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Everything posted by Notes_Norton

  1. They drank lots of coffee, thus the grounds.
  2. "Also Sprach Zarathustra" - Richard Strauss aka "Theme from 2001, A Space Odyssey"
  3. Thanks Bapu, I did get the announcement in my in box. I'm assuming CbB is Cakewalk (???) I got the message, clicked on BandLab and was a bit confused as to what it could offer me. Since I'm neck deep in writing/marketing aftermarket products for Band-in-a-Box plus learning new songs, making backing tracks from scratch, rehearsing, being band salesman, and gigging for my duo, (not to mention wasting time typing on a few forums), I don't need to add on-line collaboration to the mix. Not that that is a bad thing, there simply is only so much time in the day. Good luck to the nice folks at BandLab, I hope it's a success for them. Notes
  4. It wasn't me!!! My guitar got drunk!
  5. Tales Of Brave Ulysses - Cream lyrics With tales of brave Ulysses How his naked ears were tortured By the sirens sweetly singing And that's all about temptation
  6. The Kenny Rankin Album - Kenny Rankin (Nice light jazz guitarist - vocalist)
  7. How about a picture of your Alembic? I'd like to see that. Notes
  8. I played bass for a few years during the psychedelic era, when saxophones were out of favor. I owned a Fender P Bass that I bought used. Before that I doubled on bass in groups when there was no sax part, the bass player switched to rhythm guitar. I sold the P bass and now own a 'lawsuit era' J Bass. I haven't played it in years, though. That Casady bass is good-looking, and probably easier on the shoulder than a P Bass. Enjoy your new toy. Notes
  9. Beyond The Sea - Bobby Darin (Originally: La Mer - Charles Trenet)
  10. Sea = lots of water Up From the Sea It Arose and Ate Rio in One Swift Bite - George Duke
  11. It Was A Very Good Year - Frank Sinatra (In The Studio) Although he was from a previous generation, I really respect his talent. The story goes like this: Sinatra was driving his car, listening to the radio, and heard the Kingston Trio sing this song. He called his team and told them he wanted to sing it on his next album and suggested that the figure gets played on an oboe.
  12. Don't Let Me Down - Chris Stapleton, Sheryl Crow, Brandon Flowers (of course originally Beatles) I like that the bass player respected the original bass line.
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