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Everything posted by Barrie

  1. https://shop.audified.com/products/amplion-2-rock-essentials $79 intro price
  2. While that is a step forward, I still believe they need to look at what you own and base the upgrade on that as well. I own almost all of TS3, so it's not worth it for me to upgrade, but frustrating that I would have to pay more (while I already spent more than that on the individual items e.g. MODO BASS, DRUMS, ST MAX 4, Syntronik Deluxe, etc.).
  3. Barrie

    OTS Bluegrass Banjo

    Click MORE INFO in the post above
  4. https://www.ikmultimedia.com/products/index.php?R=ADDF&FV=brand-menu-total-studio&CV=Brand&PSEL=default-brand-menu-total-studio-brand It's cheaper than Total Studio MAX 2 ($899 vs $999) weird. Totally IK though. I have almost of the stuff in it, and the upgrade is still $499
  5. https://www.native-instruments.com/en/specials/2021/9-for-99/ This special offer is valid from March 2, 2021, until March 10, 2021, only at the NI Online Shop. The Expansions PULSE, RUSH, SCENE, DRIVE, MECHANIX, MOEBIUS, NOCTURNAL STATE, STADIUM FLEX, SPECTRUM QUAKE, CRATE CUTS, SOUL MAGIC, LIQUID ENERGY, and NEO BOOGIE are excluded from this offer. Savings described here are calculated on the basis of suggested retail prices (MSRP). Please note that according to our terms and conditions, e-vouchers cannot be used in conjunction with special offers.
  6. https://www.izotope.com/en/shop/music-production-suite-4.html + 1-year, all-access pass to online video tutorials from Groove3. Tailored for beginners and professionals alike, Groove3 offers valuable in-depth education on RX.
  7. Barrie

    Icon iKeyboards

    Link for the lazy: https://iconproaudio.com/products/keyboards/
  8. Unlikely, since Reason Suite is no longer a product. https://help.reasonstudios.com/hc/en-us/articles/360019077000-Reason-Suite-and-Reason-Intro-discontinued
  9. https://www.guitarcenter.com/Reason-Studios/Upgrade-to-Reason-11-Suite-From-Reason-Boxed-1500000301812.gc I called, and they do have some in stock.
  10. Price is 407.15 with coupon (15% off) PRESDAY at https://www.musiciansfriend.com/pro-audio/spectrasonics-omnisphere-2 Presday21 at https://www.guitarcenter.com/Spectrasonics/Omnisphere-2-1423090919119 I know it not a big discount, but don't usually see any discount.
  11. I just wanted to pass on this information I got from Luke at Melda. Maybe others know about this, but I did not. For example: If you own MTurboReverbLE, you can use it to upgrade to MTurboReverb, BUT If you upgrade to a bundle that contains MTurboReverbLE, you lose that license and are unable to upgrade to MTurboReverb. So even thought you still own the plugin (as part of the bundle) you are not able to upgrade. Just wanted to pass that on (a bit disappointed). ----- CLARIFICATION (as it seems there was some confusion) ----- If you own MTurboReverbLE, and you upgrade to a bundle containing MTurboReverbLE, you lose your stand alone MTurboReverbLE license, and can no longer use it to upgrade to MTurboReverb. You can only upgrade a stand alone license of a product (e.g. MTurboReverbLE purchased separately) to upgrade to a full version. (hopefully clearer) also noted by Sander below.
  12. Barrie

    Nugen Audio Survey

    I recall this from last year as well, where my upgrades to various products were $99, thus excluding them from using the voucher 😞
  13. From a few comments at VI-Control, you can do a "crossgrade" to get the older instruments. And I contacted 8DIO support and they replied: Also found this.. including a video from 8dio on the history. https://vi-control.net/community/threads/im-trying-to-understand-8dios-string-library-history-can-someone-help-me.102131/
  14. I'm removing my previous comment based on my conversation with John (the developer). I've apologized to him as well.
  15. Of course you can still buy the Zampler Bundle with 72 !! 😵 expansions for $33 https://vstbuzz.com/deals/96-off-zampler-bundle-by-zampler/
  16. XO - $107.97 XO Lite - $71.97 https://www.xlnaudio.com/products/xo
  17. Looks like this is old... 81% OFF SOUNDIRON Ethnic Strings Bundle For Kontakt 5/6 For just $99 (instead of $521), get the massive 9-in-1 Ethnic Strings Bundle from SoundiroWeighing in at 44 ... Started: July 11, 2019 Ended: July 24, 2019
  18. https://en-us.sennheiser.com/special-deals (until the end of October, according to this)
  19. This years charity - MusiCares COVID-19 Relief https://www.kvraudio.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=553315 https://go.rallyup.com/musicares
  20. Barrie

    JRR Shop

    I'm saving up for Luftrum's Charity Auction (in October). Great fun every year. Some bargains, and always for a good cause. Here was last years: https://go.rallyup.com/charity2019 (used to be on KVR, but was a lot of manual work for those in charge)
  21. INTRO LOYALTY PRICE: $99 (if you own the original Oceania, use this code towards the end of the checkout process [before confirmation], applicable & valid only within the intro period) INTRO PRICE: $149 (for those who don’t own the original Oceania) Not much of a loyalty price.. so not for me.. but others may be interested. Even if you got it at their "special" price in Jan. "Oceania 1 at $79 through January 31, 2020,, and get a significant discount on 2 when released" You're still paying more than if you just bought it now. ($79 + $99 upgrade) vs $149 (new) I certainly don't see that as a "significant discount"
  22. Just one of the reasons I love this forum. (people with lots more experience than I have, sharing their thoughts). I was interested, but the more I read (and the lack of info/full demos OT has available) the less sure I am that it would be worthwhile at this point. As @Reid Rosefelt noted, there is EW Silk (and even RA) which I've looked at before, but never purchased. At their current prices, maybe that would be a better purchase at this time. UVI also have World Suite 2 which looks interesting. Thanks for the opinions.
  23. Just 3 days left..... 🤔
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