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Everything posted by abacab

  1. It's Italy! Home of IK!!! 😎
  2. It depends on the community. Some are reliable, and some are absolutely not, lol!
  3. It seems I had somehow been unsubscribed from their newsletters. Subscribed again, but still no joy!
  4. I've been a Newegg customer for many years at the same email address, so wassup?
  5. Best advice ever!!! 😁 Custom shop will show you what you own, or don't...
  6. Read the reviews on this drive, and I'm in! ...Oh well. Newegg says that my email is not eligible for that promo code. So without the promo, and with tax added, the current Newegg price for me is $193.04, even with free shipping... 😢 That's exactly the same as Amazon Prime pricing, which includes tax, and free shipping in about 6 days.
  7. I'm probably going to need one of those to deal with my IK grouper "fresh catches"! 🤣
  8. The XLN Audio co-owner, Max Martin, is one of the top music producers in the world. Doubt he really needs the extra cash from new products... 😉 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Max_Martin https://www.xlnaudio.com/about
  9. Those were both released after the T-RackS 5 release. IK does not retroactively include new products into an existing bundle. They become "singles only", or may be added to a future bundle...
  10. That appears to cover the core applications only. Nothing there about expansions or MIDI...
  11. I bit on a 2nd entry yesterday with some double discounted Gear Credits. So I'm now up to 10 freebies!!!
  12. Yes, I still had the old Custom Shop, and it's now been uninstalled. Apparently the new one did not replace it, so the only way for me to access it was to launch it from the AmpliTube app. Weird?
  13. Yes, and when buying Gear Credits at the IK website, be sure to use as many Jam Points (up to 30%) for the purchase as you can, to drop the price even lower!!!
  14. I think it's a bit more convoluted than that. I discovered a couple of versions of CS installed. one thinks that I have 165 GC, and the other says 15...
  15. I have both, and I believe that each can serve a useful purpose without too much overlap.
  16. That's what you think! But whether you realize it or not, you have already been bitten by the GAS bug. So you will spend money whether you want to or not! Resistance is futile! 🤣
  17. No, not "that" Custom Shop". That's for SampleTank CS. This "Custom Shop" => https://www.ikmultimedia.com/products/amplitube5cs/?pkey=amplitube-5-cs To get to the Custom Shop purchase page, download and run Amplitube 5 CS, then click on the button at the top right labeled "Custom Shop". Under you user name, you will see a pulldown menu with option to "Redeem Credits Code". This is where you put the 20 digit code from the IK store to redeem your GC. Then you can buy anything in the CS up to the amounts of GC you have available. Confusing, right!
  18. I edited my earlier post to correct that. My bad for trying for a quick answer.
  19. In my opinion, MixBox is best inserted as a channel strip to a track. Instantly call up an FX chain preset. So it's a fairly quick and easy way to shape the sound on an instrument. Think of it more like an Amplitube effect for instruments other than guitar, like keys, synths, and samplers. The module controls are simplified to just what you need to work fast. Great for musicians that just want to lay down a track. T-RackS would be better on a send bus, or for mastering. But you could do either with either, just thinking of workflow here... The controls on T-RackS are more detailed and comprehensive, thus will require more study and understanding. Not really for average musicians writing and recording a song, but more applicable for mixing and mastering.
  20. I missed that you were thinking of getting an instrument, rather than Amplitube. Only certain things can be bought with GC in Custom Shop. Syntronik ain't one of them. You could step up to a higher level of Amplitube or T-RackS, for instance. Edit: to correct misinfo about Custom Shop. It looks like they also now have select SampleTank instruments in Custom Shop. My bad earlier! Syntronik is in there!
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