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Everything posted by Fwrend

  1. Thought there was a bit of DeJa'Vu here. Thanks to a post reaction in this thread, I was reminded this was available for $119 on a Black Friday sale. Since I have both RX & SL, the need is really just a want so, I'll wait. Thanks @ZincT (wife is happy) 😅
  2. I really wish I hadn't seen this! @Time+Space How long will this be on sale?
  3. May not be what you are referring to but this COMPARISON link was shared in THIS thread.
  4. For me, the Country Rhodes version really takes me home, to a place . . .
  5. BUMP - reminder that this $25 voucher is good until January 31. Just used it for the PA version of the SSL 9000 J!
  6. There is stupidity and misinformation from both sides of this topic from laypeople to medical professionals. There are also FACTS that support both sides. However, you're naive if you think big corporations and governments are without improper and unethical motivations that can and do influence their decisions and PR. That being said, this is really NOT worth damaging relationships with friends, family, and each other. I have many nurses and doctors in my family including my wife, daughter, sister, nieces, etc. Interestingly, the majority are not vax'd. Do we all agree on everything? Seldom. Do I always defer to their recommendations? Mostly. However, it's ultimately my decision. We (my immediate family) are not vax'd and don't plan to be. We've all had Covid, wear a mask when required, when around the vulnerable, and adhere to proper personal care and hygiene. The vax'd can and do get Covid. The vax'd can and do spread Covid. Covid is not going to go away and while they may someday (God-willing) come up with a proper vaccine that does what other vaccines do and are intended to do, I personally don't think that time is now. Nor do I think I should be cancelled/censored for that view. I've had a lot of loss in my lifetime (a few recently with but not necessarily from Covid). All five of my wife's patients last night had Covid - both vax'd and unvax'd. She's cared for more Covid patients than she can count in three states over the last two years. I value her knowledge and attention to truth. However, neither of us REQUIRE of the other a particular treatment. Our decisions are based on gathered facts, medical knowledge, as well as religious beliefs. One size does not fit all and no government should have the ability to force unwilling participants to be injected without their consent. EDIT: I know this has drifted a bit off topic so I must say that Freedom doesn't come all wrapped up in a neat and tidy package. It is a two-edged sword giving an individual the right to live and speak as they desire to a healthy and safe extent but also gives those of differing views that same right. Love y'all!
  7. Website is smooth and quick this morning. It was already in my account - done.
  8. Same here though the page finally did load. Now I'm awaiting the login page. s.......l.........o.......w! While ya wait - here's a nice write-up from Bedroom Producers Blog Not sure it's worth the wait but I just opened the link in another tab and let it do it's thing while I browsed.
  9. For a moment I thought iZotope finally cleans up their Loyalty Upgrade page!?!? ...I knew better!
  10. Had the same problem but working now. Updated.
  11. Fwrend

    Ferpect The Kick

    Nope, but it may mean you're not one of those metro-sexuals that wax their chests!?
  12. Yes it was, wondered about that too. Thanks!
  13. Hmm, I had to download it from the website. I don't seem to have an "update" option within Soundpaint. Does it show only once you've made a purchase (I only have the free 1928 Steinway)?
  14. ...as a follow-up, I found THIS article which states that the Engine libraries can be used in Independence, it doesn't state the opposite is true. MAGIX has Independence so screwy and fails to address long-standing issues. e.g. supposedly purchasing Independence Pro (beyond and separate from it's inclusion in Samplitude Suite) should allow you to use it in other DAWS but that has not proven true for many including myself. I can use the complete library in the standalone version and inside Samplitude but have been unsuccessful getting it to load instruments in other DAWS.
  15. Good non-bet! It is very much like the GUI for MAGIX Independence (see below). I got excited for a bit but alas, the libraries don't load stating they are not "activated" - which they are for Independence Pro. I'm going to inquire with BS support and see if it is possible.
  16. ..."stop spending money on those *#&() plugin thingys or you'll find yourself plugged!!"
  17. Happy belated birthday ol' man! You've got 6 months on me!
  18. From the link provided by Sander, click on the Feb2022 issue and it will take you HERE where you'll see...
  19. I"ve got a $50 voucher and needing (wanting) a $75 one if someone would like to trade!?!?
  20. Woohoo! Thanks @Promidi. Yes, I have the BU files and did as you suggested. However, I didn't run the ST4SC.exe. I just copied the "C Grand Close Mics Sustain 1" folder containing the "C Grand Close Mics Sustain 1.pak" to my samples drive and the correct folder. Started ST4 and all is right with the world! Everything loads as it should.
  21. No, that is what I am saying. "C Grand Close Mics Sustain 1.pak" is not present. Only CGCMS 2-6.paks are there. I'll follow-up when I can. I did hear back from IK Support and will try there suggestions which are pretty much what I've done. Sorry, I won't be back home until late this evening as I have a couple of Christmas programs to lead. Thanks for the discussion and a blessed merry Christmas and/or happy holidays to all!
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