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Everything posted by Grem

  1. I post this a few days ago. It's still available from Koby at that price. You can pick up all four of them, wait for the sale on the tracker.
  2. I didn't see that!! Thanks Patrick!! Duhh!! 😆
  3. Fantastic price Koby got going over there... Upgrade price from Melodyne Studio 3 or 4 is... <$42 That's a great deal!!
  4. Yeah I went to Ujam and got it there. Thanks anyway!!
  5. It's asking for a code... I go to your link above, it brings me to Plugin Boutique, I click on "Add To My Downloads" and it brings me here And I ain't got no code!
  6. Check to see if the skiff is in the rack before moving vessel.
  7. That's what I was thinking. Some of the instruments are tailored for certain music, others seem to be full blown synths. But at this price.... Thanks for the tips!!
  8. You get 31 Kontakt instruments for $49. IDK if they are any good, never used them. But looking them over looks like this is a nice deal.
  9. I thought he spank..... never mind!!
  10. I just bought it,Roll Control. Here's hoping it works in CW!!
  11. Grem

    UAD Day 5 - Reverbs

    So after I purchased the 3 bundle, they gave me a $25 coupon!! And I used it! Got the Manley Tube Preamp for $25. Sweet! And here I thought I was already done with Black Friday sales!!
  12. Boy you got to admit... that was quick work Larry!! 🤣🤣🤣
  13. No bit, haven't heard of it either. Man, what a bummer. So sorry to hear this. As a guitar player, when at work I am always mindful of where I put my hands. Specially in my line of work. Though I don't do as much manual labor as I did earlier in my career, I am still around situations where if I would not pay attention, I would get into trouble. Case in point. In fact two cases in point. FIrst case, I was reaching for a door knob and my thumb rubbed the wood molding around the door. Got a splinter stuck under my thumbnail, all the way to the base of my nail. It went even further than that. But anyway... Yes it hurt going in and coming out. Second case, not long after the thumb incident, I was closing a watertight door (think very heavy) got my middle finger in a pinch point and ...... ouch!! Big time. Both cases were right around each other, and the first thing that popped into my head both times was how was this going to affect my playing. Well I realized that I need to up my "situational awareness". Plain and simple, I had to pay attention to where I was putting my hands. I got lucky both times. Again bit, sorry your going through this.
  14. Grem

    UAD Day 5 - Reverbs

    Just in case any UAD users missed your first post on this Larry, they are offering the bundles of "buy 3/6/10 PLUS get 3/6/10 free"!! Now the bundles are regular prices, so no cut there. But they are offering their newest plugins with these bundles. Which makes these a fantastic deal!! I am going with the Buy 3 bundle and get three for free: Hitsville Reverb - $349 Hitsville EQ - $149 PolyMax Synth - $200 Oceanway Mic Collection - $124 Bill Putman Mic Collection - $124 Neve 1084 Preamp - $149 For UAD stuff, this is a deal!!
  15. Yep. Maybe they testing the waters to see when we jump?
  16. Grem

    8DIO Jenifer

    Did you use their downloader? I just got this vocal lib and although it's not super speedy, it's not trickling down either. I am using the d/l'er.
  17. Grem

    8DIO Jenifer

    Kinda agree here. However... Exactly! So I went for it!! Joined the newsletter and got 15% ($3) off my order since it was my first time buying from them. So $17 wasn't bad for some really quality vocal samples. I will use these. Oh and I am d/l'ing a bunch of the free stuff too. Yep, going down the kontact rabbit hole
  18. My son has one with the 15 buttons on it and he raves about it. When he told me about it and sent a pic, then explained that you can make your own icons... yeah my mind started wondering... could I use this? Now they have come out with knobs on it... this makes it much more useable! Yeb, another hardware purchase maybe on the horizon. : )
  19. Yep. It does help me to get my mixes to sound better on a variety of stuff. Used one of those programs to get a few songs ready for cell phones and it worked pretty darn good. Much better than I expected.
  20. Most of my purchases this year have been hardware.
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