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Everything posted by CSistine

  1. It seems you're strayed! This is not the S1 thread! πŸ˜† By the way I would never jump to S1 as DAW (although I have an Artist installation)! It has some nice functions, but overall it is very clumpy IMO. The plugin selection alone is a reason not to use it (confusing organization with partial priority on their own plugins). Compared to Reaper batch processing is weak, performance is worse, important things are not configurable, authorization and installation (update) is bad. But YMMV!
  2. You describe here only the positive side IMHO! The negative is that the devs probably just care about things THEY like, i.e. things that not a lot of users are interested in! And with subs the voice of the users is somehow reduced! Yeah, I think with the "hybrid" model my comment above is alleviated, but maybe still valid.
  3. Jag ocksΓ₯! JΓ€vla bra!
  4. Frankly, I don't understand people complaining about Reaper's "complexity"! You don't have to do all the sophisticated stuff that is possible to do with it, it's possible to use it very simply for recording and/or midi instruments, no big deal! And in the same time that you would waste with other DAWs for installing, backups and activation games you can really create some music with Reaper! Surely, also Reaper has some flaws, but compared to other DAWs that I worked with it is amazingly stable, efficient and even if you are not so sapient in music production (like me), you are able to gain access to functionality that people in other DAWs just dream of! And this all for a very fair price! πŸ˜‰
  5. But probably for each DAW! πŸ˜†
  6. Is this a hint to a DAW where you have to pay for doing a real trial? πŸ˜†
  7. Frankly, many of us have that many mixing plugins that this is true for almost any plugin vendor, not only PA! πŸ˜†
  8. and the last you are able to activate! πŸ˜†
  9. Me too! But even if they did not, you would be able to install your last version without problems in years to come! Absolutely best DAW authorization! Only for this kind of authorization I would pay $100 plus! πŸ‘
  10. "... you would still keep ...": Even if this was true, then there is still the question would you be able to move it to a new system (replacement)? Or would you be able to reactivate, if your system was changed (hardware and/or Windows update)?
  11. I totally agree it would be a huge negative! If this will be true for upfront payment, then I am out! The cost comparison of sub vs. purchase is one thing. But the fact that with a cancelled subscription you lose all vs. with a purchase you may still have your last version usable is the crucial argument! But YMMV!
  12. IMO they stumble, because they have done too many management games (sellings, reorganisations, priority changes, ...)! This annoys a lot of the competent stuff and if they leave, then they cannot be replaced easily! But YMMV.
  13. By the way this is another evidence that machine activations are a threat for the users! 😞 Now I have to fear some other programs will not be authorizable, if something is changed on my computers. Somehow this reminds me of Cakewalk and Gibson ... 😁 Thankfully, I have Reaper and Sonar X3!
  14. Is it worth the 8.4 GB drive space and the installation time? Opinions?
  15. With the new BandLab Product Center it is possible to download and install offline! Also it supports offline authorization!
  16. That wouldn't surprise me!
  17. Steinberg reminds me more and more of Apple that break a lot of old stuff gaining no real improvement! πŸ˜† For the users and the music world Vst3 brought a lot of traps and caused immense effort until now!
  18. I bought some apples at the grocery store, too! πŸ˜†
  19. I agree, it is very weird! Usually the marketing people work out prices and versions while the development team is working on the software. So that they are ready when the product is "feature-complete".
  20. Sorry, but it's misspelled: HOT in Swedish (=threat in English)! πŸ˜„
  21. Don't forget there are trends! Even if it's not successful many people from universities believe in trends! It's stupid, but it's that easy sometimes!
  22. That's what I was thinking, too. But seeing what has been happening since the announcement I am not so sure anymore whether BL wants to keep the "old" Sonar folk. I think they have noticed that most of them are not interested in the BL universe, but only in CbB!
  23. Sorry, but Ripple Editing was already a part of Sonar Platinum! Though the "20 years" number is an exaggeration, I agree that most of the functionality is already present in Sonar Platinum, even in Sonar X3 there is not a lot of difference IMO! But you are correct that Articulation Maps, Tempo Track, Arranger and the new Export Window have been added to CbB. If you don't use them like me (except export window), then the difference is really feeble! But YMMV, as always!
  24. I can tell you that currently it is very interesting upstairs again (similar to the time you mention)!!! A lot of smoke and no answers, users are treated like fools again! Delay tatics and no clear statements! I think I've lost confidence or shall I say they have fanned my mistrust! If it goes on like this, then I predict the end of Sonar!
  25. The only question that arises: Is a license really perpetual, if it has to be reactivated each 6 months? Can you trust that you will be able to reactivate in the future? Or will they urge you to buy a new version, again?
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