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Everything posted by abacab

  1. 49%-50% off until August 14th. https://www.pluginboutique.com/manufacturers/13-Kilohearts
  2. Do any of these internet radio stream URL links work with Winamp? Example - Radio Paradise New site: https://radioparadise.com/listen/stream-links Old site: https://legacy.radioparadise.com/#name=Listen&file=links
  3. Winamp’s New Version Is Here After Four Years In Development https://www.techworm.net/2022/08/winamp-new-version-four-years.html Winamp Is Back (Again) to Play all Those MP3s You Don't Have https://gizmodo.com/winamp-windows-media-player-mp3-return-back-download-1849361610 Forum link: Winamp 5.9 RC1 Released (direct download link works here): http://forums.winamp.com/showthread.php?t=458120
  4. Lucky break! Get anything good?
  5. abacab

    NI FM8 for $12

    You may want to check out this e-book for $2.99 >>> How to Make a Noise: Frequency Modulation Synthesis Kindle Edition (2011) The Featured Synthesizer: FM8 https://www.amazon.com/How-Make-Noise-Frequency-Modulation-ebook/dp/B008H7CEQG Author's site: https://noisesculpture.com/how-to-make-a-noise-frequency-modulation-synthesis/
  6. abacab

    NI FM8 for $12

    Check out the soft synths that Tangerine Dream was using live on stage in this 2007 show. One of them is FM7. There are also a few other synths that you may recognize on the large monitors.
  7. abacab

    NI FM8 for $12

    So what does it mean when 2 companies (NI & Tracktion) are nearly giving away their flagship FM synths? 🤔
  8. I checked in my Amplitube 5 and I already had the Nu-Tron III installed. Must have either picked it up with the group buy last year... or already had it in AmplTube 4 MAX.
  9. Izzit any good? I saw that it was free for BPB readers last year, so some may already have it. I got the AudioThing Orb, but not Texture.
  10. I have a friend that's a singer-songwriter guitarist, and is from the Gen-X era. I tried to introduce him to computers and DAWs, but he's just not a computer person, and I respect that. He found his way with a standalone digital hard disk recorder, and was even able to record and mix a CD using that. Respect! So I am sure that there is room for a software medium for artists to lay down and mix quality tracks, that do not require an entire recording studio worth of technology, or the DAW equivalent of such.
  11. That could be the bottom line.
  12. I agree about Surge, but I just cannot get past the interface. No joy there, IMO. Vital is a different animal. After I played around with the free version for a few hours, I upgraded to Vital Pro! Matt Tytel needs to be encouraged to keep developing this synth! I also have Pigments and Phase Plant, but there is something really unique and engaging about Vital!
  13. But then there is also this perspective: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/51291.How_to_Lie_with_Statistics
  14. I got Mntra and MNDALA a while back, to use with their ATMA "sound sculpture" library. And yes, quite a royal PITA!!! The thing that really threw me a curve ball was having to also register for a Pulse account, in order to use Pulse as their sounds downloader. But once you do get it working, the UI is interesting and you can do a lot with it. I got another premium library for it, Orakle. as a gift from a forum member here that felt the number of hoops to jump thru was a major deal breaker, and wanted nothing to do with it. Hey thanks again! You know who you are!
  15. Right! I believe that IK set up T-RackS to be modular ecosystem, where a common core framework is shared with "add-on" plugins. I have never tried to run a T-Racks plugin without having T-RacksS actually installed. I doubt it would work though, as the core program is apparently what authorizes the individual plugins to your account. Plus the individual plugin VST files themselves also look too small to actually contain all of the required code to function. Plus there are a whole lot of eye-candy graphics involved in the T-RackS GUI's, and that has to be stored somewhere!
  16. I have T-RackS 5 MAX installed. Here's my storage breakdown. 1.8 GB installed for the T-Racks application components (T-RackS 5.pak, etc.). 937 MB for 53 installed VST2 plugins. 941 MB for 53 installed VST3 plugins Comprexxor itself is 19.3 MB for the VST2 plugin, and 19.4 MB for the VST3 plugin. So my guess is that you would be looking at a minimum of 1.8 GB for the T-RackS 5 core program, plus a few MB's for the Comprexxor plugins, if you deleted all of the other "demo" plugins that the installer provides.
  17. Good to know. I already have Scaler, but don't often work with guitar parts.
  18. The email said v1.8.2 was well tested and appears stable, but they decided to slap the "Beta" tag on it just to be safe. In the video Skippy mentions that you can select from either Rosetta or Native mode, but in Native you can only access plugins that are also Native compatible, or else the plugins will not show up as available. There are a few minor features added that Windows users can also make use of.
  19. To anyone who has both, is Instachord superior to Scaler?
  20. Thanks! But I already mentioned that 5 hours ago! 😉
  21. That's it exactly. I bought the Comprexxor as a single purchase out of pocket as an entry to the Group Buy last year.
  22. Not actually a mystery. I received a new NFR copy of Comprexxor (without a license #). It's just a new entry in my products list, in addition to the copy I bought and paid for last year (that one has a license #).
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