dialog improvements The New Project File dialog box (File > New) now lets you specify folder paths, tempo, meter, bit depth, and sample rate settings for the -- No Tracks or Buses -- option (previously named -- Blank Project --). File Stats improvements When starting a new project from a project template, the File Stats window in the Notes Browser now start the Editing Time and Revision counters at 0. To reset the file stats, right-click in the File Stats window and select Reset File Stats. Early Access Notifications Cakewalk now presents a toast notification when an Early Access build is available. Early Access builds are completely optional, providing access to the next version of Cakewalk before its official release. There's a good chance you're reading this as a result of an Early Access toast! Optimizations Clips pane drawing and scrolling optimizations Major optimizations to clips view drawing to eliminate redundant drawing of clips. Projects with tracks containing many Take lanes with muted clips now draw and scroll more than 20x faster. Scrolling with Display Muted Takes In Parent Track enabled now has almost similar performance to having that option disabled. Waveform drawing is now optimized for faster drawing. Note: The Display Muted Takes In Parent Track option now defaults to OFF for new installations. Bus pane optimizations Drawing and mouse handling in the Bus pane has been optimized to prevent audio glitches and late buffers Bug fixes Stability Crash on insert of Track Template Crash on Delete Hole of project Crash closing project after loading track template containing VST3 synth User reported crash when looping audio clip User Reported Crash with the Play List Crash when displaying dropout toast message Intermittent crashes in Arranger Track nullptr crash in Staff view Adding ProChannel Track Compressor on surround bus crashes UI CTRL-click Duplicate Track button should bring up duplicate track dialog Hidden Clips can be edited in Track view Mute Tool operates on hidden clips in Track Select Tool selecting invisible muted clips when Display Muted Clips In Parent Track is unchecked Scrolling view left while dragging note causes PRV to fail to Snap By Center on Now Time with Keyboard Zoom only works if Mouse Zoom is set to Now Time Sluggish Scrolling in project Enable/Disable Read Automation shortcut not working Replace Synth can fail to rename track Unexpected changes to track input when using MIDI transformation synths Hiding icons in Synth Rack causes alignment error Enabling MIDI Out on some synths causes all synths to appear in MIDI Input picker Arranger Section Rename can unexpectedly run into Browser F2 Rename on Section Headers does not always work Section Rename could occasionally hang the application Section menus would occasionally not dismiss resulting in multiple menus being displayed Setting now time in arranger during playback doesn't respect the Set Time During Playback click behavior Clicking away from Rename of Section causes Windows "ping" Arranger not automatically fixing overlapping sections in some circumstances ALT+mouse wheel zoom unavailable in Arranger track Misc. Moving mouse over Bus pane causes audio glitches and late buffers ARA projects redundantly saving document controller state for deleted items in undo history Projects created using Cyrillic characters in the audio file names, fail to load on a system using a different language pack Cannot enter the "ö" character using a non-English keyboard layout in Lyrics View Ripple Paste not always working after cut Clip fails to split during existing fade if Auto Crossfades is enabled. Slow Cakewalk startup time when using MackieControl.dll Export Audio doesn't work when exporting from a surround bus Improve handling for "Blank Project" in File > New
  14. Providing excellent support for Cakewalk by BandLab has always been and remains a top priority for us. With a rapidly growing user base, we must focus our support on issues that directly concern the usage and functionality of the Cakewalk by Bandlab application software. However, we receive a significant number of technical support requests related to non-Cakewalk issues, such as: Hardware/driver problems Windows configuration 3rd party plug-ins The best avenue to troubleshoot issues like these is our peer-to-peer forums, where you can find many knowledgeable power users with deep expertise in using DAWs. If you are unable to diagnose or resolve any such issues on your own or via the forum, or require general consultation or training, or are a professional studio on a production deadline, we recommend our friends at the following respected companies for their expertise in delivering top notch services at very reasonable prices. Since 2004, OBEDIA has provided phone and remote desktop training and support for recording musicians and content creators. OBEDIA keeps you focused, productive and offers custom-built digital audio production computers through its PCAudioLabs line. Having worked closely with Grammy winning producers, engineers, musicians, composers and DJs, OBEDIA and PCAudioLabs have built a stellar reputation of delivering the power, stability and support necessary to facilitate demanding productions. Cakewalk by BandLab Training Get started with OBEDIA Purrrfect Audio, headed by long time Cakewalk power user and familiar forum member Jim Roseberry, has been providing support and designing/building custom PCs for audio/video since 1994. Book a consultation with Purrrfect Audio Troubleshooting Better problem reporting: How to capture a crash dump Diagnosing plug-in compatibility problems and crashes in Cakewalk Cakewalk Help Center Contact Cakewalk Support NOTICE OF NON-AFFILIATION AND DISCLAIMER This list of participating independent third-party service providers is strictly for your convenience, and the use of third party services is done at your own discretion. These independent third-party service providers are not agents for, not joint ventures of, not employed by, and do not work for BandLab Technologies.
  15. Looking for additional support? Providing excellent support for Cakewalk by BandLab has always been and remains a top priority for us. With a rapidly growing user base, we must focus our support on issues that directly concern the usage and functionality of the Cakewalk by Bandlab application software. However, we receive a significant number of technical support requests related to non-Cakewalk issues, such as: Hardware/driver problems Windows configuration 3rd party plug-ins The best avenue to troubleshoot issues like these is our peer-to-peer forums, where you can find many knowledgeable power users with deep expertise in using DAWs. If you are unable to diagnose or resolve any such issues on your own or via the forum, or require general consultation or training, or are a professional studio on a production deadline, we recommend our friends at the following respected companies for their expertise in delivering top notch services at very reasonable prices. Since 2004, OBEDIA has provided phone and remote desktop training and support for recording musicians and content creators. OBEDIA keeps you focused, productive and offers custom-built digital audio production computers through its PCAudioLabs line. Having worked closely with Grammy winning producers, engineers, musicians, composers and DJs, OBEDIA and PCAudioLabs have built a stellar reputation of delivering the power, stability and support necessary to facilitate demanding productions. Cakewalk by BandLab Training Get started with OBEDIA Purrrfect Audio, headed by long time Cakewalk power user and familiar forum member Jim Roseberry, has been providing support and designing/building custom PCs for audio/video since 1994. Book a consultation with Purrrfect Audio Troubleshooting Better problem reporting: How to capture a crash dump Diagnosing plug-in compatibility problems and crashes in Cakewalk Cakewalk Help Center Contact Cakewalk Support NOTICE OF NON-AFFILIATION AND DISCLAIMER This list of participating independent third-party service providers is strictly for your convenience, and the use of third party services is done at your own discretion. These independent third-party service providers are not agents for, not joint ventures of, not employed by, and do not work for BandLab Technologies.
  16. @Skyline_UK It has now been released as version 2020.09.
  17. For details about the 2020.09 release, see https://discuss.cakewalk.com/index.php?/topic/19403-current-release-202009.
  18. We're pleased to announce the 2020.09 release, which is a stability update in keeping with our goal of making Cakewalk as reliable and enjoyable as possible. A big thanks to our community for sharing your valuable time and feedback - you're helping us build an unquestionably superior Cakewalk with each release! Thanks, The Bakers Should you need to revert to the 2020.08 release, you can download the Cakewalk 2020.08 Rollback installer. 2020.09 Highlights Enhancements Automatic Picture Cache management On startup, Cakewalk now auto detects when the wave picture cache is full and will self delete the oldest files to make room for new files. No user intervention is required. For efficiency, picture cache management is only done at startup time. The Max size of picture cache has been raised to 10000 MB. In-app updater You can now download and install future updates directly from Cakewalk instead of using BandLab Assistant. Select Help > Check for Updates to check if an update is available. An Update Available toast notification appears if an update is available. Click Download Now to download the update in the background. You may continue using the application while downloading. Download progress will be displayed via a toast message. Updates are downloaded to a Cakewalk subfolder in your local Downloads folder. When the download is complete, click Install Now to install the update. You will be prompted to save your work and exit the app to allow the installer to run. Bug fixes Control surface settings are not being saved when a surface is disabled or the surface UI dialog is closed. Save As dialog ignores custom typed paths for Project Path and Audio Path. Arranger-related menus may appear incorrectly with multi-monitor configurations. Changing Picture Cache to high values would cause waveforms to stop drawing. Picture cache sizes > 2GB now work properly. The max size for PicCacheMB in Aud.ini has been increased to 10000 MB. Picture cache is now automatically managed and will self delete the oldest files when the size limit is reached. Mojibake (garbage text) occurs when using Unicode multibyte characters (Japanese, Chinese, etc.) on OS that differs from the selected CbB language. Cakewalk now uses UTF-8 encoding by default for all text strings, including track name, clips names, Lane descriptions, Arranger sections, Notes Browser, Lyrics view, etc. Legacy projects not saved with UTF-8 will continue to open correctly in 2020.09 and higher. Projects saved with multibyte characters from 2020.09 and higher can now be opened on any OS, retaining the original Unicode characters. Crash starting playback in project when the picture cache is full. Crash when inserting multiple instrument tracks with no tracks enabled. Closing a 3rd party plug-in UI can crash the application by sending WM_QUIT message. Crash when deleting an Arranger section selection twice. Crash inserting Per-Output Instrument tracks when Auto Track Zoom & Show Synth Properties are enabled. Insert Soft Synth Options should disable Track Number options for First/All synth output options. Arranger Section Rename intermittently becomes stuck. Clip crops unexpectedly on Undo of Apply Region Tempo. The Synth Rack and plug-in views are not opened when inserting an instrument via the Add Track menu. It will now follow the default as specified in the Insert Soft Synth Options dialog. Record Arm/Virtual Controller toggle fail to enable when adding Instrument Track per Output from Add Track menu. Add Track menu does not activate Enable MIDI Output for Synths by default. It will now follow the default as specified in the Insert Soft Synth Options dialog. Mouse Wheel not scrolling the Control Bar. Option to decouple global Snap to Grid from the Staff view with UseGlobalSnapForStaffView=0 Cakewalk.ini setting. Long patch names fail to display in Event List view. DATA1 and DATA3 column widths have increased, and text truncates to the column width. Correct Chinese translation for "Rename Clip".
  19. Hi all - please use this topic to post feedback specific to 2020.09. Release-specific feedback is valuable to us, and consolidating it in a single topic is extremely helpful. Thanks in advance! 2020.09 Release Notes
  20. UPDATE 10-Sep-2020: The planned 2020.08 hotfix has been released as version 2020.09. For details, see https://discuss.cakewalk.com/index.php?/topic/19403-current-release-202009/. We plan to release the official 2020.08 hotfix in the near future. In the meantime, we wanted to make an updated build available to you immediately in case you are affected by the following issues: Control surface settings are not being saved when a surface is disabled or the surface UI dialog is closed. Save As dialog ignores custom typed paths for Project Path and Audio Path. Arranger-related menus may appear incorrectly with multi-monitor configurations. Changing Picture Cache to high values would cause waveforms to stop drawing. Picture cache sizes > 2GB now work properly. The max size for PicCacheMB in Aud.ini has been increased to 10000 MB. Picture cache is now automatically managed and will self delete the oldest files when the size limit is reached. Mojibake (garbage text) occurs when using Unicode multibyte characters (Japanese, Chinese, etc.) on OS that differs from the selected CbB language. Cakewalk now uses UTF-8 encoding by default for all text strings, including track name, clips names, Lane descriptions, Arranger sections, Notes Browser, Lyrics view, etc. Backwards compatibility: Legacy projects not saved with UTF-8 will continue to open correctly in 2020.08 Hotfix and higher Projects saved with multibyte characters from 2020.08 Hotfix and higher can now be opened on any OS, retaining the original Unicode characters. Other bugs fixed in build 2020.08.0.120 Crash starting playback in project when the picture cache is full. Crash when inserting multiple instrument tracks with no tracks enabled. Closing a 3rd party plug-in UI can crash the application by sending WM_QUIT message. Crash when deleting an Arranger section selection twice. Crash inserting Per-Output Instrument tracks when Auto Track Zoom & Show Synth Properties are enabled. Insert Soft Synth Options should disable Track Number options for First/All synth output options. Arranger Section Rename intermittently becomes stuck. Clip crops unexpectedly on Undo of Apply Region Tempo. The Synth Rack and plug-in views are not opened when inserting an instrument via the Add Track menu. It will now follow the default as specified in the Insert Soft Synth Options dialog. Record Arm/Virtual Controller toggle fail to enable when adding Instrument Track per Output from Add Track menu Add Track menu does not activate 'Enable MIDI Output for Synths' by default. It will now follow the default as specified in the Insert Soft Synth Options dialog. Correct Chinese translation for "Rename Clip".
  21. Hi all - please use this topic to post feedback specific to 2020.08. Release-specific feedback is valuable to us, and consolidating it in a single topic is extremely helpful. Thanks in advance! 2020.08 Release Notes
  22. Introduction The 2020.08 release introduces support for multiple Arranger tracks, Arranger section types, Arranger templates, MIDI automation on Instrument tracks, Workspace enhancements, Classic Creative Suite and Channel Tools plug-ins, new FX Chain presets, export directly to Standard MIDI File, optimizations, and much more, including over 70 bug fixes, all in keeping with our goal of making Cakewalk as reliable and enjoyable as possible. The following highlights are intended to provide an overview of the more significant changes. Please also refer to the new features section of our documentation for more detailed information on the features. Please give us feedback on this release. We hope you like it! 2020.08 Highlights Multiple Arranger tracks A project can contain multiple Arranger tracks, with each track containing its own set of sections. Multiple Arranger tracks provides many benefits, including: Simultaneously declare multiple sections intersecting within a given range of time. Define and organize sub-sections within a larger section. For example, if you have a live recording of multiple songs, you can use one Arranger track to mark out each song, and another to mark out the verses and choruses within each song. Use multiple sections for generic annotation within a project. Multiple Arranger Tracks.mp4 Arranger section types Arranger sections can be assigned to an optional section type attribute, such as Verse, Chorus, Bridge, etc. Cakewalk includes many common section types, and you can create your own custom section type presets. Section types provide the following benefits: By tagging sections with type attributes, you can use Arranger templates to instantly create new arrangements from your existing sections. Quickly assign consistent names and colors to sections that serve specific musical functions in a song. Directly insert new sections that automatically use appropriate names and colors. Arranger Section Types.mp4 Arranger templates Arranger templates are pre-defined song forms that store the order in which sections are arranged. You can think of an Arranger template as a map of an entire song. Arranger templates are global and can be used in several ways: Create a new Arranger track from a template. The template is applied to the Arranger track, which creates new sections. This is useful when starting a new song and you want to quickly create all Arranger sections for a typical song form that you can fill in with music. Insert sections in an existing Arranger track. Drag Arranger templates from the Media Browser and drop them in existing Arranger tracks. Sections in the template are inserted into the target track. Create a new arrangement. If your project already contains existing sections, you can use Arranger templates to create new arrangements from the existing sections. This allows you to preview your existing sections with different song forms. Sections that exist in the template but not in the project can be optionally created at the end of the project in the active Arranger track. Arranger Templates.mp4 Show and edit MIDI automation on Instrument tracks Instrument tracks can now show and edit MIDI automation. Previously, Instrument tracks only showed the automation available for the audio output section of the track. Now both MIDI and audio automation parameters can be set from the track’s Edit Filter. Classic Creative Suite audio effects The Classic Creative Suite is made up of powerful and easy to use Cakewalk effects including Alias Factor, Classic Phaser, Compressor/Gate, HF Exciter, Modfilter, Multivoice Chorus/Flanger, Para-Q, and Tempo Delay. Channel Tools plug-in The Channel Tools plug-in provides easy and powerful channel processing for gain, Mid-Side decoding, delay and stereo panning. Channel Tools is ideal for enhancing and adjusting stereo separation for stereo tracks and full mixes. New FX Chain presets Cakewalk includes many new FX Chain presets that use the new Classic Creative Suite and Channel Tools audio effects. Export to Standard MIDI File The File > Export > Standard MIDI File command lets you directly export the current project’s MIDI data to a Standard MIDI File. Enhancements Enhanced ‘Instrument Track Per Audio Output’ When inserting a multi-timbral soft synth, you can use the Instrument Track Per Output option in the Add Track menu and Insert Soft Synth Options dialog box to specify how many Instrument tracks to create. This allows you to have multiple Instrument tracks for a single instance of a synth. However, if you specify more output tracks than the synth supports, Cakewalk will now create additional synth instances as required. For example, adding 16 TTS-1 tracks will create 4 TTS-1 instances as the TTS-1 supports 4 audio outs per instance. Workspace enhancements ‘Apply Workspace on Project Load’ option When using a workspace, you can now specify if the active workspace should be automatically applied when loading projects. This is specified with the Apply Workspace on Project Load option in the Workspaces menu. The Apply Workspace on Project Load option is disabled by default. When enabled, the active workspace is always applied to an opened project. When disabled, projects load with their saved window layout, even when a workspace is active. To apply the active workspace, re-select the workspace form the Workspaces menu. Track view View and Options menu settings are not saved in workspaces The Track view View and Options menu settings are global, and no longer saved in screensets or workspaces. This change prevents global settings from being overwritten when applying a workspace. Ripple Edit affects Arranger section move/copy operations The Ripple Edit setting is respected when moving and copying Arranger sections. Auto Crossfades is applied to Section Split/Arrangement Commit Section operations now respect the Auto Crossfade enable in the Track view. Section Split and Commit Arrangement operations will now have crossfades applied when enabled. Option to center Now Time when zooming with the keyboard The Track view Options menu has a new Center on Now Time with Keyboard Zoom option that centers the Now Time when zooming with keyboard shortcuts (CTRL+LEFT ARROW and CTRL+RIGHT ARROW). Key binding to open soft synth on current track A new key binding named Open Soft Synth on Current Track allows you to open the soft synth UI on the focused Instrument track. You can assign the key binding in Edit > Preferences > Customization - Keyboard Shortcuts (under Area: Global Bindings). Improved loading of synth data Loading soft synths is now a two step process: first the plug-in is loaded, then its content is loaded (samples, etc.). A new toast notification shows the loading status. Enhancements to Duplicate Selected Clip(s) command The Duplicate Selected Clip(s) command now respects the selection when duplicating instead of reverting to clip size. It also no longer sets the Now Time during playback. Toggle Clip Gain edit filter You can quickly toggle between Track Volume and the last/previously shown data type on the current track. To do so, press the = key. This only works on the current parent track, not in Automation lanes. To toggle between Clip Gain and the last/previously shown data type on the current track, press SHIFT+=. Improved handling of temporary removal of control surfaces Cakewalk now better handles the temporary removal of devices related to connected/configured control surfaces. If the MIDI input or output ports are not available, the control surface is now disabled. The control surface name will be shown in parentheses and any missing ports will be shown as -- None --. Regardless of whether MIDI ports have been remapped or not as a result of adding or removing MIDI devices, only user changes to the control surface setup will be saved. Unchanged control surfaces will retain their original settings. Therefore, if a MIDI port is unavailable and the ports are shown as -- None --, as long as this surface is left unchanged, it will automatically restore its previous settings the next time Cakewalk is restarted with the MIDI device available. ALT+drag in time ruler to select both tracks and buses By default, making a time selection by dragging in the time ruler only selects tracks. To select both tracks and buses, hold down the ALT key while dragging in the time ruler. ‘Split MIDI Notes’ and ‘Non-Destructive MIDI Editing’ options in MIDI menu The Non-Destructive MIDI Editing and Split MIDI Notes options that are found in the Edit > Preferences > Customization - Editing dialog box impact Arranger track editing, so we have made them more accessible by also adding them to the Track view MIDI menu: Non-Destructive MIDI Editing. Select this option to make all MIDI editing non-destructive. When toggled on, this option forces deleted data to be retained even though it is not visible. When you split or crop clips, the old MIDI events are still there but they're hidden. So you can extend the ends of the clips to reveal the MIDI events again. If this is turned off, you lose those events when you split. In most cases you should leave this option enabled. Split MIDI Notes. Select this option to split any underlying MIDI notes when you split clips, and insert MIDI chase events (such as continuous controllers, Pitch Wheel, and Patch Change) at the split position. The advantage of this is that you don’t get lost notes when copy/pasting or cut/pasting notes that start just before the split point. The disadvantage of this is that if you extend the clip ends, as the note has now been split, it will be retriggered at the split point. The menu commands are also available as key bindings. You can assign the key binding in Edit > Preferences > Customization - Keyboard Shortcuts (under Area: Track View). Add Track menu now supports plug-in layouts The Add Track window’s menu now supports the use of plug-in layouts. The Plug-in Browser and Add Track menu display the same layout. Copy and assign automation envelopes Copy and Assign Envelope is now available via the context menu for envelopes to facilitate copying an existing envelope and assigning it to a different parameter. Staff view respects global Snap to Grid settings The Staff view respects the global Snap to Grid settings for note positioning when drawing notes. Optimizations Improved UI performance when playing while zoomed in to prevent loss of keyboard and mouse input. UI drawing is now adaptively throttled back to keep the system responsive even high load. Clips pane now handles zooming better and only draws one beat worth of data when heavily zoomed in. Now Time display will also stop when zoomed in to a single beat. This prevents excessive flicker. Improved scrolling in the Track view with Snap to Landmark Events enabled. This fixes a reported issue where Snap to Landmarks with AudioSnap transients was causing scrolling to become sluggish. Latest release notes are here. See prior release notes. Check out all new features released to date. Previous release: 2020.05 Feature Overview 2020.04 Feature Overview 2020.01 Feature Overview 2019.11/12 Feature Overview 2019.09 Feature Overview 2019.07 Feature Overview
  23. We're pleased to announce the 2020.08 release! This release introduces support for multiple Arranger tracks, Arranger section types, Arranger templates, MIDI automation on Instrument tracks, Workspace enhancements, Classic Creative Suite and Channel Tools plug-ins, new FX Chain presets, export directly to Standard MIDI File, optimizations, and much more, including over 70 bug fixes, all in keeping with our goal of making Cakewalk as reliable and enjoyable as possible. Thanks, The Bakers For new feature details, see New Features. Should you need to revert to the 2020.05 release, you can download the Cakewalk 2020.05 Rollback installer. 2020.08 Highlights Multiple Arranger tracks A project can contain multiple Arranger tracks, with each track containing its own set of sections. Multiple Arranger tracks provides many benefits, including: Simultaneously declare multiple sections intersecting within a given range of time. Define and organize sub-sections within a larger section. For example, if you have a live recording of multiple songs, you can use one Arranger track to mark out each song, and another to mark out the verses and choruses within each song. Use multiple sections for generic annotation within a project. Multiple Arranger Tracks.mp4 Arranger section types Arranger sections can be assigned to an optional section type attribute, such as Verse, Chorus, Bridge, etc. Cakewalk includes many common section types, and you can create your own custom section type presets. Section types provide the following benefits: By tagging sections with type attributes, you can use Arranger templates to instantly create new arrangements from your existing sections. Quickly assign consistent names and colors to sections that serve specific musical functions in a song. Directly insert new sections that automatically use appropriate names and colors. Arranger Section Types.mp4 Arranger templates Arranger templates are pre-defined song forms that store the order in which sections are arranged. You can think of an Arranger template as a map of an entire song. Arranger templates are global and can be used in several ways: Create a new Arranger track from a template. The template is applied to the Arranger track, which creates new sections. This is useful when starting a new song and you want to quickly create all Arranger sections for a typical song form that you can fill in with music. Insert sections in an existing Arranger track. Drag Arranger templates from the Media Browser and drop them in existing Arranger tracks. Sections in the template are inserted into the target track. Create a new arrangement. If your project already contains existing sections, you can use Arranger templates to create new arrangements from the existing sections. This allows you to preview your existing sections with different song forms. Sections that exist in the template but not in the project can be optionally created at the end of the project in the active Arranger track. Arranger Templates.mp4 Show and edit MIDI automation on Instrument tracks Instrument tracks can now show and edit MIDI automation. Previously, Instrument tracks only showed the automation available for the audio output section of the track. Now both MIDI and audio automation parameters can be set from the track’s Edit Filter. Classic Creative Suite audio effects The Classic Creative Suite is made up of powerful and easy to use Cakewalk effects including Alias Factor, Classic Phaser, Compressor/Gate, HF Exciter, Modfilter, Multivoice Chorus/Flanger, Para-Q, and Tempo Delay. Channel Tools plug-in The Channel Tools plug-in provides easy and powerful channel processing for gain, Mid-Side decoding, delay and stereo panning. Channel Tools is ideal for enhancing and adjusting stereo separation for stereo tracks and full mixes. New FX Chain presets Cakewalk includes many new FX Chain presets that use the new Classic Creative Suite and Channel Tools audio effects. Export to Standard MIDI File The File > Export > Standard MIDI File command lets you directly export the current project’s MIDI data to a Standard MIDI File. Enhancements Enhanced ‘Instrument Track Per Audio Output’ When inserting a multi-timbral soft synth, you can use the Instrument Track Per Output option in the Add Track menu and Insert Soft Synth Options dialog box to specify how many Instrument tracks to create. This allows you to have multiple Instrument tracks for a single instance of a synth. However, if you specify more output tracks than the synth supports, Cakewalk will now create additional synth instances as required. For example, adding 16 TTS-1 tracks will create 4 TTS-1 instances as the TTS-1 supports 4 audio outs per instance. Workspace enhancements ‘Apply Workspace on Project Load’ option When using a workspace, you can now specify if the selected workspace should be automatically applied when loading projects. This is specified with the Apply Workspace on Project Load option in the Workspaces menu. The Apply Workspace on Project Load option is disabled by default. When enabled, the active workspace is always applied to an opened project. When disabled, projects load with their saved window layout, even when a workspace is active. To apply the active workspace, re-select the workspace form the Workspaces menu. Track view View and Options menu settings are not saved in workspaces The Track view View and Options menu settings are global, and no longer saved in screensets or workspaces. This change prevents global settings from being overwritten when applying a workspace. Ripple Edit affects Arranger section move/copy operations The Ripple Edit setting is respected when moving and copying Arranger sections. Auto Crossfades is applied to Section Split/Arrangement Commit Section operations now respect the Auto Crossfade enable in the Track view. Section Split and Commit Arrangement operations will now have crossfades applied when enabled. Option to center Now Time when zooming with the keyboard The Track view Options menu has a new Center on Now Time with Keyboard Zoom option that centers the Now Time when zooming with keyboard shortcuts (CTRL+LEFT ARROW and CTRL+RIGHT ARROW). Key binding to open soft synth on current track A new key binding named Open Soft Synth on Current Track allows you to open the soft synth UI on the focused Instrument track. You can assign the key binding in Edit > Preferences > Customization - Keyboard Shortcuts (under Area: Global Bindings). Improved loading of synth data Loading soft synths is now a two step process: first the plug-in is loaded, then its content is loaded (samples, etc.). A new toast notification shows the loading status. Enhancements to Duplicate Selected Clip(s) command The Duplicate Selected Clip(s) command now respects the selection when duplicating instead of reverting to clip size. It also no longer sets the Now Time during playback. Toggle Clip Gain edit filter You can quickly toggle between Track Volume and the last/previously shown data type on the current track. To do so, press the = key. This only works on the current parent track, not in Automation lanes. To toggle between Clip Gain and the last/previously shown data type on the current track, press SHIFT+=. Improved handling of temporary removal of control surfaces Cakewalk now better handles the temporary removal of devices related to connected/configured control surfaces. If the MIDI input or output ports are not available, the control surface is now disabled. The control surface name will be shown in parentheses and any missing ports will be shown as -- None --. Regardless of whether MIDI ports have been remapped or not as a result of adding or removing MIDI devices, only user changes to the control surface setup will be saved. Unchanged control surfaces will retain their original settings. Therefore, if a MIDI port is unavailable and the ports are shown as -- None --, as long as this surface is left unchanged, it will automatically restore its previous settings the next time Cakewalk is restarted with the MIDI device available. ALT+drag in time ruler to select both tracks and buses By default, making a time selection by dragging in the time ruler only selects tracks. To select both tracks and buses, hold down the ALT key while dragging in the time ruler. ‘Split MIDI Notes’ and ‘Non-Destructive MIDI Editing’ options in MIDI menu The Non-Destructive MIDI Editing and Split MIDI Notes options that are found in the Edit > Preferences > Customization - Editing dialog box impact Arranger track editing, so we have made them more accessible by also adding them to the Track view MIDI menu: Non-Destructive MIDI Editing. Select this option to make all MIDI editing non-destructive. When toggled on, this option forces deleted data to be retained even though it is not visible. When you split or crop clips, the old MIDI events are still there but they're hidden. So you can extend the ends of the clips to reveal the MIDI events again. If this is turned off, you lose those events when you split. In most cases you should leave this option enabled. Split MIDI Notes. Select this option to split any underlying MIDI notes when you split clips, and insert MIDI chase events (such as continuous controllers, Pitch Wheel, and Patch Change) at the split position. The advantage of this is that you don’t get lost notes when copy/pasting or cut/pasting notes that start just before the split point. The disadvantage of this is that if you extend the clip ends, as the note has now been split, it will be retriggered at the split point. The menu commands are also available as key bindings. You can assign the key binding in Edit > Preferences > Customization - Keyboard Shortcuts (under Area: Track View). Add Track menu now supports plug-in layouts The Add Track window’s menu now supports the use of plug-in layouts. The Plug-in Browser and Add Track menu display the same layout. Copy and assign automation envelopes Copy and Assign Envelope is now available via the context menu for envelopes to facilitate copying an existing envelope and assigning it to a different parameter. Staff view respects global Snap to Grid settings The Staff view respects the global Snap to Grid settings for note positioning when drawing notes. Optimizations Improved UI performance when playing while zoomed in to prevent loss of keyboard and mouse input. UI drawing is now adaptively throttled back to keep the system responsive even high load. Clips pane now handles zooming better and only draws one beat worth of data when heavily zoomed in. Now Time display will also stop when zoomed in to a single beat. This prevents excessive flicker. Improved scrolling in the Track view with Snap to Landmark Events enabled. This fixes a reported issue where Snap to Landmarks with AudioSnap transients was causing scrolling to become sluggish. Bug fixes Stability Crash on project load for some users Crash attempting to rename drum map note in Piano Roll view Crash when attempting to duplicate Instrument track Crash when closing Cakewalk with Arranger context menu open Crash when re-doing a Copy after undoing a Create Section Crash when applying arrangement in project Crash importing MIDI file to project iZotope Iris crashes if the project sample rate differs from the default sample rate Automation Bus automation deleted when dragging Arranger section if no clips present Automation for multiple instances of a plug-in delete unexpectedly MIDI automation does not update slider on Instrument track lanes Custom Automation lane names are easily lost Copying clips with envelopes creates extra envelopes on Instrument tracks Ability to toggle between Clips and Clip Gain envelope on active track Bus Envelope being copied to tracks on Cut/Paste Paste from bus envelopes go to synth envelopes unexpectedly Jump in Clip Gain envelope causes waveform preview to draw incorrectly UI Intermittent inability to stop playback when zoomed in Zoom control can become stuck during playback Ripple Edit button status incorrect when opening template Piano Roll view Snap button does not have tooltip Export as MIDI defaults to .cwp file extension Selected buses should give clearer indication of selection Scrolling in Clips pane is sluggish with Snap to Transients enabled Current tab in Multidock does not persist Allow for background colors in Synth Rack Change text for Move Checked Devices to Top button in Preferences > MIDI - Devices to specify outputs Arranger If selection does not include audio, automation is not moved with sections Arranger Preview should not be impacted by Stop at Project End Arranger Sections not rippling properly when moving clips with Ripple Edit set to ALL Ensure only MIDI tracks are having trim applied after splitting notes in arranger commands Dragging audio to extract tempo broken by Arranger code Not possible to drag multiple sections that are lasso selected Section events do not move/copy if the selection only contains long MIDI notes outwith the selection extent Clicking on project end icon in control bar doesn't include sections Update section selection on Project Selection Extent change Creating new section should snap to nearby section or time boundary Inconsistent behavior between section selection move and single section move Disable Autosave triggering during Commit Arrangement Show onboarding text in Arrangements inspector Commit arrangement should auto-crossfade if Auto Crossfade is enabled Enforce minimum Section size (1 measure) when cropping from the beginning of the section header Section start time snaps unexpectedly to next section when resizing to the left Misc. Creating new workspace does not set Current Lens registry value When applying a workspace on load, the Browser loads with a vertical collapse button instead of horizontal When the Help Module is opened and collapsed in a Workspace, applying the Workspace on project load causes it to draw incorrectly Loading some custom workspaces can result in tracks not being visible until you scroll the Track view Cropped MIDI notes chase unexpectedly Aim Assist Text status not persisting Auto Crossfade button not updating between projects Nudge in tracks fails to crossfade Unexpected results when nudging comped clips with auto crossfades Automatic Crossfades does not bind as expected in Preferences Cakewalk includes FX Chain presets that reference non-included plug-ins (only applies to clean new installations; presets from previous installations are not removed) Autosave firing every few patch changes in VSTi Projects with Kontakt load slowly if sample rate differs from default sample rate Increase MackieControl.ini plug-in entry limit Disabling Recycle Plugin Windows not working as expected Dragging plug-ins from browser stops playback CTRL dragging a plug-in should not open the plug-in UI Staff view should respect the global snap setting for note positioning when drawing notes Unable to move notes in Staff view Right-click should not clear the selection in the Piano Roll and Staff views 'Center on Now Time' scrolling not respected in Piano Roll view Lasso select in Piano Roll view does not always clear the previous selection When Piano Roll view Snap is diabled, the Auto Focus button shows the wrong tooltip Reduce minimum control surface timeout to 25ms Select All causes Insert > Time/Measures to only insert at beginning of project Shift + +/= should toggle clip gain for Lanes Duplicate Instrument track not working when drum maps are defined Incorrect behavior when moving multiple clips past the end of a cropped clip Ripple Edit adds time unexpectedly when pasting controllers MIDI Ripple Edit in Lanes fails partially Show and fit selection command is not working for tracks in folders Show and Fit Selection for CLIPS in Track Folders does not work as expected Export Audio does not append chosen file extension Single Bounce Per Track Freeze option has no effect when disabled Help > Check for Update does not show Early Access Available toast notification Latest release notes are here. See prior release notes. Check out all new features released to date.
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