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Everything posted by InstrEd

  1. Question is did Bill get the Rainbow Unicorn😃
  2. I think CbB should make the check from 6 months to a year. This way at least most could time the update when it is there slow time.
  3. @Piotr nice +count to the number of your posts. Call me impressed
  4. You might be right there. Of course maybe you can get a settlement when the government finds the piano is using fake samples 😅
  5. I like my Cuisinart maker too but I'm lazy to clean the grinder so I only use it now and then. But it really makes a great pot of coffee when I have it grind whole beans.
  6. @bayoubill I think that is the tune Santa uses to wake up the Elves
  7. Isn't anyone listening to Christmas music yet?
  8. This really is a DEAL as CbB is free
  9. I don't think you use your own finger😏 you made me hungry
  10. Really? I think you brought it for the Unicorn🤣
  11. I was a good student but my daughters are in another league. Hope these grades and clubs pay off for them with some scholarships. When we go to parent teacher conferences we bring our daughters along. Quite a few teachers tell us they are to hard on themselves. We tell the teachers don't tell us tell them that, we know. Want them to get good grades but not obsess about them. They both are both competitive, I keep praying they don't burn themselves out.
  12. Wonder if Wilkins Coffee was any good? Either way I love these old ads!
  13. You are not being very nice🙄 besides I'll keep my DAW's like my live always behind the times.
  14. I felt that way with the graphics programs I used before too. Seemed like there was always an update!
  15. They all keep trucking along. How does any of us keep current?
  16. or your night job either..............................................😛
  17. Yep they had early optional study groups they wanted to attend. If they had to catch the early bus they would of had to be outside at 6:15am. Me driving them we leave at 6:50am
  18. Mesh must be out testing them all 😆
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