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Everything posted by paulo

  1. Layer this over the vocal track.... As loud as possible. You can't make it too loud.
  2. I dint do anyfink. It weren't me, right. Knowhatimsayin?
  3. Some kind of Exciter?
  4. " It never did me any harm............."
  5. Well, it might harm the bat a bit, but other than that..........
  6. I mean, it's not like it would do any harm, right ?
  7. What about bats? Should people eat bats?
  8. Phew. That's something else I don't need to buy then.
  9. Meanwhile, it looks like craigb has been digging through the reader's wives section to find his picture...............šŸ˜
  10. I must be getting old 'cos all I can see is that she would probably look better if she put the cheese ( I'm using that term loosely here ) on a couple of burgers and ate them. That and the state of the skirting board.
  11. paulo

    XLN updates

    Yeah, so far they've been pretty hopeless at issuing upgrade now or else ultimatums.šŸ˜€
  12. You better hope that it's $10 junk then, or I might start thinking that you didn't really send me your money.
  13. Yeah, but this is different....... It's two days of junk.
  14. Also, popularity is always dependant upon who you ask and not necessarily a reflection of how good something actually is.
  15. Well, if anyone knows how to get a job that you're not really qualified for, it would be government ministers.šŸ˜€
  16. I've probably never managed to be able to look at it for long enough to find that out.
  17. Oh that guy huh? Well prepare to be disappointed. I gave him all my bank account details ages ago and he's never put anything in. If anything I seem to have less money than before.
  18. That's more like juggling with it.šŸ˜
  19. Just arrived. Are you sure that's all of it? I figured you were much richer than that.
  20. Yeah, I was talking in terms of a DAW as a studio. Not sure that pushing buttons to trigger samples and loops is my idea of live either, but each to their own.
  21. If you folks are all so desperate to part with your money, you can always send it to me.šŸ˜€
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