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Everything posted by paulo

  1. I found a 5.1.1 update that still has the b&w look, but does give an "add colours" option in the settings, so I guess I wasn't the only one that wasn't happy with the dreary look. With that option selected it looks like this.. .....which is better, but still too much grey for my liking.
  2. If you don't have v5 then I guess it won't look like v5? That said, there is 5.1.1 update that I wasn't made aware of so I will d/l that and see what that does.
  3. I once met a beautiful Polish girl. She was in a room at a party and I couldn't stop looking at her, so although I was normally very shy in the presence of such beauty, I just had to ask her name. She said it was Carmen. I said that it was a beautiful name and asked what her last name was. She said that she didn't have one. She abandoned her given name as most people couldn't say it properly, let alone spell it and besides which she didn't really like it herself, so she changed it and now she is just Carmen, chosen because those are the things that she liked most of all......cars and men. "What is your name?" she asked..... I said "I'm so pleased to meet you Carmen. My name is Charlie Beertits"
  4. I guess it would make a change from ****.
  5. As a CW user is it safe to get the demo yet or am I just going to waste my time / the demo period because it doesn't work properly? No mention of CW compatibility on the PB specs.
  6. Could have been worse Stanley. Apparently, if my mother had gotten her way I would have been called Nigel. I'm forever grateful that she was overruled.
  7. I find it hard enough to get people to listen when it's free so I've never felt inclined to pay to be ignored.
  8. Mine looks like this....
  9. Yeah I agree, although a bit pricey at the outset, the free updates are usually quite significant. Add to that the cumulative price of all the cheaper synths that hardly ever get used [that I'm guessing we all have] and it soon starts to look like good value, maybe even a bargain and I've barely even scratched the surface. Comparisons to Kontakt and Sampletank aren't really relevant IMO. Apples v Oranges.
  10. Sounds like a stitch up to me.
  11. I always figured that they took one or more of your teeth each time as the people who seem to experience alien abduction the most always seem to have considerably fewer teeth than those who don't.
  12. It's all gone quiet over at 1131.........
  13. I think it is a bug of some description because it didn't used to happen. That said, I'm a version or two behind current on my DAW pc so maybe it has been fixed already. Just clicking back on the clip after opening Melodyne seems to do the trick for me.
  14. I think for v6 they need to do something to make the UI better. I don't really like the v5 black and white treatment. Maybe it was just a cunning plan to ensure people will upgrade again to 6 just to get rid of the gloomy UI.
  15. Vernon Litterbug and the dirty beaches
  16. In the case of Sampletank 4, I'd say a legible UI. The contrast is dreadful IMO and I wouldn't buy it because of that alone. That and the fact that IKM seem to have taken the stance that it's your problem not theirs that you have trouble with it.
  17. I got Pro Flo tools I use it every day.
  18. Cool. That was going to be my next question/suggestion if you confirmed that XLR input was being picked up ok. Glad you're up and running. 😁
  19. You're not supposed to sprinkle your aftershave down there afterwards.
  20. Sounds like you need a tighter G string Ol' Pal. Cue S.L.I.P ................
  21. Does anybody use these? I've never really bothered with them. Is there something in there that I have been missing out on all these years?
  22. Does this mean that if it's the other way round S.L.I.P. gets Bapu's plug-in collection?
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