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Everything posted by InstrEd

  1. Would, but you don't look so good with all of that green mucous on your face🤣
  2. You have a good point. Most of us seem to fall into that trap.
  3. Divine Spirits told the church folks it would be a good idea.
  4. Sad that the fire happened and now some French Billionaires want to donate. Why weren't they donating before the fire for the on going restoration?
  5. I love the debate about eggs. One minute don't have them, the next sure they are fine to eat. Make up your mind already medical community!
  6. Silly it is because of Municipal Code. City needs Permit revenue...................🧐 Now I need to run for cover too!
  7. Is this hunch to the left or to the right and have you had it verified? Just asking because I might want to apply for his position: Occupation:Bell-ringer of Notre Dame cathedral.
  8. I really am surprised that Microsoft hasn't made a useful audio driver like Core Audio yet. But as we know Microsoft is Microsoft😐
  9. Did Quasimodo survive? There has been no mention and I'm worried
  10. It shall remain un-named for it brings back creatures from the other DAW makers who wanted to destroy us believers in Cakewalk. How's that for a run-on sentence🧐
  11. Now Now Mesh it will be okay😀 Just have some 🥓 and you will feel better 🤑 Just like this Emoji
  12. They had a restoration of a pipe organ at a church in Oak Park IL and it cost several $100,000 if I recall correctly. I can't imagine how much it would be to restore Notre Dame organ if it was damaged.
  13. It was not I good Sir. Maybe it was you?
  14. They also get the wind knocked out of them more easily😀 They also take longer to warm up 😃
  15. Sad day for sure. That must of been a treat to play a pipe organ in such a majestic building.
  16. As long as it doesn't come with Mrs. Thurston Howell the third I like Green tea with lemon.
  17. Now i have to work on my CHOCOLATE consumption 😉😃
  18. I'll be having a Becan and Egg sandwich for lunch 🥓
  19. I don't use graphic Design software as much as I use to and I can relate how I forget somethings with layers and it drives me nuts. I think that is the same way for DAW programs too. You have to use the program regularly to maintain some level of proficiency. Some programs you just have to bite the bullet and spend some time with them. I do like the idea about Videos. I wish Cakewalk had this with simple Demo projects that get you started series.
  20. I just looked up Earl Grey tea. Looks interesting. I'll have to try it one of these days or nights.
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