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Everything posted by InstrEd

  1. I'm not afraid to say the name. It is just that I'm to busy now to say the name. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
  2. Fixed that for you 😆 I'm not going to say anymore alas I shall bring this FRED down the wrong rabbit hole 🤪
  3. Safest thing to do is go fishing/camping without any cell/internet service. Get back to nature and save yourself $$$!
  4. Don't try to print-out that spreadsheet Larry. Think of all the trees you will save
  5. And here I thought you were actually talking about really Maple Syrup 😆
  6. I see this product is aimed for the "Tin Man" 😁
  7. Silly you have to turn up the volume
  8. Nice video. Thanks for sharing your viewpoint.
  9. Does this CJ still exist 🙄 Word on the street studio is that it was just forklore 😆
  10. Mike time to go have your eyes checked 🤪 I think an extra Orange/Purple Lava Lamp should be added though.
  11. Call it the lock-down special along with the turkey trot rumble 😆
  12. Come on Presonus we know you can go lower. Pandemic Sale!
  13. I'm going to behave and let this one pass 😜
  14. What about the Detailing? Oh and the pretty pine scented car freshener. Have to have one of those
  15. Sorry I don't believe you Bill. It must be "Fake News" as Google would never ever..........nevermind
  16. Is being mature allowed in the Deals forum? Asking for a friend
  17. Yep and have a few drinks to think it over.
  18. You do get quite a nice selection of add-ons if you are just starting out.
  19. That is some good news Hope it all goes well.
  20. I remember when I had my eye exam at under 40 years old. The doc told me I got some good news and bad news to tell you. I said what is the bad news first. He replied you need bi-focals. Okay then what is the good news? His reply is that I was already two prescription strengths past when he recommends getting bifocals or progressives. With that he said I don't think you will have any trouble getting used to the progressives. He was right as I adjusted to them in only several days. Years later my wife finally had to get them and it took her several weeks to adjust to them.
  21. What about a good eye. I could use one of those 😆
  22. If you are doing rounds, ss it because you are doing a Canon? If so I never like to be in the first group. Trust be with my voice you don't want me leading or evening following. But with a few free drinks I'm willing to give it a shot!
  23. Presonus, you know you want to give us a nice sale price on SOP 🤭
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