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Everything posted by abacab

  1. I looked into the Morph a while back. Looks a very adaptable touch pad, and the available overlays allow a lot of flexibility. However, I'm only interested in the two octave keyboard overlay. These items are all sold out and on back order from what I can see now. With Roli on hiatus, the only other good MPE controller option appears to be the Linnstrument...
  2. abacab

    SampleTank 4 CS

    Now if IK could just refine the color scheme in SampleTank 4, to make it easier on the eyes, and a few workflow issues, then they would have a total winner! The sounds are already awesome, and in some ways I really prefer it to NI Kontakt 6. I think that's great that they can now include 3rd party sound designers! But IK could improve the user experience a bit more...
  3. I bought SoundIron Hyperion Strings Micro from ADSR, a 3rd party, last year. Quite a lot of bang for the buck. And Micro was fairly cheap for the offer I received. When I emailed SoundIron about an upgrade path to Elements, they asked for a copy of the invoice. Then they sent me a discount code for the full amount I spent for micro, to purchase Elements with. So no 50% off... What is the essential difference between Micro and Elements, and is the upgrade worth it?
  4. I have both. We'll see where it goes from here... Kudos to @Reid Rosefelt for an another excellent video!
  5. I grabbed the MDynamicEQ as well. Maybe with that, and the EQual from T-RackS, I will never have to shell out for Fabfilter, LOL! 🤣
  6. And Retromod Lead, a bunch of sampled Nord Leads (9.8GB), for $40.
  7. So $100 for Biotek 2, $90 for F'em, and $65 for Hyperion.
  8. "GOURP": Is that a new secret code only for Larry's friends?
  9. There are quite a few good juans in the complete Chromaphone collection. I have them all. So now I'm trying to make time to go through each and every library and "star" the ones that sound the best to me. Got to narrow down the list a bit to just my favorites, or risk getting lost in the endless pile of cool random sounds, LOL!
  10. Glad you like that AXE! But all of my guitars are completely virtual, so nothing to plug in here.
  11. Have you checked out this preset in the factory library, a pad called "Restless Alchemist". Responds to velocity with a very nice response! The layers are "Liquid Guitar" and "Analog Pad". So a nice plucked, almost harp-like attack, with a smooth pad finish... So like you said, "Heaven".
  12. Here's a little free .nki that @huskerput together recently, as we were joking about crickets on another thread. He needed crickets for an ambient piece he was working on. Full Kontakt required! crickets.nki
  13. OK, you will really NEED the Chromaphone 3 & Ultra Analog VA-3 updates => GUI and browser overhaul. Plus now with dual synth layers A and B for bigger sounds. Like having 2 synths in one! Excellent!!! 😁
  14. The lack of resizable GUI kept me far away from the Korg Collection for years. But they finally got them updated, and so I'm all in now!
  15. I picked up the AS Upright Bass this summer. Very, very nice! I'll probably use EZBass to generate MIDI tracks to drive the AS Upright.
  16. Sounds cool! But have you tried the Ample Bass upright yet?
  17. The differences with CS and the full levels are shown here by asterisks: Other than that your existing TR 4 modules will unlock in TR 5, so you would only need to pick up missing modules as freebie selections.
  18. Try not using a simple instrument track. You can see and adjust the MIDI and Audio track separately by instead using Soft Synth insert options [MIDI Source] + [First Synth Audio Output].
  19. I've only got Hyperion Strings Micro, which is actually very nice. NI wants to sell me the full version of this collection for $279. So no. It appears that most of these type of sounds can be covered by something I've already got.
  20. Well at the current tier, I have 5 freebies that I can never use (since I already have all the titles in the list), so ... I'm going to start guessing how many unusable freebies I will have if we go much further, LOL! Too bad we cannot convert all these to Jam Points or something! 🤪
  21. Party in Savannah! I'm about 4 hours away! Whoo hooo!!!
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