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David Baay

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Everything posted by David Baay

  1. It would be helpful to have a screenshot showing how your views are configured. Assuming from the description that you have the Console undocked, I did a quick check, and the multidock open/close shortcut only worked when the undocked Console View was floating (the default when first undocked), but then you wouldn't see the dock opening and closing if the console is maximized because it's part of the main application window that will be hidden behind a maximized Console . If floating is disabled, the standard 'D' shortcut stops working. ButPrev/Next Measure shortcuts work in either mode for me so I'm not sure what that's about, though another user menitoned having the same problem recently.
  2. I hear what you’re saying but a huge number of pre-existing bugs have also been fixed. Hard to imagine none of them would be affecting you. But you’re the best judge of what you need.
  3. David Baay

    Freeze bus plugins

    I wasn't sure whether the goal was to just to 'lock in' the bus FX settings and maybe get higher offline processing quality or to conserve CPU and/or eliminate latency. In the latter case, you would also need to archive related tracks and disable the bus' FX. Certainly not as simple - or as easily reversed - as a properly implemented bus-freezing function could be.
  4. David Baay

    Freeze bus plugins

    Freezing means rendering audio to a file. Currently a bus can't play an audio file, though I suppose that capability could be added. In the mean time you can bounce the bus to a track that outputs to the same destination, and mute the bus.
  5. Select a single note, and use Tab and Shift+Tab to play the next/previous note. This is what we used to do in the Event List with Shift+Spacebar. Tab now works there as well, and Shift+Spacebar now temporarily loops a selection (most often used in the clips view for auditioning comp clips).
  6. Not understanding why Shift is involved or at what point one clip in a Selection Group gets deslected. Alt+Left-click with the Smart Tool by itself should split a group...?
  7. Fit Improv doesnt require a lot of complex computation, so it can happen almost invisibly, except that you should see some movement of the clip length against the timeline. Check Views > Tempo to see if tempo changes have been inserted.
  8. This was discussed in the thread below. Ctrl+Right-Click will bring up the context menu without clearing the selection. Affects the PRV as well.
  9. My guess would be they're in a separate clip that's muted or a clip that's partially muted with region muting. Would need to see the Clips pane.
  10. Sounds like it's getting a CC72 message from somewhere that's raising the attack time. I've seen 3rd-party MIDI tracks do that. Check the Event list for any tracks routed to it.
  11. +1 In fact the one that Noel just fixed in the latest HotFix should be particularly relevant to working with large and long orchestral arrangements, as would the recent change to MIDI Prepare Using Buffer management: Long MIDI project crashes on playback after seeking to high time value.
  12. Drag to MIDI works with Essential, and will keep working even after the trial expires if you haven't purchased..It can only generate MIDI on a single pitch, but that's fine for an isolated drum part. If you're going ot be doing it regularly and maybe working with mixed tracks in some cases, you should check out Drum Replacer.
  13. All I'm saying is there's nothing wrong with Undo specifically related to SM/BAN or reverting tempo changes. If you had told me the clip wasn't getting trimmed back. I could have immediately told you that's a bug - mildly irritating, but it has never caused me any real trouble. I missed the part about hangs related to changing Undo buffer size. I haven't ever encountered that because I've seldom had a reason to change it. You should definitely report that. I;m sure the Bakers are already aware of the trimming issues. Pretty sure I've reported it myself at least once in the past.
  14. Looking at your last screenshot, I can see that the notes in the clip have actually returned to their original positions. The only thing that's not right is that the clip boundary hasn't reverted to end of the last note after the clip was stretched and re-compressed. I've seen this happen in other situaitons where a clip is lengthend and then shortened. It's a clip-trimming display issue that isn't specifically related to SM/BAN, and it won't affect playback. Sometimes just zooming the view in and out will correct it. If not, you can right-click and Apply Trimming.
  15. Did quick test, and could not reproduce a problem. Undo twice returned to the original state. Just to be clear when you write 3.0>3.1 and 4.0 to 4.1, you mean set 3:01 to 3:02, and 4:01 to 4:02, right? I'll keep looking at it, but have to say the premise seems quite unrealistic. I gather you were just experimenting to understand how everything interacts, But the whole point of SM/BAN is to change the relationship between absolute time and M:B:T time wihout affecting the absolute playback timing of any existing material, whether audio or MIDI. The function takes care of that without changing timebase or locking clips, and works predictably in that case.
  16. OP said "multi tracked drum recording'. To me, that does mean they were miced/tracked individually. In that case, any of the available methods will work: - Drum Replacer - Audiosnap > Copy as MIDI - Melodyne drag to MIDI Melodyne is the most straightforward without having to learn anything, and will probably do the best job with the least amount of tweaking in any case. If the drums are not individually tracked, then I would start with Drum Replacer.
  17. FWIW, I played around with this a bit, and did not get any unexpected results either with executing or undoing SM/BAN with position-locked and/or absolute-timebase MIDI clips. The results are different in each case, of course, but make sense if you understand how the the settings work. And Undo always got me back where I started.
  18. It's not be necessary to change the timebase of MIDI clips or lock data when using Set Measure/Beat at Now. Cakewalk automatically recalcuates event start times and durations to maintain their absolute playback timing. Undo functionality might actually get fouled up by changing the timebase. I don't know; I never tried it. Be aware, incidentally, that locking a MIDI clip does not lock the data to absolute time, it just prevents direct editing. And the timebase setting only affects the clip start time, not event or clip duration. I would need to understand better what the goal is and see what you're working with to explain more fully. Whatever problem you're encountering, I don't think it's related to the number of undo levels.
  19. If the clip doesn' start at 1:01, you will have better luck using Save As and choosing MIDI Format 1 in the Save as Type field. You'll get a MIDI file that opens with two separate tracks, and you can grab just the piano track from it at the other end. IIRC, a non-zero start time will get lost when you drag-drop out of Cakewalk.
  20. Each execution of SM/BAN is single event, and undoing it should completely undo the effects of the resulting tempo change. I use it constantly, and have never encountered a problem with undo - even undoing dozens of 'sets'. I didn't completely understand the meaning of "4 tracks 8, 2 each track midi clips", but I assume that means some clips are audio. Have you changed the timebase or enabled stretching on any audio clips? If you could share a copy of the CWP file without audio (the dummy clips Cakewalk will insert should be enough to repro the issue), it would be easier to figure out what went wrong.
  21. Any time, no pressure. ;^) Interesting comment about playing different notes on different strings and frets. As a keyboard player, I hadn't really thought about that, but it explains why guitar is sometimes difficult to transcribe; some of the subtle changes in chord voicing aren't due to changes in chord structure, but to pitches moving to different strings.
  22. Yes, this part has many tied trips, and also a lot of 'partial' trips. This is where CbB really falls down; it only reliably recognizes triplet timing if all three notes are present. Otherwise it fills and trims incorrectly, and notates things with whacky combinations of dotted notes and rests, regardless of the display resolution. It gets even uglier if you mix triplet 8ths and straight 16ths or 'oddball' triplet timings like 3 in the time of 5 16ths. It helps to hard-quantize both start times and durations rather than relying on filling and trimming, but it can be a lot of work to get the durations right. As you pointed out, it's just a display issue, and easy enough to export to a dedicated notation program. I use Notion when I really want something to look right, but getting bass and treble piano parts into a grand staff in Notion is more difficult than it should be - easy with XML, but since the Cakewalk notation is wrong, it has to be MIDI. Recording from CbB to Notion in real time is the easiest way, but Notion doesn't record sustain pedal (a longstanding feature request of many users). I'd make a habit of converting all my solo piano stuff to notation for posterity if it were easier. Since I don't actually read and write notation very well, I have to rely more on the software to get it approximately right as a starting point.
  23. Welcome back, Jerry! Oldtimers rule! ;^) It's a good thing I really don't need notation because the triplet issue would kill me. Last night I opened a melody track in Staff View just to watch it play for fun. The whole part is based on eighth triplets, and it was a disaster.
  24. Ouch. Pat Metheny and Lyle Mays are big favorites and (I like to think) influences of mine. I still get choked up every time I listen to Are You Going With Me.
  25. I have altered shortcuts for this on my main DAW, but I just tried with the default keybindings on my laptop, and they are working here.
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