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Everything posted by Johnbee58

  1. When you render your tracks to a WAV or MP3 are these tracks, in fact, silent? I've been grappling with this issue since Sonar X3 and it remains a mystery. I have a recent post up about it. I get the exact same message as you show above, but the tracks in question all are quite audible in both the project and when I render them. Also, as you were, I was advised to check the initialization file. When I do this, I see NOTHING listed. Am I missing a step? John B. PS-I thought, at first, that it was happening for me because I had used plugins that came with my Focusrite Scarlett interface, but that turned out not to be the case. It showed up even when I wasn't using the Red plugins.
  2. It's funny that the disclaimer at launch says that that track will be inaudible in the project until it is assigned to a channel. It IS assigned to a channel, THE MASTER BUSS, and it is AUDIBLE! I can make the message go away by deleting the track and remaking it (ie setting up a new audio track and re importing the the audio WAV file). This is still an annoying mystery, which nobody seems to have and answer for (I addressed this on the old forum regarding it happening in Sonar X3). However, it's not negatively affecting the projects it appears in. Guess I'll just have to try and ignore it. ALSO-When I check on the initialization file, there's nothing in the box to select. Thanks 😀John B
  3. I was going through some of my finished projects the other day and saw that one was saved with the FX button in the Mix Module activated. This is the button to bypass all audio effects, but when I ran the project I discovered that the delay and reverb I put on the lead vocal track do work (active). I want them to work and I probably accidentally bumped that button sometime before I saved it. I also take notice that when I launch that project a warning comes up that the lead vocals track is on a silent output channel, but upon playing the project and rendering it, that track plays fine, just the way I want it. I've been seeing the silent output channel warning on several track on different project over the past few years (going back to X3) but it doesn't seem to affect the final outcome and the playback and rendering is fine. It's like the system is lying to me. What do you think is going on? Should I try to get to the bottom of it or just let it go if nothing is affecting the final product? Thanks 😀John B.
  4. So sad. I really used to think that this was a pretty decent group of really helpful people. Now, not so much, especially looking at threads like this. But I guess it's just that the virtual world mirrors the real world in that there are always a few a$$holes in a RW club/organization. It's the same in the virtual world too. Unfortunate. If you don't want to watch a guy's tutorials, for whatever reason, just don't watch them. If he's acting like a crybaby, ignore him. I'm sure we're all better than the actions of some of the folks who've participated in this thread. Is it too much to ask to act civil and respectful to each other? We all have a common interest and a love for music. We should be helping each other instead of putting the other guy down. 😟JB
  5. Sorry about the above removed post but sometimes I get so mad at some people that I tend to say things that are ultimately beneath me and as there are no ways to delete posts once you put them up I just had to delete the words. That being said, I feel Chernobyl's (Scott's) pain and frustration about the issues he presents. In fact, I admire him for using much more constraint than I would if confronted with the plug in settings going bye- bye and the transport issue. Fortunately, I haven't encountered them (yet anyway). But perhaps he should have just forgone making his video until the folks at Cakewalk resolved those issues (as I'm sure they will eventually, perhaps as early as the next update). I feel confident they are, even at this moment, working diligently to come up with a successful answer. The negativity of some people on this forum is appalling! John & Puddy-You both have serious attitude problems! 🙂John B
  6. Hey Kenny, your playing sounds great! Sorry to hear about your health issues and I hope they're not too debilitating. Your song would sound great with a vocal line IMHO, but it's your tune to do with as you wish. It works great as is. Take care and keep healing! 🙂John B.
  7. The song itself is very catchy. And your vocals are spot on. My only nit is that your guitars are out of tune a bit, which is distracting and takes away from the true beauty of the tune. But, as you say, it's a demo. If you take it further I'm sure you'll tighten that up. 🙂John B
  8. German chocolate! Yummmm! Haven't had a piece of banana cake for a while either,☹️ 🙂John B
  9. I was wondering why I'm getting an update notification today after I did this update a week or two ago. 🙂John B
  10. Ditto on Sweetwater. Those guys are great. I just wish I would've bought all of the Waves plugins I have through them instead of directly from Waves. Main reason is that if you buy them from Sweetwater, any tech support (including any Team Viewer support and configuration) is totally free. If you buy direct from Waves they charge you a yearly fee for support. 🙂John B. Oh, and anytime I've ever bought anything from them, be it hardware or software, Mark Bruhn, their sales associate always gives me a call to thank me.
  11. Johnbee58


    Touching. They were a handsome couple in their youth. I enjoyed both the song and video. Was your grand dad a beekeeper? The one pic looks like he's standing among some boxes of hives. Just wondering. 🙂John B
  12. As Lynn said, this is fun to listen to. And everything sounds great including the vocals of both the man & lady and the SAX is delicious! Beautiful! 🙂John B.
  13. I like the song. The kick drum sounds a bit distorted. I find that distracting. 🙂John B
  14. Updated yesterday (3/21). No problems whatsoever. 😀John B.
  15. ABull, Lynn and Freddy-Thanks so much. I appreciate you taking the time to listen and comment. And thanks for liking the tune. 😀JB
  16. Different for you. You've switched from quiet ambient to electronic dance. The languages of the people talking/singing sound like different nationalities but I guess that's what the title means. Interesting. Good mix and feel. 🙂John B
  17. Thanks Tom. I sang the song as I felt it. It's kinda like I created a character and was delivering a dramatic performance. The song is from the viewpoint of a person with a broken spirit and giving up on trying to look like anything other than an idiot that the person he's addressing seems to want to treat him as. That would, as I see it, be the cause of the vocal "falls". When a person is depressed and has given up his/her voice is subject to that kind of inflection. 🙂John B.
  18. Mike. Glad to hear you're on the road to recovery. Stay cool and do what the docs tell you. Hopefully you'll be back to your DAW soon to make more music. BTW-I don't know if you're in the USA or not, but the private room/public room hospital situation is probably because there's a trend to go all private room, at least here in the states. This is to prevent nasty "hospital germs" like MERSA and those kind of things from spreading. A hospital complex very close to where I live has just expanded to provide all patients with private rooms. 😀John B.
  19. Thanks SPAK, InstrED, Daryl and Wookiee. It took a lot of effort to get those vocals as good as they are. Let's just say that Melodyne has earned it's place in my equipment cache. 😉 😀John B
  20. I like this tune. Lynn's vocals are nice and rich and the instrumentation is a unique combination for a tune like this (as mentioned above "electronic country". Small timing issues at the beginning but no biggie. Love the ending! 😀John B.
  21. Nice tune. Your vocals are great! You have a Phil Collins/Marty Balin quality to your voice. The melody is something that could be quite catchy with the right exposure. Drums could be brought up a bit. They sound a bit "foggy". Maybe that's how you want them to sound if you're looking for a "dream" quality, which would work here too. Overall a great effort. 😀John B
  22. Beautiful piece. Sounds very authentic instrumentation. I have Miroslav too but the Classic version which I only use for embellishments. I think this is the first I ever heard the entire ensemble used. Nice. 🙂John B
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