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Everything posted by mettelus

  1. I see what you mean now. I renamed a .mid to .midi, and double clicking it launched CbB, but you are correct that the open dialog box does not recognize the .midi extension (it is not visible). That is a bug as far as I am concerned, since CbB can definitely open them.
  2. How did you perform this? Reason I ask is twofold. First, many programs link to computer ID, so shifting hardware and OS could require a reinstall and/or reauthorization of those apps (Waves could be one, but I do not own any). Second, the VSTscan is a shared component, did you install an earlier SONAR version at any point after your shift to Win10?
  3. mettelus

    Riff Plugin App

    That is cool that it got posted for future downloads. New folks can still apprectiate what it can do. That release is totally unlocked, so I am not sure if there is any issue with just sharing it with others.
  4. Thanks for the response Craig. In concept it makes sense (the article reference in the OP); but for the price tag, I get concerned for a couple of reasons (pun intended), especially to new users: There are a lot of free (or cheap) VSTis out there; and while many users start with tweaking presets, there are also a lot of "sonic manipulation" tools (in the same price range) that can morph things into uncharted territory. For $400, someone with patience could rack up quite an arsenal of instruments and tools for use with CbB (or any DAW). In a similar vein, while the point is to take advantage of tools which do not have recording capability, that same $400 could buy a DAW which most certainly can and also includes adequate VSTis already. That would undermine the point of the article. New users are the my primary concern, since they really want 1) easy setup, 2) intuitive workflow, 3) not to have to invest large amounts just to get up and running. *IF* someone had those tools on hand, ReWire would make sense, but I am always hesitant to suggest a solution with a large price tag to folks needing help.
  5. This will probably spin around and bite me in the butt down the road. I have stayed on a FireWire interface because it is dedicated and not managed by Windows as USB is. When the day comes that I switch to a USB interface, I will probably forget reading this advice.
  6. I am not familiar with Reason, so had to look up the cost for an end user, and rewire has been a can of worms for me as well. Does the Reason Intro version include those features (full blown Reason is not cheap)? If not, some third party programs or even DAWs have these functions integrated under the hood which makes them simpler (and get fixes more readily). Being unfamiliar with rewire, I would be interested to hear the argument for a new user, since learning two DAWs is not as beneficial as sticking with one which already does what they need.
  7. Wow, thank you for posting this. Resolve is one hard-core program. The initial setup even asks you what workflow you are used to so it will customize the layout to something familiar. I was tempted to say Premiere Pro, but then just chose Resolve's default. 2937 page manual... OMG, but it is nicely bookmarked and thorough that I can tell (and they even apologize for it being so big). I ran it enough to kick the tires a bit and the engine in it was smooth as silk for scrubbing, so I just added more and more till I got bored with effects. I hit the play backwards button by accident at one point (never seen one before), and that just gave me a chuckle. Now wondering why I never picked up on this existing. I downloaded the 16 Beta, and it didn't ask anything other than info prior to downloading... not sure if there is anything more to it after the fact?
  8. Also check an inadvertant fade in on the clip. That would also produce what you are seeing.
  9. Hehe... regular intervals of beeping, white noise, or dropouts are more often indications of something in demo mode (with the transport running (usually)). One that can easily confuse folks is iZotope's Vinyl... that inserts noise (its job function) even with the transport stopped, so can easily make you think your audio interface just crapped the bed when you re-open a project you've used it in.
  10. You also have to be mindful of subtle clues with bands. "Flaccid Flatulents" may sound like a cool alliteration, but is a poor choice for a band name.
  11. Her slip slipped S.L.I.P.... but luckily at the 55 second mark it magically recovered when they spliced the performance together.
  12. Mark summed it up. Sample rate conversion (SRC) is also pretty transparent between the two as well, so you do not need to be overly concerned about starting in the wrong one. You may find an app that specifies one (say 48K for video), but it is more common to see SRC on import (as SONAR/CbB has always done under the hood).
  13. This may or may not help. How close is the note to the beginning of the project? Scooting tracks to all start on measure 2 or 3 was common years ago for similar issues, and many of us still carry that workflow forward out of habit. Although not a solution, it may help, since it gives time for the audio engine to be up and running before processing audio.
  14. Quick clarification. Did setting input to the left channel resolve this? The more important aspect is that routing is accurate for what you are doing. Trying to resolve ”stereo” working may be moot, since there is no visibility to what the plug-in is doing. Different modules and patches may respond differently to mono inputs, so some of the issue also lies in TH's handling of a mono input when it is told it is stereo. Another quick check would be to take a track with issues on stereo, and bounce that mono track to a new stereo track, then ctrl-drag TH into that truly stereo track and see what happens.
  15. Beautifully done, on all fronts. An excellent testament to honor Dina's memory.
  16. Touch pads can be a nuisance. I am not sure how customizable they are these days, but I have met several people (including myself) who inadvertently trigger them just by proximity. Every person generates a different body potential, so they are not "one size fits all." Just the fact that you have to reach across it to use the keyboard can cause issues if your potential is high. I was told once during some ESD training years ago that they had clocked someone at roughly 50,000V (can't validate it, but that is way high)... while the focus was protection of un-shunted parts, that comment suddenly made me think, "Maybe spontaneous combustion isn't a sham after all."
  17. I think a big part of that is system dependent. Are you using the same audio interface on both systems? I seem to recall getting both signal attenuation and a feedback situation on different occasions when the stereo input was used, and IIRC was between TH2 and TH3. I also shifted system, but not interface, in that period.
  18. Very nicely done gentlemen! This is a very powerful piece full of expression. Simple and elegant. You actually got several more listens than just me for this one (got a couple of group listens in here). I have an aspiring pianist visiting and have been struggling to convey the power of expression via variation in volume and timing, so this was a perfect example for her (thanks Simeon).
  19. Or keyboard... the special function keys are what always got first on mine, specifically the CTRL key, which makes for interesting troubleshooting when it fails. The mouse would make more sense for what you are seeing, since as the contacts go it is common to suddenly get "double-clicks" when you think you have only done one. You could test that in the Windows mouse options and see if single clicks are triggering the double-click folder; but if that is the root cause, you would also be seeing it anywhere you use the mouse (that takes double click inputs).
  20. As the OP uses synths in composition, this is something to be very aware of. In general, reverb benefits most to add "room space" to something close-mic'd and dry. Ironically, recording practice has become "strip all environmental effects, then add them back during mixing." Most synth presets are loud, wide, and dripping with reverb (to make them sound great solo), so those are things to address early on in your mixing chain. It is easy to over do FX on synths specifically because of this.
  21. +1.... Win10 will even allow you to scroll through a non-focused app if the mouse is over it. Scrolling through some lists with those little up/down arrows is just painful. It seems like CbB is carrying forward internal scripting rather than leveraging newer APIs.
  22. Ouch... that just reminded me of the need for mouse scrolling in the menu lists (there was another thread recently on that). Unless RX Connect is one of the last 5 FX used, scrolling through iZotope to get to RX is a PITA.
  23. Both of these threads should be stickies... for NEW users, one of the first things they are gonna want to know is "What are the most-liked free VST(i)s for CbB." Managing it for the OP could become a nightmare, but a link in the OP to an external webpage might be simplest. There are often a lot of golden nuggets dropped by folks in these forums, but not everyone has time to mine for them.
  24. This is an important point. When first starting out, the input echo allows the soft synth to be heard from the controller. Since you will most likely be building songs by overdubbing, leaving that setting to default will let you leave your controller assigned to the same channel and get your work recorded. When input echo is off, the soft synth will respond to notes in the track. Some soft synths allow "MIDI through," which is something to be aware of... sending a MIDI note to them will pass through (to other tracks), so if you get a "weird" instance of driving one synth, but hearing a second respond to your controller.... check 1) input echo is off on the second synth and 2) MIDI through is off on the soft synth you are using. Channels are something also to be aware of, but starting out what Bob mentioned is easiest... input to Omni, and automatically echo the selected track (default behavior). Side note: A cool feature of CbB is that if you have NO MIDI outputs enabled in preferences (highly recommended), when you open a MIDI file with CbB (right click and "open with..." if you didn't automatically assign MIDI files to CbB during installation), CbB will automatically insert the TTS-1 GM synth and route all instruments/channels for you. This is a nice feature if you want to play with MIDI files downloaded from the internet.
  25. I only had experience with one. I do remember it being rather warm, but it wasn't hot enough to deter me from shaking a friend's until it was a perfect homogeneous solution. She said it took a month to separate back out and wasn't ever quite the same again. I told her NEVER tempt engineers with odd toys... they will either tear it apart, or stress test it till it breaks (and then probably waste hours fixing it).
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