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Posts posted by Will.

  1. I too use the Youlean Meter.

    Those read you see is not clipping - thats the reduction of -0.1dB and 0.3dB.

    The reference track is obviously translating more fuller and thicker in body - that's why you see a "red line" in reduction at the top. With the other one, the limiter of the online service you use was only catching peaks here and there, because it lacks in body. 

    The only difference between the images: The 1st images is -3dB softer than the reference. This isn't a bad thing as Youtube require a -3dB in volume reduction so does few other popular streaming services too. Infact the 1st image LUFS reading seems spot on for "CD" which is - 9dB. 

    Also never rely too much on LUFS readings. I often flip between 3 just to make sure they're readings are the same. I rely 60% - 70% of the time on my ears than any meter reading on plugins, although one is permanently on the master track. 

  2. Alright. I think I solved this. I was trying to make a video with audio and my focusrite asio drivers didn't allow me to record the screen with Audio. So I changed to WASAPI EXCLUSIVE and guess what? All the pops and clicks gone. 😒 Did a reinstall of my drivers and things seem to be working good. I'm still investigating the synths. 

  3. 1 hour ago, Noel Borthwick said:

    Which previous version specifically were you running earlier? Have you tried a rollback to verify that its related?

    I was running the 2021.04 before the 2021.06 EA came out, but only noticing this 2days ago. I was using the dbMeter5 prior to switching meters - that's why I didn't notice until I switched to TT-Dynamic Meter. 

  4. 26 minutes ago, Kevin Perry said:

    32 bit ones you mean?  Synths or effects or both?  I can check a handful later but I've not seen (heard!) anything obvious.

    Yeah! I need to fix that - apologies. 

    Yes, VST 2 32bit. Both Effects and Synths. 

    Never had this problem with previous versions. I had also re-installed Cakewalk just now. Same issue. It's only with the 32bit plugins. 

    I've first noticed this with the TT-Dynamic Meter 2 days ago and thought it was a CPU load issue as that was a have plugin project. Which was weird now that I think about it. Without it it didn't have pops and clicks. 

    Right now, I literally have it on the master track of 3 tracks of a 4 Bar/Measure Drum loop im creating for a Sample Pack to sort out the Gain Staging, before processing them - and same thing happen. I had also tried it with a favourite MS Controller plugin and the same happens. 

  5. Cakewalk is having problem reading VST2 32bit plugins. It causes pops and clicks in all them.

    At first I thought it was a  Bitbridge and Jbridge issue. Installed those - same problem. 

    Are we fading those out? 

  6. On 7/19/2021 at 10:23 PM, Moving Air Productions said:

    That's interesting. How do you get it to save the control panel in the template? I can't seem to get mine to do that.

    You have to save the workspace with the template. You first save the workspace and then the template. 

    • Like 1
  7. 3 hours ago, christophe71 said:

    Newbie here,

    Sonar X3 Producer used to be top of the line of cakewalk products back in the days. I have it on Steam.

    So I'm wondering is the new Bandlab far superior than everything in there or I should just stick to X3 Producer?

    Is there anything that the new Bandlab doesn't have in Producer version? 

    Thank you

    It's more than X3.

    The move will be guaranteed. The fun part is, you can install Cakewalk by Bandlab on top of Sonar X3 and have both X3 and CbB on your system.

    How about that sauce for you?

    • Like 1
  8. Guess who is 36 this year and been using Cakewalk since 2010 independently.

    HipHop/EDM/House/Pop - I've done it all with this in the box. Fom chops, PitchShift, Scrooge Voices - you name it. 

    Forgot whats the name of this round spinning thingy. 😂

    Yeah, I should frame this! 


  9. On 7/15/2021 at 6:35 PM, Milton Sica said:

    I can't do this for instrument inputs, but only for audio and midi devices and even for those the information remains unchanged.


    1) friendly names


    Try naming them (You can copy and paste this) Tascam 1L|Tascam 2R|Tascam 1S 

    Make sure there are no spaces when you Split/Create the friendly names between the Pipe Symbol ("|") and the last character in your desired port names.

    Not sure about the instrument renaming ports. 

  10. 11 hours ago, Bill Phillips said:

    One confusion to me is how to use the left/right/stereo options for patch point inputs. 

    This is exactly why I'm asking this. I go crazy with patch points. Anything from sidechain, isolating Drums/Vocals/Guitars or Reverbs. So this comes down to the actual question: Why does the patch have the LSR inputs but not from the send? Wont that make it more flexible? Meaning: Sending the channel straight to the L/R input from its send? It made sense at the time of asking myself this. (lol)

  11. I think:  I know the answer to this - I might be wrong too. 

    Question: Why don't Cakewalk have Mono Sends? 

    UPDATE: I know why this was on my mind. So . . . 

    "The QUESTION should be: Why doesn't the Input of a Send or Patch Point force the signal to Mono?"

  12. 1 hour ago, Lord Tim said:

    Will, can I give you some good advice?

    You rightly reported a fairly annoying bug. What you were saying was correct, although John is correct - your first screenshots were wrong. It was conflicting information that muddied the waters and confused your report. What you were saying in your OP was entirely different to your screenshots, which was confusing.

    Each reply, especially your last one has come across and more and more aggressive and this is now more like a tantrum than a bug report, like you've done on many posts. A lot of long time posters here don't participate in your threads because they often go this way. Take a breath before you reply, you'll get more people responding favourably to your posts and working with you if you're not stamping your foot like an angry child. 

    Some good advice back to you: "Dont read too much in what was said."

    Neither was i | NOR | am i what you made me out to be in your reply. "Emphasizing" the message explanation I gave is not being AGAIN: What you make me out to be. You're taking things out of context. 

    So i'm gona ask for this Q&A to be closed. 

    Have a good day. 

  13. 43 minutes ago, John Vere said:

    The thread would have been shorter if your second screen shot marked WRONG was correct.

    Nothing whatbI said is WRONG. I've said it many times here - Cakewalk should not choose 16 tracks in the No of Tracks little box for us. It should just give 1 by default and let the user choose the amount of number of tracks they want. 

    I know I didn't add screens shots of Split Tracks, but its mentioned. So no images here is wrong. 

    The image above that say's wrong - thats what cakewalk is doing now and that is WRONG. The1st one (Correct) is how it needs to be display the inserts in both Instrument Per Out and Split. I do say that too. 

  14. 7 hours ago, John Vere said:

    Glen just tried the 2 available dialogue boxes . That was a good way to trouble shoot. 

    The old dialogue box opens via Insert menu  -Soft synth which has nothing to do with the browser, it is also then from the synth rack as well d drag and drop from browser or if you double click on a synth in the browser. So 2 ways that are not browser related 2 that are.  
    The new dialogue box opens with the + symbol add track option and also when you click in a blank place on the track pane and choose insert instrument. 

    They are just different  both seems to give same results. I'm not sure why they kept the old dialogue when they created the new one.  

    Not sure what you did to get 256 tracks... I get what I always get,  which is the outputs tracks the VST is said to support and if I enter that number in the bottom. If an instrument only supports 1 stereo output and you enter 2 you'll end up with 2 instances of that synth. 




    Again: Why are those menus of relevant here when it's not mentioned here in the OP. Also, that +250 mentioned is on split tracks. 

    Choose "SPLIT INSTRUMENT TRACK" quick and let us know what you get. No explanation will be necessary as I know how split tracks works. 

    The point of this Q&A remains the same. Cakewalk should not do that - the user must choose. Right now it's working backwards. Upon choosing instruments per out OR "SPLIT" it starts at 16 instead on 1 on "Number of tracks" as default. 

    Let's not unnecessary break this into another topic or make it difficult as the QUESTION here is clear as daylight.

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