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Everything posted by Gswitz

  1. This doesn't solve your problem,but i thought i would share.
  2. The midi notes thing is almost certainly that ms buffer setting in the config file you get to through properties. Double whatever it is. There are many threads on this. Scook might be among in a minute to be more precise. http://forum.cakewalk.com/m/tm.aspx?m=2029322&p=1
  3. @Craig Anderton I think it's in a book i own? Maybe an old video?
  4. So weird. I often double click the timelines to start playback from that point. Honestly, i hadn't noticed this issue but I'll take a look. I have melodyne 5 too.
  5. Locked? There are properties that enable you to lock it. Check the tabs on the track inspector.
  6. I use a $5 tripod for my phone so it can sit on a table or a shelf. If you use several, you can mix the videos together as you like and then do the audio in Cakewalk. 🙂 I edit the video in Microsoft Movie Maker which is a free download. I'm not sure what tool would be best for editing multiple video recordings where they are all similar and time and mixing between them. Like... this video for the next 30 seconds then this other one... I'm sure most video editing software supports this, but I'm curious what folks like.
  7. Mine mostly sits on the shelf. Sometimes, when watching TV from the couch I use it as a volume fader. My dad has no trouble understanding or working it. 🙂
  8. So when you make a loop, you usually split around the loop and hit ctrl L to make it then drag it out. This causes a very short fade between end of one cycle and beginning of the next. If you were to take your clip and include content prior to to the start of the loop section, cut it, paste it at the end and then fade between, you can control the fade time in the loop. I think I got this idea from Craig Anderton, to give Credit where it's Due.
  9. Is it repeatable? Can you give the steps to verify the bug? One thing to watch for is sending out through a bus that alters gain or volume or has effects on it.
  10. Sounds like a scroll wheel anomaly. Ctrl+scroll? Not sure.
  11. Looks awesome. I love looking at guitars. hear that sustain? no don't touch it... can't you tell? just by looking! AWESOME! 😛 Really, it looks like a stunning instrument.
  12. I use Junctions. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NTFS_links
  13. We're all good, Rico. 🙂 Everyone's just trying to help the OP. I'm sure he takes your help too. All the best!
  14. There is a button to balance FX across threads better. It depends on what you are doing as to whether this helps.
  15. Bit's point is that on a slow processor FX add up to unbearable latency faster than on a multi-core with high clock-speed. No big deal. He's telling the person rightly that they can record with near zero latency. I do. With few or no FX. As you add them the latency will climb and it will climb faster with a slow processor. I have an 8 core something or other that runs at 4.x Ghz and I can overdrive it. So my bet is I could overdrive a scrawny laptop.
  16. If you share the piece with me, I could auto generate some pretty good sheet music for you. It won't be perfect, but you could use it as a starting place. I'll hand you back the cakewalk project with the midi etc.
  17. yeah the auto meter thing isn't how I'd go about it probably, if you're looking for sheet music as an outcome. Honestly, I'm not sure Cakewalk is the best for sheet music. But let's say you really want to use Cakewalk. I would record the piece and then go back and find the notes and set the measure and beat Cake will draw the tempo map wherever you need to bend the tempo to better match set the exact beat for various notes That sounds like what you'd want. Sounds like you've got time and want to do a nice job of having the midi match what you played including tempo variations. This is kinda old school, but works precisely.
  18. Wishing you well, Bill.
  19. https://www.srossbrowne.com/srossbrowne/quintessential_music.html Just thought it was interesting and worth sharing.
  20. Some video cards have a quiet version. I use the Gigabyte GTX-1650 with “Windforce”. There is another version of the same card with the same performance that has a different fan and is just louder. The only problem with high performance vid cards from my perspective is heat and noise. They are often fairly quiet when they aren't being heavily used. Heat can cause other fans to blow but it can also cause your CPUs to throttle down so that they don't create excess heat. Latency is partially driven by CPU clock speed and slowing them down adds up to more latency. It's a bummer to push up latency because of a fancy graphics card you don't need. My video card is used when I export video from Cakewalk and it makes the video exports much much faster.
  21. +1 You need basic 101 help. The coffee house is probably not the place to get that. But... You should make sure you pass with Latency Monitor...
  22. I don't really need a new guitar and the whole idea of spending a fortune on a guitar that suffers if you put it on a stand just says to me that I'm not ready. I like the idea of a used instrument. I do want to try a guitar with Humbuckers. To me, it was a bit like a nice bong or a tea set. Something that is kinda ceremonial. Not necessary for the purpose but still kinda fun to have.
  23. I did a new Blog post and YouTube video about Delay...
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