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Everything posted by jwnicholson78

  1. In case anyone is curious, here is the Kontakt version. I had fun making at the time, but I find it... difficult... to listen to now.
  2. I first wrote this 13 or 14 years ago as a solo piano piece. A few years ago I did an orchestral version with Kontakt, but since getting Spitfire BBC, I've been wanting to redo it, yet again. Photos are by my wife. Hope you enjoy. Feedback is greatly appreciated. Jeff
  3. jwnicholson78


    Was hoping to give a listen but I got this instead Not sure if you pulled it or it's just a glitch in the matrix.
  4. jwnicholson78

    Half moon

    Great vibe. A nice relaxing tune to chill out to at the end of a long day.
  5. There's a station in Jersey City, WFMU. I used to listen to it all the time. I could totally imagine tuning in and hearing this. Very cool. Jeff
  6. Sounds great on the crappy little headphones I'm listening on at the moment. Fun tune.
  7. Depends. I used to listen to a lot of jazz and classical music. Got into New Orleans piano and boogie woogie for a little while. Now I have been trying to learn more about electronic music. Recently, it seems the music I have been listening to is from the video games I have been playing Just never listened to much hip hop, but this seemed pretty cool to me. That's why I like this forum. All kinds of things to listen to.
  8. Thanks. I had a lot of fun poking around on NASA's sight looking for images to use. It really is awe inspiring how much they have accomplished over the last few decades. Jeff
  9. Thanks. I really appreciate the listen and feedback.
  10. Thanks. I've been inspired by a lot of you stuff to play more with the buzzy synths. Jeff
  11. Thanks. I'm pretty sure the views are because of the name and picture, and not so much about the quality of the song. It slowly got linked to more and more videos about the solar system, Honestly, I'm not all that fond of it anymore. I would do a lot of it differently now. It was fun to watch the view count shoot up, though 🤣 Jeff
  12. Very nice arrangement, and great job getting a realistic performance out of a virtual orchestra. What library are you using? Jeff
  13. I don't listen to this kind of music often, but it sounds great to me. Jeff
  14. Cool. The opening vocals gave me a distinct Pink Floyd vibe. Liked and subscribed. Jeff
  15. jwnicholson78


    Very atmospheric and enjoyable. Any idea what she's singing? Jeff
  16. Beautiful. I can see myself relaxing in a smoky club while listening to this. Well done.
  17. 🤣 You pulled them off if you ask me. Awesome cover.
  18. Sounds great. Loved both the vocals and the guitar.
  19. That was fun. Not sure how you managed the 25/8, but you pulled it off and made it work.. Well done!
  20. Thanks. I really appreciate the critical listening and feedback. There was some crackle around the 2 minute mark. I have updated the video and I think I got it all.
  21. Thanks. I found it amazing when I was browsing the NASA sight how many wonderful images were there. It's pretty awe inspiring. Some of these pictures were taken almost 50 years ago.
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